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43 answers

No, only your self correction starts. Though you shoudnt Sin but then he is extremely forgiving!

2007-06-14 09:10:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Faith has nothing to do with sins.
Faith is the matter of believe, sin is the matter of action.

I have seen some text like this:
"Sin first pray later"

At first, it sounds weird to me, and I kinda could not accept that. But after much thought, I think this should answer your question.

To pray to God is an action of our faith. We won't pray if we have no faith. Faith and prayer is one action.

A believer of God can commit sin. The reason is we are just "human", to be more accurate according to the bible, it says we are sinners. No one can please God.

There is only one way we can please God, that is to come to the throne of Grace and receive mercy.

We cannot live a life of perfection by ourselves alone. The moment we try it, we'll know that we will fail. Perhaps sometimes we may be able to get through, however, we are still imperfect (because there is a tendency for us to commit sins again).

According to Epistle of Romans (written by Apostle Paul), we need the "Law of the Spirit of Life" to release us, NOT the outward act.

If we observe most religios people out there, we may agree within ourselves that those people are merely performing something outward.

What we really need is the inner enlightenment. We need to be enlightened again about our sins and mistakes. THEN we turn to GOD and ask for forgiveness...

I hope you don't get me wrong, when I say "Sin first, pray later" this does not mean that you should deliberately commit sins. Instead, in our practical living, we are always enlightened about sins which we have commited, and being moved to pray to God and ask for forgiveness.

2007-06-14 21:14:17 · answer #2 · answered by tanap 2 · 0 0

If we could do that we would be like Jesus, and the bible is clear that we will only be like Jesus when he returns. The apostles talk about how to live a holy life but also about what we can do if we fall into sin. God is aware that we are like children, we will make mistakes. Remember when you become a christian you are 'made new' and like a newborn you need to learn to walk. Letting go of past attitudes and habits isn't automatic, but with the help of the holy spirit we can become more like Jesus as time goes on. We are forgiven. This isn't a licence to sin. If you read in romans, we will want to please Jesus, our new hearts will move us that way and the spirit will let us know when we do wrong. It's a small voice and one that you can ignore, but I've found it's best not to.!

2007-06-14 10:18:08 · answer #3 · answered by good tree 6 · 0 0

No. He does not expect you to be perfect because He knows that no one is perfect. God wants you to repent when you make mistakes and sin so that you can start a new beginning and that's all part of having faith in God; so that you can use your faith and build your faith by starting over and repenting your sins and mistakes. He wants us to grow stronger from our mistakes and fix the mistakes we have made. He really wants us to ask, seek, and knock and abide in Him. If we were all perfect do you think we would really need God? We need God because we are not perfect. Don't lose faith in Him and keep it up!!! =)

2007-06-14 09:14:26 · answer #4 · answered by Lacy C 2 · 0 0

There is not a one of The True Christian Faith who dose not sin... every one sins... sin is any act against The Word and Will of God... Jesus The Christ paid the sin debt of all of mankind... past, present, and future... so that...

All who come to God in The Way He prescribes receive His free gift of Salvation. those become part of The Body of The Church of which Jesus The Christ is The Head. Those are the ones of The True Christian Faith. Only those of The Church will enter Heaven.

2007-06-14 09:13:32 · answer #5 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 0 0

Oddly enough, when you get a faith in God, you want to TRY to live a life of perfection without sinning and falling, as you put it, but we are babes in Christ and must grow, being better and better as we mature in our faith. But, sinning is yet in our old natures, so it comes out more than we like. God forgives us each time we sin and repent, through prayer, so have no fear. Happy trails.

2007-06-14 09:13:51 · answer #6 · answered by hillbilly 7 · 2 0

no he does not expect a person to live their life without sinning. It is not humanly possible to do that. Dont forget we are born with sin anyway. It is impossible to achieve god's perfection. We must try our best to avoid sin if we can help it.

if we do sin, we must ask for forgiveness from the heart. God will forgive those that truly seek forgiveness and are sorry for what they have done.

2007-06-14 09:14:38 · answer #7 · answered by sarah 6 · 0 0

Absolutely not! Although that should be your goal. The human nature itself is sinful, which makes us all sinners but God through his Holy spirit would enable you and you'd be amazed at your attitude towards sin.
God doesn't just look at the attitudes but he searches deep within, the heart itself. If your heart is right, then living above sin wouldn't be a problem but it's an ever-improving process and God is always ready to pick you up when you fall.

2007-06-14 09:24:40 · answer #8 · answered by ddman 2 · 1 0

The Bible says no one is perfect and no one is without sin. He says repent daily. The world expects us to be perfect and without sin.We strive every day to walk in righteousness.We have to be delivered for somethings.The way we use to do things,the way we responsed to things,even some of the people we loved to be with.You must live according to what the word of God says and not to how people think you should live.You will be judged and tried everyday by people,but remember, it only matters what God thinks and what God says.It's okay to fall as long as you get back up. You are going to fall until you gain strength to stand.

2007-06-14 09:21:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would imagine that when a person actually gets full faith in their God they have reached a state of being "God Like" and should not exhibit sinners behaviour, but be selfless, altruistic, tolerant, accepting, wise, kind and all the positive things that go with it.

The seeker of God is on a journey of faith as s/he ventures further and gains in Godliness s/he loses negative human characteristics and gains wisdom and a more positive way of being and reacting with others.

Just a thought.

2007-06-14 10:06:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most people get confused on this point at one time or another. According to the Bible, none of us are without sin. It is through faith that we are saved. We continue to be sinners, but like Jesus told Peter, he said that all of him was now clean but Jesus still needed to wash his feet. We may try to shun sin once we are believers, but we can't fully get away from it while we're still on earth. We can ask forgiveness though. We can never reach perfection, only in the next world. But our faith, according to God, is enough.

2007-06-14 09:14:30 · answer #11 · answered by clvcpoet 3 · 0 1

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