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Do you believe that christians are slowly being suppressed? What do you all think will happen?

2007-06-14 09:47:50 · 13 answers · asked by archaeologygrl2000 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I believe we are in the last days and I get the concept of the reason why we are being oppressed. I just wanted to get everyone's opinion about what has been going on.

2007-06-14 10:06:09 · update #1

And to the person who said that God will win in the end..........Duh.....

2007-06-14 10:06:51 · update #2

I meant the "duh" in the most loving way :)

2007-06-14 10:08:02 · update #3

13 answers

I believe that there's going to be a great apostasy or a falling away from what is known as Biblical Christianity.
Due to the guidelines or standards that are taught in the Bible, unfortunately even in the Church's are divided over moral issues. 1 Tim. 4:3 say’s “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to there own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn away from the truth. I believe the taking a stance on the what the Bible teaches will eventually force the (Church) A group of Believer gathered in the name of Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:2) underground!

2007-06-14 10:09:49 · answer #1 · answered by TQ 2 · 0 0

Wow- Do you really feel SO suppressed? Can't you worship wherever you'd like, as often as you'd like, for as long as you'd like?

Isn't it a bit selfish to feel the end times would come while you were alive? Haven't religious extremists said this for the last couple thousand years?

Do you really feel so threatened by modern society? I can't see how this is possible. The world has never, ever been so able to communicate and share thoughts openly. Things have never been this good before! This cannot be the end times.

Yes, we have that big war in Iraq (started by a lies that were told by christians, amazingly) and gas prices are high...but come on! Look at the really big picture!

Racism is minimal when compared to history.

Slavery is virtually abolished when compared to history.

Persecution of any people purely for their beliefs is just about non-existent in a huge majority of the world.

..and, frankly, there'd be even LESS persecution of people's beliefs if religion weren't a part of it!

So, stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Stop thinking the end is near and you're living in some kind of hell on earth.

You've got it made. Look around you, right now. Look at the comfort and convenience you have in the room you share with your computer. You are probably healthy (thanks to modern medicine) and you'll outlive people from just 100 years ago by several decades. Because of modern technology, you can travel thousands of miles to explore the world's richness in person. It's an amazing era.

This is truly a great time to be alive, and maybe more of you should be celebrating the time you have on this earth instead of griping about how horrible the world is.

2007-06-14 10:50:44 · answer #2 · answered by wrdsmth495 4 · 0 1

No, no no. In these last days, ppl will become more like God and have stronger faith, or they will follow the devil and become more wicked. Noone can come against us, He says no weapon formed against us will prosper. Not if we are truly Gods in obedience.
Now, if you mean are we Christians being oppressed as far as others wanting to silence us. YEP> Its part of the testing to see who is really Gods or who isnt Gods at all.
But, are there ppl that are trying to shut the christins up.?? OH yes, ppl can embrace every crazy out there relition there is, talk about it, so on, and shove it on ppl, and its ok with all, including the govt. BUt the Christians, they want to silence, because whether they know it or not. ANyone that doesnt follow Jesus, follows the devil and it is he that they listen to and obey. of course, the devil will ok every false religion as they arent of God. But, he sure doesnt want us to know who we are in Jesus, of the power and authrotiy we took back as Jesus died upon the cross, to be true overcomers over anything in this world. Devil does not want us to KNOW any of that. He was us as lost as he is.
BUt, it is CHOICE who we hear and obey, and follow. We cant say we dont pick, cuz if we dont pick Jesus, the devil is auomatically who we serve. Bible clear on that one.
SEek and ye shall find and all will be added unto you.
God bless you for the question. Seek Jesus and you will find Him . Its quite the exciting journey to be on path with Jesus. He is our everything.
God bless you.

2007-06-14 09:54:30 · answer #3 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 0

Nothing new. The world has tried to "suppress", if not annihilate Christians throughout the Old & New Testament & history. Verbal abuse, ridicule, torture, death are not new to Christians. TODAY, there are Christians in Indonesia, China, Africa, etc. ...who are at this very moment being tortured and killed because they DO believe in Jesus Christ and they refuse to be suppressed, they refuse to deny their faith in Jesus Christ and God Almighty.

According to scripture in the Holy Bible, we know it will continue...and it will get worse. But Jesus says, "In this life there will be many trials and tribulations, but fear not for I have overcome the world, & have conquered death and the grave."

2007-06-14 10:09:40 · answer #4 · answered by faith 5 · 1 0

Yes, for one thing the Muslims are using our own laws and free speech against us. They cry out that it offends them to hear anyone pray in the name of Jesus and suddenly no one is allowed to on TV. Not only that Christians are suppose to believe that all Gods are the same, Jehovah is the Father of Jesus, Allah had no son. Even our president said the same thing, you wont hear him say Jesus, only God or Faith. Pray for our president, he is wrong on this. It will get worse, but don't worry, God is with us.

2007-06-14 09:56:28 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

Yes, as a matter of fact I do. The Bible foretold us that that would happen. If they hated Jesus, then they're going to hate His followers.

John 15:19 says, "If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

2007-06-14 09:56:14 · answer #6 · answered by Prayer Warrior 5 · 1 0

We know God wins in the end, but we also know that the devil is trying to shatter the power of the Holy people. Spiritual warfare is happening all around.

2007-06-14 09:52:01 · answer #7 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 2 0

Yes I do think we are being suppressed....so, I try to express my thoughts as often as possible...Because I think that if more of us don't....we will loose ground altogether....
In the beginning of our country...before we were a country....America's fathers founded us as a Christian nation....& slowly over the years....We have lost that idenity.
By allowing "freedom of religion"....& "tollerance" Christians are now not allowed to be as we started out to be.

2007-06-14 09:56:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, I do. Eventually they will be considered intolerant and quoting certain scriptures will be illegal. Some want to put them in the same class as Muslims and say they are dangerous.
There is a bill pending in congress right now that would make it illegal to preach on certain passages of scripture. It would be considered a hate crime.

2007-06-14 09:52:46 · answer #9 · answered by pennypincher 7 · 1 0

Yes. The world is trying to give freedom to everyone, but in the way take away christian freedom...

Take care

2007-06-14 09:55:25 · answer #10 · answered by Yanya Yanyitus de Yanhoos 6 · 1 0

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