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what religion(s) (or philosophy, belief system, etc.) do you feel is second best to your own? you don't have to explain why, but it would be more interesting if you did. also tell me what religion (or whatever) you are right now.

2007-06-14 09:52:46 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

there are a lot of very interesting answers here! thank you people!

however i must say that if you are here just to say that your religion is the best and everything else is garbage, you have defeated the purpose of my question, which is to have an open mind. i am not asking anyone to abandon their beliefs, just to acknowledge the good in others.

2007-06-14 10:38:32 · update #1

since i asked this question, i feel i have a right to answer it too. i am a muslim (a convert, raised a christian, also went through a "searching" phase), and i have a very high regard for judaism (Robert S, i totally agree). i do, however, feel that there are good things in all religions, or even in being spiritual / agnostic. even though i'm not an atheist, i can understand why they would feel that way.

2007-06-14 10:52:01 · update #2

you're welcome, Daniel F. jainism is very interesting. :)

2007-06-14 10:53:47 · update #3

29 answers

I am a shamanistic pagan, with roots in the native traditions of the Taino (Arawak) tribal nation. My chief Goddess is Guabanacex (the Goddess of Terrible Winds, i.e. Hurricanes). This is the religion of my Ancestors.

I think the second best religion I've found is Daoism. I am very attracted to the concept of Pu, the Uncarved Block. It basically states that the most potential lies in the uncarved block and that the moment you subtract from it, you begin to narrow the possibilities of what it could be. I try to keep an open mind about things and be the Uncarved Block in life. Buddhist teachings would probably come third. I love the concept that all dissapointment in life comes from our own expectations of a situation, and not the situation itself. This has lead me on a study of the true Nature of different things around me. I came to realize that I was dissapointed in my parents not because they were bad parents but because I held them to a standard that they could never reach. I began to truly understand them and accept them for who they were and it has opened an entirely new level of communication in my family.

So yeah, Daoism and Buddhism are close seconds.

2007-06-14 09:59:47 · answer #1 · answered by LoneRanger 2 · 3 0

I'm a Norse Heathen with a strong emphasis on ancestor worship, ancient worldview, and folk customs.

Second and third choices for me, because of the deep sense of connection I feel to my own Folkway and lineage, would have to offer the same sense of belonging and purposeful ritual---I'm one-eighth Tsilagi (Cherokee to you, paleface! *G*) so perhaps a less xian-corrupted form of Amerind spirituality than is common in New Age circles would come in second place for me . . . I like what I know of the Dine Blessing Way, and the Lakota traditions, and think if I could find the "real" Tsilagi spirituality (as opposed to the endlessly hawked tourist version) I'd probably feel comfortable there. Not AS, but that's why it's second. Those ancestors only rarely interact with me.

Outside my own ancestral cultures, Shinto is a lot like Asatru in many ways . . . it's Folkish (an ethnic/cultural tradition) and centers around ancestor veneration and a multitude of god/desses and nature spirits. If I were Japanese I'd be Shinto.

2007-06-14 13:16:08 · answer #2 · answered by Boar's Heart 5 · 0 0

Yes spirituality does require an open mind. However, sadly, a lot of people on this forum are sheep - atheists and Christians alike. It's just human nature to follow the crowd.

2016-05-20 04:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by josefa 3 · 0 0

I don't think of any religion as "best." I think there is no right religion, only the religion that is right for you. However, to answer your question, I would be an agnostic if I wasn't an atheist. I would find that acceptable.

2007-06-14 10:00:26 · answer #4 · answered by seattlefan74 5 · 2 0

Questioning is fundamental to our human nature; and I consider that, just as important as an open mind is an open heart.

I don't think it is at all right to apply categories to belief systems many of which, in any case, developed as control systems.

We are on a spiritual journey, whether we realize it or not; and each of us must walk his/her own walk..

Blessings of The great Spirit be with you, always..


2007-06-14 10:24:08 · answer #5 · answered by Lazarillo 2 · 1 0

I don't know about calling mine the 'best', it is for me, but, I have always kinda been interested in the Buddhist philosophy. The idea of respecting all and harming none, I know there is a lot more to it but, I haven't learned enough about it to speak on the subject.
)o( Blessed Be!

2007-06-14 10:14:54 · answer #6 · answered by whillow95 5 · 1 0

I AM a Reality Man.

I (a spirit living in a body) have been Recreated by the Holy Spirit (Born-Again, Saved).
Jesus Christ (GOD Almighty) Who was Born on this Earth as a Man, died on the Cross and was Risen from the Dead by the Father (GOD too!) Above, MADE THIS POSSIBLE.

I Accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and got Saved (spirit Recreated), and that is REALITY, Not Religion.

Now, If I had to live on the Earth with everybody Else joining a Religion and not REALITY (getting Saved), THEN I would choose the most Peaceful one Around.
I would choose the religion where Everybody thought that Doing GOOD would get you to Heaven.
Then there'd be a chance of some Peace.
Cause everybody Else would be Resisting the Devil.
They wouldn't make it to Heaven (Religion can not Save (Recreate your Spirit) YOU) but it would be alot more Peaceful Till I got There!!!


2007-06-14 10:04:12 · answer #7 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 0 3


2007-06-14 09:59:58 · answer #8 · answered by reverendrichie 4 · 0 0


I'd have to say FSM. If you don't know, that's Flying Spaghetti Monsterism. Being a Pastafarian would be cool, I imagine. You'd get to dress up in full pirate regalia, and worship noodles.

Honestly? I was really, TRULY sold on the pirate bit. YAR!


2007-06-14 10:01:37 · answer #9 · answered by its_johnny_rotten 2 · 0 0

Currently: Agnostic (I know, I know, not much of a religion, but it's what I consider myself)

Next best: Judaism

2007-06-14 09:59:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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