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how about this new immigration law that they are trying to pass is it good or bad and why.please let your seantors and congresspeople know how you feel.from what i hear on radio the people are against it and they are for it. I would like to know what the people really feel. thanks

2007-06-14 11:11:37 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

27 answers

I have now, nor have I ever had a problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION. I am now, always was and always will be opposed to illegal border crossing and lawbreakers. I have burned up the telephone, the computer and the fax lines and even cost myself hundreds of dollars in communications costs to ensure that my congressmen, senators and even our department of justice and the newspapers understand what my concerns are now, have been and will continue to be unless we get our laws enforced. Laws without enforcement are simply words on paper and mean absolutely nothing except U.S. Citizens and Law-abiding immigrants will continue to get screwed, have their identities stolen and will have to pay big money for people who don't have the best interests of the USA in their hearts or minds and who are really not citizen material. After all, would you want an identity thief as your neighbor? Would you want a lawbreaker's children attending the same school with your children when children learn what they live? We try to ensure that we live in safe neighborhoods and that our children learn to obey the laws and respect the laws of the land. However, when illegal immigrants stand up and thumb their noses at the law and teach their children that they are entitled and that that they are allowed to break the law to have a better life for themselves, it's like teaching your children that if you want a better life, go steal one. There is absolutely no difference. When the churches thumb their noses at the law, they have defied their own religion and ignore God's teachings as well as the teachings of Jesus Christ himself who said "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give unto God what is God's. God's commandments say thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not-- they don't say do whatever you want, whenever you want and then let God sort it out. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. Jesus also did not break any laws and Pontius Pilate could not find a law that Jesus broke. That's why it is said that Christ died for our sins. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Without laws that are enforced, we cannot have any freedom because those who have no respect for the law will just take what they want and do what they want and there will be war. That's fact proven over and over and over again. 1986 took us from 3 million illegal aliens to 12-20 million today due to failure of our government to ensure that our laws were enforced. How can we expect that anything will be different when the government has hardly even tried to enforce the 1986 and 1996 laws as evidenced by the 400-600% increase in illegal activity? Sometimes we have to demand proof of sincerity and proof of intent to enforce the laws before we can expect anything to change. Right now, all I'm seeing is that illegal immigrants are getting a pass on law enforcement across the board. The companies that hire, harbor and help them are committing treason and are supporting terrorism and promoting identity theft and are even allowing our most private information to be shipped to foreign countries without government oversight while the government is punishing citizens for every minute infraction of the laws. Look at Gordon Liddy -- all he did was lie. What are the illegal immigrants doing on a daily basis? Aren't they committing fraud and lying on federal documents? They are openly spewing their doctrines and hatred on our television (Elvira Arellano -- a lawbreaker gets to talk on TV while US Citizens are ignored), are openly graduating from our high schools and colleges even though they are lawbreakers and they are given breaks. Let our kids lie to go to a different school and their parents are charged with fraud. Sure doesn't make for equal treatment under the law. More like preferential treatment to traitors. It's no wonder that the USA is on the verge of a Civil War itself.

2007-06-14 11:34:23 · answer #1 · answered by Mindbender 4 · 0 3

Immigration is fine, but there needs to be rules and standards set.

This country was founded and populated by immigration.

I think immigrants should have to go through a process to be allowed into the country, and the illegal immigrants should be deported or offered into a course where they can learn the fundamentals of the American lifestyle-including the english language-and be set up with alien citizenship upon completion. The biggest problem around here (in the middle of the midwest, mind you) is that the population of hispanic people is ever rising, and most of them don't know english. They get fake id cards or social security numbers and work in less desirable jobs or start there own businesses (which is respectable, but if you go into them, you might want to know basic spanish).

We are the land of opportunity, but getting to the opportunity shouldn't involve swimming a river and hopping a fence.

2007-06-14 11:39:26 · answer #2 · answered by dejectedpunk 3 · 1 0

A healthy and robust economy requires an ever growing amount of labor.

If current citizens aren't having enough children to meet that demand for labor, we must turn to immigration to meet that demand.

The United States is not a static economic entity like some board game on your kitchen table!

Japan and many European countries have an aging population that isn't replacing itself with enough native-born people.

The United States has had the same problem for the last 45 years.

Economies go into decline if their labor supply dries up.

Our elected officials have let us down by not engineering a comprehensive and effective immigration policy that is enforceable and verifiable.

The U.S. needs a comprehensive immigration policy that prevents this country from being "Balkanized" into regions of cultural antagonism.

NAFTA was a big bust !!!!!

2007-06-14 11:43:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am absolutely for immigration in the proper legal manner. And I don't believe that most of the illegal immigrants in our country have come here to break more laws and destroy our country. I believe most of them are here to seek out a better life for themsleves and their family.

There is nothing for them in Mexico and if I were in their shoes I would get here as fast as I could, too. Especially when I know that no one is going to stop me.

This bill will simply encourage more illegal immigration. It will reward those who broke our laws to get here and punish no one (I don't believe for a second that any fines will be paid as they are laid out in the bill.)

There is no provision for securing our border. We live in a different world than we did 50 years ago. People want to kill us for being Americans. They have two easy entry points. The Canadian Border and the easiest, The Mexican Border.

It's time to fix the leak. We'll figure out what to do about the water in the boat once the hole is plugged. Maybe some should be allowed to stay. But if you have broken a law while you have been living off of my tax money, it's time to go on the other side of the fence.

2007-06-14 11:36:06 · answer #4 · answered by tyger35 2 · 0 1

I am for immigration... if it is done legally.

I am against it when done illegally, and think that the bill being proposed is some politicians way to try and please everyone... giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, but demanding a new system by which people can become legal.

You can't please all the people all the time.

Bush and Ted Kennedy are for the bill... this makes me distrustful, due to their track records on honesty. Apparently the Decider Commander Guy thinks that signing a bad bill which gives amnesty to those who ignored our immigration law is the only solution to our current problem of not being able to enforce those laws.

I disagree with that, though I can't pretend to know all the specifics of the bill... I don't. What I do know is that we have laws in place, and we also have tens of thousands of people who try to enter our country legally, through a lengthy and difficult process, and that this bill not only rewards those who bypassed that system, but also should offend those who try to follow the laws and enter legally.

2007-06-14 11:20:31 · answer #5 · answered by Noneya Dambiz 3 · 1 1

I am against this immigration bill, because all it does is gives amnesty to all the people who are here now illegally. All the people still waiting to come here the LEGAL way will still be waiting. All the illegals have to do if this passes is pay a $5000 fine. They won't be deported. The bill will also strenghthen the border (although I'm sure they'll still find ways past it) and creates a guest worker program.

2007-06-14 11:20:20 · answer #6 · answered by Phillies 2008 WS Champions! 3 · 1 1

Odin makes outstanding factors in his placed up, yet your remark "Now many are bashing Obama because he might want to (or might want to no longer) have different beliefs than themselves" is erroneous. many all and multiple is bashing O'Bammo because he gained't own as a lot as his previous and his previous incorporates being a practitioner of the Muslim faith. He should be a guy and by no ability a weasel, talk the actuality (for a 'substitute') and enable the chips fall the position they could. many human beings might want to have some respect for the guy if he replaced into basically honest about his previous and resources up being so disingenuous. i theory this guy wasn't a well-known flesh presser. guess i replaced into incorrect... Arthur the Atheist - thanks on your academic Bible charges. note that the be conscious 'alien' is used contained in the charges, no longer 'unlawful alien' (i comprehend you left-wingerzzz won't be able to understand the distinction). The Bible is a e book of regulations very resembling the U.S. structure and coming the following illegally is breaking the regulation. Now pass and crawl again below your rock because your persons from MS13 are looking for you.

2016-11-24 19:36:19 · answer #7 · answered by friedman 4 · 0 0

Well... Mexicans aren't taking our jobs because I see plenty of "Now Hiring" signs. If I need another job, I could go get one right now and easily. I can't believe that someone who is illegal and knows zero English can get a job faster than an American. In addition, many who answered this question and were against illegal immigrants can't even spell in English. No wonder you can't get a job. I have worked and volunteered in many places where many hispanics work and boy can I tell you something. Almost anywhere, the hispanic worker is like speedy gonzalez and the other worker is like the American symbol, fat and lazy. Come on! Even Mexican grandmas can work faster. Let's be realistic.

2007-06-14 11:37:07 · answer #8 · answered by Capri 2 · 1 1

I support it and this is why...

Our current immigration system is broken. Outdated and unrealistic visa allocations and rigid arbitrary caps preventing family reunification have created an environment which ENCOURAGES illegal entry – endangering citizens and non-citizens alike. The current system has resulted in the squandering of billions of ’ dollars on ineffective enforcement measures, a record number of deaths in our deserts, the exploitation of undocumented immigrant workers, and an extensive cottage industry for fake documents. The status quo simply isn’t sustainable when an estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants live in the shadows of our society with no opportunity to earn legal status. We need to weed out the criminal element and welcome the undocumented worker. Stop demonizing these people for seeking a better life, get them legal and to become a part of our country, paying taxes, etc.

2007-06-14 11:27:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My father is an immigrant, and I know many people who are immigrants. People searching for a better life automatically come here. Immigration is great, but illegal immigrants from Mexico ought to be stopped. People overseas go through a lot of...heck...to get here, and its not fair that the Mexicans just have to hop the fence.

2007-06-14 11:16:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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