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12 answers

Absolutely, unquestioningly not. Period.

This is taken from the reference section of this article:


1. “"We believe that Jewishness is a birthright. It is inherited from our parents. Our people are not of one culture; we have diverse cultural expressions (Ashkenazi/Sephardi, Georgian/Russian, Ethiopian, Persian, etc.). Our people are not of one religion. While Judaism might be the traditional religion for many Jewish people, Jews are still considered Jewish even though they might be atheists or even if they embrace other beliefs. Those who say that Jews who believe in Jesus are errant Jews or misguided Jews are entitled to their opinions. But they are not entitled to negate our Jewishness. We are Jews by birth and that cannot change."
2. "There is virtual unanimity across all denominations [of Judaism] that Jews for Jesus are not Jewish." (Kaplan, Dana Evan. The Cambridge Companion to American Judaism, Cambridge University Press, Aug 15, 2005, pp. 139-140).
3. "For most American Jews, it is acceptable to blend some degree of foreign spiritual elements with Judaism. The one exception is Christianity, which is perceived to be incompatible with any form of Jewishness. Jews for Jesus and other Messianic Jewish groups are thus seen as antithetical to Judaism and are completely rejected by the majority of Jews". (Kaplan, Dana Evan. The Cambridge Companion to American Judaism, Cambridge University Press, Aug 15, 2005, p. 9).
4. Jewish groups:
o "To make the record clear, Jews for Jesus is a Christian missionary organization – period." Jews for Jesus: Jewish or Christian? You Decide, Jews for Judaism website, retrieved September 11, 2006.
o "Messianic Jewish organizations, such as Jews for Jesus, often refer to their faith as fulfilled Judaism, in that they believe Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies. Although Messianic Judaism claims to be Jewish, and many adherents observe Jewish holidays, most Jews regard Messianic Judaism as deceptive at best, fraudulent at worst. They charge that Messianic Judaism is actually Christianity presenting itself as Judaism." (Balmer, Randall. Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism, Baylor University Press, Nov 2004, p. 448).

2007-06-14 09:28:58 · answer #1 · answered by Mark S, JPAA 7 · 2 0

No they are not. After all- they do not believe the same thing do they? They believe Jesus was the Messiah and Jews reject that notion completely! Teh bottom line on Messianic Judaism/Jews for Jesus or any of the other messianic movements is that they are viewed by jews as nothing more than Christian sects useing deceitful tactics to lure uneducated Jews into Christianity. AN excellent book on why Jews reject Jesus is "The Real Messiah" by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan and found online on the jews for Judaism website.

2007-06-14 22:30:18 · answer #2 · answered by allonyoav 7 · 2 0

If the Jew was born from a Jewish mother, then he will remain a Jew by birth. BUT he is no longer considered "Jewish" as in being a part of the Jewish community or religion whatsoever.

He has become a heretic, and the worse thing is that it's probably the fault of the very community that he is now being shunned by. He probably wasn't educated in Judaism at all, or not past the most elementary hebrew school education anyway.

Without the proper education as to who the Messiah will be, and what his role is in Judaism (the true original, permanent holders of the prophecies as given by God on Mt. Sinai), and what the foundational beliefs of Judaism are, many Jews have no clue and believe that Christianity is the same thing as Judaism basically except that Jews somehow missed "their messiah" when he came.

Nothing could be further from the truth - the two faiths are absolutely nothing alike in their foundational beliefs whatsoever.

A Jew believing in a man/god who was born of a virgin and a god, and who is sacrificed as some sort of human virgin blood sacrifice for sin, is Idolatry. There is nothing like this in Judiasm whatsoever, all of this comes from the ancient pagan religions that Christianity consists of.

There are basically two reasons why a Jew goes to Christianity.

1. S/he is uneducated about Judaism's beliefs, or about the deeper meanings behind the plain laws.

2. S/he never had a Jewish soul to begin with, even though born into a Jewish family and of a Jewish mother. This happens, just like there are non-Jews born with Jewish souls, and these people are absolutely driven to convert, even if it takes decades, they will get it done. So in this case, if the person born into a Jewish home doesn't have a Jewish soul and goes to Christianity, all they are doing is going home.

The test to find out if this is the case, is to take the Jewish person and educate them about the actual prophecies given by God regarding the Messiah, what his role is, etc. and the basic foundations of Judaism that differ from Christianity (such as no concept of Original Sin, etc.).

If after educating the person in Judaism this way, they still wish to remain in Christianity and it feels like home to them, then all they have done is take their non-Jewish soul back home where it belongs.



Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus:

http://www.Jewfaq.org (to find out basic beliefs of Judaism, which is nothing like Christianity at all)

http://www.drazin.com (this is a good site that has put together the sources in one place for the foundations of Christianity, such as belief in a man/god born of a virgin, etc. These sources can be found elsewhere but this site has done a good job of putting them all in once place. Start with the brown bar across the top that says "Table of Contents" and then "Introduction". This is the menu, and make sure to read the section on "Ancient God/Men" as well.

2007-06-14 09:00:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jews do no longer. So-noted as "Messianic Jews" are a collection of people who've some confrontation with others who believe interior the divinity of the guy maximum Christians call Jesus and that they call Yeshua, and a technique or the different think of that as a results of fact they do no longer consider those human beings, they're consequently Jews. a number of them declare to have Jewish mothers, yet all the study performed ability that this may be a small share (having a Jewish mom makes you Jewish below Jewish regulation, till you replace to a distinctive faith - which needless to say they have performed!!). this is an insult that they call their faith Judaism. i'm particularly prepared to admire their faith and its distinction from Christianity, yet no longer their declare to be Jews (and a few even argue that they are the 'actual' Jews and all something persons "non-Messianic Jews" as they term us have have been given it incorrect!!) the self belief, disrespect and sheer nastiness is in simple terms suggestions-boggling.

2016-10-09 05:15:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's a difficult one to answer.

They are ethnically Jewish, as in, they were born from a Jewish mother so they are always considered Jewish in that sense.

However, no Jew would consider them religiously or spiritually Jewish if they follow the Messianic sect because it outright defies some of their deepest and most valued beliefs.

2007-06-14 08:17:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The Jewish people were the first Christians(Meshiarim).
There were different sects of Judaism=Pharases ,Saducees which came out of Rabinical Judaism etc.
The Goyim(gentiles) owe the Jewish people and are greatfull that they did preach the Good News of the Resurection and the Salvation which is in Jesus the Christ(Yeshuah Ha Meshiah)
Today the ratio of Jews who do not follow rabinical Judaism but are Justified by Faith in Jesus as Lord compared to the Gentile population is greater than The Gentile Christian believers to the total world population ratio.

A Jewish person is one whose Heritage Comes From Abraham,Isaac ,and Jacob(Israel).
The person who is a Messianic Jew considers himself /herself a fulffiled Jewish person and very very Jewish.

2007-06-17 00:05:53 · answer #6 · answered by goring 6 · 0 2

We try to avoid them at all costs and keep our children away from them because they have a tendency to try to convert anyone and anything that moves.
A Jew for Jesus is nothing more than a wanna-be Christians who cant completely let go of the Jewish faith the problem is the two faiths are a absolute contradiction

2007-06-14 08:25:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

A Jew who believes in Jesus is no longer a Jew.

For a Jew, believing in Jesus would be a violation of the commandment to have no other gods besides God. It is therefore an idolatry.

2007-06-17 21:13:37 · answer #8 · answered by mo mosh 6 · 1 0

Depends how you define "Jewish".

A J-for-J person would still be Jewish in the technical sense. Their children will be Jewish (if female) and if they decide to repent they don't need to undergo the conversion process. The same would be true of anyone who converted to another religion.
But their religion is considered idolatrous, and they probably would lose a lot of their religious rights and priveleges, and be shunned by the community.

2007-06-17 11:20:08 · answer #9 · answered by Melanie Mue 4 · 0 1

They are not Jews and they cannot believe the same things because believing in Jesus is the antithesis to Judaism

2007-06-14 08:13:44 · answer #10 · answered by Quantrill 7 · 1 1

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