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Why does everyone say a person id selfish for think of suicide? They tell me " think how it will affect others." but, if I'm supposed to worry about everyone else, then, who worries about me. If others are allow to say " I'm counting on you to...." who do I get to say that to. they don't say the others are selfish for wanting to rely on me. So why am I selfish to want some one to rely on when I need attention or help or someone to talk to.

2007-06-14 07:01:12 · 18 answers · asked by rabbitmedic 3 in Health Mental Health

18 answers

I think most people don't understand depression, and suicidal thoughts. It leads them to say silly things that only illustrate how misinformed they are about how it feels to want to kill yourself.

Suicide is destruction of the self, against our most hard-wired instinct: self-preservation. Anyone who describes it as a selfish act just wants to sound important and superior.

2007-06-14 07:05:19 · answer #1 · answered by rbanzai 5 · 4 1

The rational behind the saying that suicide is selfish comes from people who don't understand why such a thing even exists.

That was the outlook years and years ago, and I'm guessing it is the easiest way for people who don't know much about mental health issues to understand it.

People contemplating ending their life have more serious issues than how their death will affect others. When I tried to kill myself, my mind was not capable of the concept of "others".

Everything you have said makes sense to me, and probably to most people who have tried to kill themselves. Having survived it, and realizing being dead leaves you helpless to change things for the better, and then still contemplating it now and again as a solution to seemingly impossible issues, makes me someone you can rely on - even though we don't know each other. And their are lots of other people who understand how you feel and why suicide is your choice of cures, AND WHY IT IS NOT A GOOD CHOICE.

Hang in there buddy. Try to find some counselling where you aren't made to feel guilty for your feelings. Stay alive...there is someone your experiences will help once you are on the mend.

2007-06-14 14:26:42 · answer #2 · answered by bin there dun that 6 · 1 0

If you know you're dying from a terminal illness it's probably not as selfish as if you're a 14 year old and you don't have a date for the prom. It's selfish when it's clearly a permanent solution to a temporary problem and you leave a lot of collateral damage behind with friends and family. Believe it or not, pretty much everyone has someone else who depends on them for something whether it's finances or camaraderie or whatever.

2007-06-14 14:07:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not surprisingly, many cultures believe differently about killing of him/her selves. (ie. suicides)

In Japanese culture, it is seen as a sign of taking ultimate responsibility and an ultimate in selfless act. In American culture, it is seen as a sign of weakness and a selfish act.

Either way you believe, one thing is clear. Once you kill yourself, all possibilities are GONE. You solve your problem but you don't get to benefit from solving your problem. Which, I personally think it is kind of silly. Why solve it then?

I also think you have all kinds of possibility in the future, as long as you are alive. When you kill youself, all bets are off. Many painful things I experienced in my past were all temporary. Eventually, they resolved on its own or I found a way to resolve them. ... which, I can only enjoy the result because I am alive.

I would also say that people who casually say suicide is selfish has not experienced the kinds of problem that some has faced and caused him/her to contemplate suicide. It is so easy to call it selfish when you have no idea how bad the problems can get. (more importantly, how bad the person who is experiencing it percieve)

No, you are not wrong to wanting to have someone to rely on and talk to. What IS wrong is that you think those things should be granted. You need to work at getting those friends whom they can rely on you, and in turn, you can rely on them.

Good luck. Think of yourself first at this moment in your life. Find a solution. It's out there. (and it's not killing yourself)

2007-06-14 14:16:06 · answer #4 · answered by tkquestion 7 · 2 0

It is selfish because someone relies on you and I'm sure you rely on someone, By simply asking this question you are relying on Us to answer your questions, If you need more attention tell someone and if you don't feel valuable Better you self by bettering others, You never know someone you might not even know exist might really love you, and you could be their shining light in a dark world, So wouldn't it be selfish to take that away from them. And by relying on you they are not being selfish because they are asking for help which is exactly what you should do.

2007-06-14 14:09:24 · answer #5 · answered by pukeypie89 4 · 0 2

I have run those thoughts through my head several times. You need to stay alive for YOU and nobody else. Its your life and you need to be selfish right now so you can get better. If you get criticized for that then they have no idea what you are dealing with. I hope you have a doc and therapist to help you through this. If not call someone so you can set up an appt.

2007-06-14 14:12:38 · answer #6 · answered by b 4 · 2 0

It is a selfish act, but any act that involves you and you alone is selfish right? I think people should choose for themselves whether they want to live or die. I often think about suicide, it brings me relief to think that I could just end it if life gets too much.

2007-06-14 23:24:40 · answer #7 · answered by LostWithdrawal 4 · 0 0

I really wouldn't say its selfish because no one knows what you are going through no one knows your thoughts , like who has hurt you to make you feel like there is no other solution.To me its a cry for help. Talk to a family member or a counselor and most importantly pray. Remember to say no matter what your going through "This to shall pass!" Try to see the positive things in your life!

2007-06-14 14:19:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is selfish. I was there for my partner, we talked and I supported her, even when she could not get up out of bed for 4 years (she had a back injury and then surgery), then she became addicted to painkillers. Finally she just killed herself (this was after 14 years together), I cried for 2 years straight.
Look around there are people who love you and want you to get better. Keep working with your psychiatrist to get the right medication and stay in therapy trust me it helps, I have also been suicidal - it gets better.

2007-06-14 14:09:10 · answer #9 · answered by startrektosnewenterpriselovethem 6 · 0 1

suicide is a bit selfish, but only if you are doing it to make a statement like "see? i did it. now how so you a*holes feel?"

you might think that death will bring your mind peace. it will. but think about this :
what makes you happy? something must, or you would have done it already. remember the small things that make you smile and remember that you will no longer have that luxury if your dead.

2007-06-14 14:13:01 · answer #10 · answered by Motherload 3 · 2 0

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