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i know some people who came here from mexico they are not legal but they have been here for about 12 years go to school know english and are going to college. and wants to be a teacher here do you think its fair if her and her family become legal or not and why or why not they all pay taxes and pay their bills

2007-06-14 08:40:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

They work hard just because they are mexicans doesnt mean they dont work hard to better themeselves shes 19 and goes to work and pays for her school

2007-06-14 08:47:19 · update #1

She came here when she was like 4 or 5 she gets great grades she didnt know what that meant when she was little and i dont think any little kid would understand what was going on at 4 or 5

2007-06-14 08:49:41 · update #2

16 answers

Most who are not legal make poverty a way of life. They work picking fruit, etc, WHILE collecting their welfare and food stamps.

There are exceptions to every scenario story.
You're always going to have some people break out of that stereotype mold and LEARN ENGLISH and try to get ahead by doing things right, but take a look at the broad spectrum of illegals who DON'T> That's the prob. Most just wanna live here and continue to be Mexican.

If all Mexicans did like your friend, they would get the support they need. Most are NOT grateful and appreciative to be here, they hate Americans but like American hand-outs.

2007-06-14 09:06:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Whether anyone likes it or not, I know people who came here illegally and have been granted their permanent residency and/or U.S. citizenship and prior to this, they also were paying their income taxes and NEVER went on public assistance.

So whether they come here illegally or not, they can still obtain legal status without having to leave this country.
It would be in their best interest if they did apply for legal residency.
They will have much more freedom and not have to keep looking over their shoulders because they will have that constant fear of getting deported. There are cruel people in this world that would be more than willing to report illegals to INS.
Honestly, you should encourage them to apply for legal status.

Sorry jessicarabbit'' that the true facts about how there are many illegals that actually DO pay their income taxes sickens you. But it is true, whether you like it or not. They can apply for working permits(they are allowed to work in the U.S. legally) which is accompanied with a legit SS# issued by the IRS. They may pay income taxes, but they never receive refunds. I personally knew illegals that did this.
Don't be mad b/c this is new news for you. Just look into it for yourself.

2007-06-14 16:00:29 · answer #2 · answered by (no subject) 4 · 1 0

Well dreamer, the issue at hand is not are they good people, cause it sounds like they are, at least in your book. The issue is they broke the law to get here in the first place and thus dont deserve the benefits they are trying to gain. Everyone has an opinion, but as Americans we have to obey the rule of law. If people from anywhere in the world want to be Americans, they have to show us the respect of following our laws and doing thigns the hard way. I traqvel the country a lot, I meet a lot of folks and spend a lot of time near Mexico. Border patrol is a joke, I tell you honestly. So many of the mexicans people are really great folks. most are very polite, and fairly well educated by any standrard. I would welcome many of them as fellow Americans, as long as they were willing to make the effort to do it legally. The sad part is the country has tolerated illegal immagration for so long, that no one feels like they have the right to enforce it now. In 1986 we passed a similar immigration bill allowing over 2 million people to become Americans almost overnight. Now the number is 10 times that high. Sure there is room for them, but did you ever get rewards for breaking the rules? Did you get a big pay raise at work for burning down the office? Sort of puts it in a differnet lite. Hope this helps.

2007-06-14 15:49:59 · answer #3 · answered by gufbal 3 · 2 2

My husband is illegal, he pays taxes,(he has a tax I.D. number to pay his income tax, and yes, get a refund) has a bank account, credit cards, pays all his bills on time, etc. Yes for those who follow the rules,they should be granted amnesty. Of course they may have come illegally, but only because they were too poor to pay the fees involved. I say let them become legal by paying the fines now that they have the money to do so! All they want is to provide for their families, is that so wrong?

2007-06-14 15:54:11 · answer #4 · answered by crazycatlady4real 4 · 2 2

Do you know why we have limits on immigration? What would the schools be like if we didn't? Why are they as overcrowded as they are now?

I think the focus of reform needs to address the impacts of illegal immigration on us, our children, our sick and our poor and to STOP the problem going forward going after border security AND VISA EXIT TRACKING SYSTEM, work place enforcement, and DISMANTLING OF BENEFITS AND SANCTUARY CITIES GOING FORWARD . If a reasonable legalization (NO felons and NO gangs) were included in that, that would be ok with me. However, this bill is aimed at legalization and flooding our infrastructure with vast new amounts of legal and illegal immigration to drive down future wages and schools and health care. Enforcement has a caveat you could drive a truck through, and then would give a rolling amnesty to every new illegal immigrant by legalizing anyone here ten years, to draw even more. On top of that, it folds in 'clever points' like 'acceleration of SPP' which in itself is a problem.

Exactly what sort of schools and future does your friend want for her children? Because this bill would be disasterous for the next generation.

2007-06-14 15:49:34 · answer #5 · answered by DAR 7 · 2 2

America didn't make this girl an illegal, her parents did. I am supposed to feel more sorry for her situation than an American child who can't afford to go to college? I'm sorry, I don't. If they've been here this long, why didn't they apply for citizenship? Why is it that the 11th hour folkes want more or supposedly deserve more sympathy it doesn't work that way for most law breakers and I can't see having favoritism when the chances have been many to change this situation.

2007-06-14 15:55:27 · answer #6 · answered by Ms.L.A. 6 · 3 2

When a pipe breaks in your house, the first thing you do is stop the flow of water. Then you clean up.

Stop the flow of illegals over the boarder, then deal with those who are here. If the people you know have not committed any other crimes, then I think they should become legal.

( to respond to those who do not want to allow legal status to those who came over due to a loophole, or lack of security: if you go one mile over the speed limit, do you expect a ticket. There are laws and there is a perceived acceptable behavior )

( as for those who talk about the cost, what is the cost to deport. How many time will you have to do this if you do not fix the boarders. )

( If you are worried about immigration limits, then allow less from the countries whose people came here illegally, and grant legal status to those who are here. )

2007-06-14 15:48:17 · answer #7 · answered by heThatDoesNotWantToBeNamed 5 · 1 4

They broke the law and should be punished. By the way do you think it's fair for them to be able to go to college when I can't afford it,have no opportunities for funding and have been a citizen paying taxes all my life? Where is your compassion for your fellow countrymen?

2007-06-14 16:21:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If I get caught selling drugs what ever I have gained will be taken away because I got it illegaly. If I am here illegally all that I have aquiered is illegal gain, munch on that awhile. They say that they obey the law of the land & I say they as long as they are unducumented they are violaters of the law,& there is a price to pay.

2007-06-14 16:07:55 · answer #9 · answered by GREGORIOUSITY 5 · 0 2

Sorry but if they are ILLEGAL they are criminals because they are breaking our laws and they SHOULDN'T BE HERE!

All this bull crap about how illegals pay their taxes is sickening! Illegals CAN'T pay income tax since they don't have a SS#, so don't go there!

I don't care how long they have been here! They have been sponging off the taxpayer and IT'S WRONG!

2007-06-14 15:52:32 · answer #10 · answered by JessicaRabbit 6 · 1 2

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