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There seems be an equal lack of evidence to support the divinity and omnipotence of each religious object. It does appear that there is evidence that Chirst and Mohammed actually lived, but there is no evidence of their divinit. Is it just a matter of which household you grow up in?

2007-06-14 09:58:54 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Only through Jesus Christ can you be reconciled back to the Heavenly Father. No other. Jesus says "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No man comes to the Father except through me." So Jesus Christ is the only Truth - the others are fake, phony gods - Only Jesus is True. The only way to understand this dear one is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ - an empty grave proves that He is who He says He is - there is no other way to Heaven. I pray you find Him - the Truth - before it is too late. Blessings dear one. PS Mohammed has a grave - he is dead. Jesus Christ is alive and sits at the right hand of God the Father.

2007-06-14 10:03:55 · answer #1 · answered by jworks79604 5 · 1 3

I believe that most people worship who they were raised to woship and so forth. There are very few religous/faithful people out there that took a step back and explored other religons to make a choice.
And then of course there are the people who never had a religon growing up. They made their decision based on a friend or someone else influencing their beliefs in some ways. Other people look for signs. In my case I was raised in a pagan household. Then my step mother and father gained custody and were strict catholics. I rebeled and believed in evolution alone for a good while. Then a Christian came into my life and in effort to please him (he was a grandfather type figure who's feelings I didnt want to hurt) I began going to church. I had many unanswered questions and I was full of disbelief but one day what I consider a miracle happened for me and I challenged God and sort of said "if your real then..." and what I asked for was nearly impossible but low and behold it happend! coincidence? Possibly, but that was all it took for me to pledge my faith. I am still a non denominational Christian because i still feel that all of the religons are warped by past generations and that no one religon has it right. But I still believe in God and in Christ as my savior and that will never change.

2007-06-14 10:16:40 · answer #2 · answered by junebugbaby83 1 · 1 0

I think for most people, it's a matter of which household you grew up in. I think converts to those religions seem to follow a certain pattern as well. Most converts to Islam, for example, came from Christianity - honestly! But that makes sense, as those people see it as a natural progression from their former faith (very few people convert from Islam to Christianity, on the other hand). Most converts to Judaism come from moderately religious households (or atheism) and are usually introduced to Judaism through friends, food, or cultural events.

(p.s. Muslims don't worship Mohammed, they worship God)

2007-06-15 01:38:47 · answer #3 · answered by nomadic 5 · 1 0

Actually there isn't any evidence at all that Jesus lived. There are absolutely no mentions of him from ANY writings, anywhere in the world at that time, none, nada, ziltch. Interesting considering he was supposed to be the world's messiah, eh?

There is one mention in Josephus, but it was long ago proven to be a fraud, inserted by someone trying to make up for the fact that there are no historical references to Jesus anywhere.

There is only ONE other place where he is mentioned and that is in a small mention by the historian Tacticus - however, he got many facts about Julius Ceaser wrong in his historical writings, among others, which throws doubt on the veracity of the mention of Jesus there, and the style of writing for that mention doesn't match his either, so it's pretty well considered a forgery also.

Considering the Gospels weren't written by any apostles, and in fact weren't even written until anywhere from 70 to 300 years after the supposed life of Jesus, those aren't any kind of historical document either.

Seriously, there is not ONE mention of Jesus anywhere in the world during his supposed lifetime, anywhere. 90% of the Jews at that time lived outside Israel and never heard of him, furthermore, the Jews who DID live in the land at that time never heard of him either!

There are a couple of mentions in the Talmud of a Yeshua who was tried and killed for apostacy, for attempting to lead Jews away to worship idolatry, but again, the timing and circumstances given in the details don't match the story of Jesus as given in the Christian bible.

As for the divinity of jesus, this was decided on at the Nicene Council some hundreds of years after his supposed life. Such an idea is idolatry to Jews, making a man into a god and worshipping him, and would not have been anything in existance or in practice in Judaism at the time of Jesus (nor anytime after that, either, actually).

So yeah, it's just a matter of what you grow up with I think, what fairy tales you're brought up to believe are real and really happened.

Mohammed isn't considered a god or a deity in Islam either. This is idolatry for a Muslim to believe that Mohammed is a deity to be worshipped, just like it is in Judaism to believe any man is a deity to be worshipped.

2007-06-14 10:25:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The remark via Skipper has many good factors and those I up-voted are good additionally yet for me there is branch. in the beginning, God is become self sufficient from Jesus Christ subsequently the call Christ for God is incorrect yet in addition to verify with no longer giving a picture because of the fact of idolatry, I ask "Why can we then refer god to as a 'him' rather of a 'her'? isn't gender assigning the comparable as image-assuming ? next, getting closer to a writer is to be executed extra of the spirit than the ego with the objective to 'call' that writer is merely for worshippers who choose for identity and popularity to help them understand a 'bigger power'. I additionally rigidity that 'being on good words' with the writer seems to be a mass undertaking, a dissonance that comprises putting importance of recognizing who that is and what it expects human beings . . . that's incredibly just to be all that we are able to be in this existence-time, until now shifting to the subsequent point. each and every of the names assigned via assorted non secular factions have led to extra misery in families because of the fact of a term referred to as 'monotheism'--my god is the only god via the call I even have given him and thats that ! nicely, 'that' sort of thinking restricts the spirit from incredibly experiencing an more advantageous power impression which, IMHO, is interior no longer above, no longer previous, to no longer the section nor interior the middle. A 'god-like' power is residing in us all different than many choose for a tangible sort of worship, and that i won't answer the 'why' of that . . . sharing the gentle, pass over erica hidvegi

2016-10-17 06:58:40 · answer #5 · answered by contino 4 · 0 0

Muhammad is not worshipped, Muslims only worship God.. To realize what you truly believe you need to study all of these religions and in your heart you will know what you believe is right.. Let God guide you to finding the religion that is for you.. Good Luck!

2007-06-14 12:12:04 · answer #6 · answered by Resh 1 · 1 1

Many people are born into a determinate religion,brainwashed since they were kids, if you happen to live in the middle east you most likely will be a muslim, if you happen to be in Usa most likely a cristian.The choice of religion is determined as you said by the family you grew up with and geographical issues. Some people do change during their life , but most of them are stuck .It is such a shame , I wish kids would have the opportunity to grow up free of religion conditioning and only when they are adults choose as they please .

2007-06-14 10:10:29 · answer #7 · answered by ateo 2 · 1 1

Muslim's don't worship Muhammad...he was a messenger. God is the only one worth worship and the best path to worship Him is through Islam (submission to God).

Search for the TRUTH, when you find it...accept it...

Thank you for the opportunity to answer.

2007-06-14 10:08:56 · answer #8 · answered by Sassafrass 6 · 2 2

Muslims don't worship Muhammad. He is a messenger, not God Himself!

2007-06-14 10:02:20 · answer #9 · answered by Zifikos 5 · 2 1

Buddha is not seen as a God.

He is seen as a teacher. No one "worships" Buddha.

Buddhists follow Buddha's teachings.

2007-06-14 10:10:46 · answer #10 · answered by Sapere Aude 5 · 2 1

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