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I am a Christian belonging to the Orthodox Syrian Christian Church and a Roman Catholic Priest of a nearby church sensed that we were in financial doldrums. So he thought of a ‘faith-hunt’ to which we were the targeted victims. His idea was to amass divine blessings by converting a Syrian Christian family to a Roman Catholic Christian family - a different division of the one and only Christianity. He promised my father good education for we, the four siblings and later decent jobs using their mighty church influence. My father showed him the way out with dignity and advised us that conversion is an unnatural indulgence and we should never encourage it. Further this particular Roman Catholic Priest was trying to convert another Christian Priest of a different denomination to a Roman Catholic Christian Priest. Can't we call it homo-conversion?

2007-06-14 11:38:51 · 19 answers · asked by Nimit 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Convertion is a tool to expand the territories of a religion.
Generally done out of fear of getting extinct.

Can we aquire the love of God by bribing. Religionist simply bribe the mass( by telling we will educate u, get u a good job or give landor food or shelter) to get converted into thier faith.

After a while the newly converted guys are second class and still illtreated by the society they are converted. Same problems which existed before will come back.

Convertion is really foolishness. God accepts all as they are. So should we also love all dropping everything. Then there may not be the religion but there will be love. We all know God is Love.

Convertion only taints Gods love. It trys to prove God is only for a particular sect. That is really a rubbish, for God is Equal to all(Atheist, Theist, religionist, God lovers, Spiritualist, Scientists, Humanity, Animals, plants, Bird, microbes any life form or anything non- life(things))

2007-06-14 17:20:02 · answer #1 · answered by M.L.M 4 · 0 0

I (Jesus Christ) commission you (my apostles) "Spread the Good News (Gospel) to all the nations of the world."


"Your name shall be Peter (meaning Rock) and on this rock I will build my Church, and even the gates of Hell will not prevail
against it..........and I give my power to your hands (the apostles).....the keys to the kingdom.......and whatever you agree on is locked!"

Look. There is one true Church according to the Big Guy! You know J.C. Trust the crazy rowdy Greeks to schism the Church.

Regarding the other religions: The biggest lies have partial truths. Look it's real simple: Did He arise from Death? The answer to this question will define which side you fall on. Pretty simple stuff.

Regarding the Islamic forces: they deny the divinity of Christ, and in doing so they are against Christ: They are Anti-Christ.

Regarding the Hindu's you are the grist between the Chinese and the oil fields of the Middle East. Geography is sometimes a real *****. Everyone has their role to play. Everyone is invited to the dance. Sorry Evangelicals: no one is flying away till after this thing is over.

2007-06-19 03:56:49 · answer #2 · answered by eagleperch 3 · 0 0

God forgive these idiots, for they donot know what they are doing.Both christians and muslims have totally misunderstood their religion and think that God has ordered them to convert the people into their faiths.If God has told them any thing at all he must have told them,you dumb heads go and tell people to believe in almighty God and not on their own brutal strength and egos.When man walked on this earth he was crude rude and what not.To bring a normal peaceful life and law and order some wise men have put the fear of God in man.Some crooks have started cashing this for their benefit and control of human population.Some of these crooks have become politicians and others religious preachers.
If any one asks you to change your religion tell him he will be roasted alive in hell.The deadliest poison today in this world
is the war of supremacy between muslims and christians.

2007-06-22 05:55:54 · answer #3 · answered by murthyssr9 4 · 0 0

It is not unnatural (our all the works are unnatural but when it is for the furtherance of the humanity it denotes as holly work & when it is ailing humanity it denotes sin) , but it against humanity. Conversion represents the will of the person / institute who insists for and carries it out in furtherance of his / its' will, and not fulfilling the will of the person who get converted. In my opinion the practise of conversion to be changed to "ADAPTATION" which represents fulfilling of the will of the person who adopts.

I don't understand when our religious heads would awake and do some thing in which in true sense put religion in the add of humanity.

Before I am Hindu, I am human being and basically follow the human religion first (which every one must follow, in fact all are ,knowingly / unknowingly, following it also.)

2007-06-14 16:39:03 · answer #4 · answered by kbn_25 4 · 0 0

i believe that God will advantages us for sharing the gospel in our very own way,based on the circumstances we are in and the those that we are dealing with. in my opinion,and,based upon my own studies,having a revenues administration ability has no longer something to do with it. Why?as a results of fact all persons as man or woman Christians are precisely that-persons!this is how God made us! That even applies to Christians of all persuasions who make a living doing any finished time ministry like Pastor or Evangelist,case in point,for every physique who's a Protestant Christian,or for every physique who's a Roman Catholic or jap Orthodox Christian,being a clergyman or a nun(once you're a female). i'm going to call 2 examples: a million. For Protestants: Rev. Billy Graham develop into an entire time evangelist-Southern Baptist,to be precise. 2.For Roman Catholics:mom Angelica of the Franciscan nuns in Irondale,Alabama,between the founders of the eternal be conscious Catholic worldwide television community. And,of direction,for Roman Catholics,the present Pope,Benedict #sixteen. there is maximum of extra those that i ought to call,yet I won't. One considered necessary base line:Conversion is as much as persons as quickly as a message is shared with them! no possible rigidity yet somebody else to get saved!

2016-10-09 05:37:33 · answer #5 · answered by janero 4 · 0 0

any true beleiver in his/her faith will try to give the light to all who come across his path. It is not for ones own spritual gratifacation it is for the benfit of those who hear the word.
Abstract analogy: if you just went to a 1/2 off Sale at Macy's would you not want to inform someone else. Macy's is not giving a discount for telling other people of its low prices.

2007-06-14 11:47:56 · answer #6 · answered by Pimp Masta B 2 · 1 0

God will only punish you for doing so.It is a constitutional and divine right for a person to continue to believe in his belief and nobody should be compelled or forced to be in a particular religion by any means.It is a deadly sin to do it so.

2007-06-22 08:21:57 · answer #7 · answered by Sabari Nair 2 · 0 0

Anyone who tries to convert others is guilty of over-stepping his/her boundary. God does not have to punish anyone who does this however, for the spiritual law of cause and effect will ensure that the freedom of that guilty person is compromised in future. You may tell someone else about your religion, if the person is interested. But invariably, you will find that when someone is pushing his/her religion on you, it is because he/she is not sure of it.

2007-06-20 07:02:41 · answer #8 · answered by RAFIU 4 · 0 0

The ultimate God is only one who has no religion. All beliefs and religions will lead to his place only. God either rewards or punishes one for their good and bad deeds but not for conversions,

2007-06-18 20:29:29 · answer #9 · answered by ravipati 5 · 0 0

Conversion by reward or by sword is always a Sin.

This is what happened in India and still happening

2007-06-14 20:50:13 · answer #10 · answered by Divya Jyoti 4 · 1 0

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