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I was brought up to be christian but I am starting to wonder and really take a look at my faith. Because the majoitry of christians I run into make me want to become an atheist. I was always taught by my parents that we do not have the right to judge anyone and we should be forgiving. In the end God is supposed to judge.
But I keep seeing christians preach hate. At my church that I currently attending people there direct so much hate toward gay marrige. I am not gay but I do not have a problem with gay people getting married. I belive that if its wrong then God will judge them in the end who the hell do we think we are that we can go about telling people what is right and wrong?
Its not just gay people too, its many other issues similar to this. A lady told a kid that he was going to go to hell because he got drunk. I have been so disgusted that I havent been to church in 3 months. I dunno did my parents teach me another religon?? Am I looking into this too deeply?

2007-06-14 08:29:10 · 26 answers · asked by Mr. Martini 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I didn't stop believing in Jesus just because I didn't like some of the jerks in my church.

If you stop believing in Jesus because you think that some of the people in your church are stupid, or jerks, or both, then how are you NOT being judgmental? Aren't you being a hypocrite, since you are judging them? Why not take your own advice, and let God judge them, and just leave it alone?

Or better yet, ask them nicely why they say and do whatever it is that they say and/or do. Both of you might learn something from an honest, respectful discussion.

2007-06-14 08:38:46 · answer #1 · answered by Randy G 7 · 1 1

I don't go around telling people they are going to Hell. I leave God to make those kind of judgments. However there is nothing wrong with saying you believe some moral behaviors are right or wrong. If you are honest you will admit we all do it. We say pedophiles are wrong and many other such instances. In fact just take a look at all the laws we have. We say murder is wrong. Should we now say well murder is wrong but i am not supposed to judge so I'll just look the other way and God can get them in the end. The bible does say judge righteous judgment. I am not advocating hate or intolerance towards any one and for that matter I don't feel that way, but I am not going to pretend that I don't think this behavior is harmful. The blood donors will not accept blood from homsexuals not becaus they are biased but because they statisticlly no this behaviour is high risk.

2007-06-14 15:41:22 · answer #2 · answered by Edward J 6 · 1 0

Deu 11:26 Behold I set forth in your sight this day a blessing and a curse:
Deu 11:27 A blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day:
Deu 11:28 A curse, if you obey not the commandments of the Lord your God, but revolt from the way which now I show you, and walk after strange gods which you know not.

According to your twisted view of things then, we should all just go around doing the most abonimable things ... and then let God sort it all out at the end.

This is nonsense.

We are all called to discern good versus evil, stand up for God's truth, and speak out against evil of every kind.

God will judge some people to hell at the end ... and that is his right ... but if we Christians stand idly by, letting all of humanity become corrupted, due to our cowardice and silence, then we're likely to end up in hell, right along with them.

Homosexual activity is an abomination in God's eyes, a seriously disordered behavior, and it has always been a violation of the most basic of natural laws.

It's flat out wrong, and if it's allowed to become just another "norm" than it will ultimately debase and degrade all of society.

It's time you wised up and decided who's side you're really on.

What would you like ... a blessing ... or a curse?

2007-06-14 15:42:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians are people too and many fail miserably. Don't let their behavior interfere with your relationship with Jesus. Don't let the enemy steal your joy. Pray the Lord leads you to a "Divine church". That's what I did and after 4 months the door was opened and I love my church. I've been going 8 months and not once has anyone gossiped about someone to me nor have I heard any judging others. Praise the Lord.
I'll be honest, I did have a hard time plugging into a Divine church. Most would gossip and be judgmental but we need to bless them. God will show them their faults and chastise them if they're truly His. God knows where He shall direct you and He Will.
Keep (asking) praying, Keep seeking and Keep Knocking and the door will open to a church that is right for you.

God Bless you!

2007-06-14 15:42:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God has said that homosexuality is an abomination. He has also said that marriage is between a man and a woman; and since He has already dealt with this issue, there is no reason for your concern. God gave us a free will. If people want to delude themselves into living a gay lifestyle, that's their choice. If they want to believe themselves married, when God has said otherwise, that's their choice again. It has nothing to do with you, as a christian.

If you want to know the truth about hell, or anything else, study your Bible for yourself. And if your church is not teaching the word of God--if they are not preaching the gospel of God's kingdom in Earth, you are in the wrong church. You should be following Christ, not men. Satan transforms himself as an angel of light, so it is not unusual for church members to be confused. You're not looking too deeply. Rather, you're seeking answers in the wrong place. Study the Bible for answers; not the ways of men.

2007-06-14 15:51:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me ask you a question. What is your faith built on? Is it build on the actions of others or is it faith in Jesus? If your faith is built on anything other than Jesus then the foundation of your faith is built on "sand" (if you know what I mean). Also, if you thought you were going to be around perfect people in the church, you're wrong. No one is perfect and most of us go to church because we know that. If something in your church bothers you, talk to your pastor and ask a lot of questions. If you can't resolve it, talk to another pastor at a different church. If 100% of the answers you get from, lets say 10-20 churches, is the same, then maybe its you that have to change and not the church. You don't throw out the baby with the bath water. So just because people fail around you and you disagree with somethings said or done, you don't just completely give up. Did you ever pray to receive Christ? I suggest, if you haven't, you do, and pray about it and ask God to reveal his truth to you.

2007-06-14 15:40:48 · answer #6 · answered by blizgamer333 3 · 0 1

God's Word and will are clearly stated... homosexual practices are an abomination to God. Homosexual "marrage" promotes those abominations... no one of The True Christian Faith should, in any way support such actions.... as to getting drunk... that will not send anyone to hell... but driving drunk may... as well as other activities that are tied to drunkenness are also likly to lead one to hell... so moderation in drink is the best course.

You words do not give any indication that you have personaly come to God in The Way He prescribes. Even though you have received some instruction in Christian ways... You may not be in the congrigation you need to be in...

I invite you to visit my website... it may give you a different perspective. If you have any questions you may contact me from the site... it is not a fancy place... just me going on a bit about the God stuff... no need to worry about getting spamed from a visit... I just do not have time for that nonsence...

2007-06-14 15:39:05 · answer #7 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 0 0

I think you need to find a new church. A lot of Christians are judgmental but don't take them as a representation of God, they're just as misled as people who aren't Christians. There's an emerging subculture of those of us who are Christians but reject a lot of what the church traditionally teaches. Try and get plugged in with a local church that's more liberal if you want to still go to church, but don't let a few people's stupidity determine what you believe.

2007-06-14 15:33:31 · answer #8 · answered by Drake the Deist 2 · 2 0

my advice: find a new church. you need a church that is centered around what you believe and that will help you to grow in your faith and relationship with God. if a Church preaches things you disagree with (such as hate or judgment), or they participate an activities or traditions that you don't find biblical or correct, or even if the way the worship and preach, though fine for some and not necessarily bad, isn't right for you, then go 'church shopping' visit other churches in your area until you find one that feels right. that's what my family did, and we couldn't be happier!

God bless.

~Aimee Hein

2007-06-14 15:51:37 · answer #9 · answered by bleh... 1 · 0 0

I say goto another Church (same Denomination) and say you want to re-learn Christianity ... take classes ... start fresh and get to have a relationship with God. Sure if you feel the need, explore other religions too ... but give your original religion the same opportunity & time (as if your new to the whole thing) as you do new religions.

"If you judge people you'll have no time to love them" (M. Teresa) ... and you are judging (in order to justify your separation from Christianity) in your paragraph above.

2007-06-14 15:44:32 · answer #10 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 0 0

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