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the only reason people are good is because they get a reward of going to haeven. And if that was not enough to make them "good", if you are "bad", there is a threat of punishment, to burn in eternal hell. Does this mean that humans, without the threat of going to hell would not be good? Is being good only for selfish reasons, to later get a reward and go to heaven?? Isnt it a bit ridiculous that it takes "God" to promiss such things just for us to be good? Does that mean that if "God" did not promis people a reward for good and a punishment for bad, all believers would be murderers and horrible people?

2007-06-14 06:25:53 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Re: Quatrill's comment: Actually, yes, all abrahamic religions say that, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are all based on the same scriptures and prophets, and ideology.

2007-06-14 06:48:50 · update #1

37 answers

atheists don't need god in order to be good, only christians do

2007-06-14 06:28:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 5

You are completely confused. Humans do not get a reward of going to heaven for being good. Furthermore, even without the treat of punishment, humans would not be good. This is why our salvation is not based on our goodness. It is based on God's grace, so that no man can boast about his goodness.

"There, but by the grace of God, walk I. This means that we would all be horrible people, were it not for God's grace. If God had not provided a way out for believers, they would be consumed with sin, just as the world is. Satan is the prince of the power of the air, which means we all breathe in his rebellous nature and are hopeless sinners, until we come to the reality of Christ. Also understand that when it comes to burning in eternal hell, it is only the fire that is eternal.

Rewards are given to those who have already been saved. These rewards are based on ones extent of service, not ones salvation. Furthermore, God's kingdom will be established here on Earth, not in heaven.

Religion is of men. FAITH is of God.

2007-06-14 06:51:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ummm im think thats just how you view it. Im a christian im turning out fine so far. some of the people i know are christians but don't do the right thing. there is such thing as just having the label christian but its a whole different story to be a christian. someone can say that they are save but still go out and do bad things.you can swear and still go to heaven as long as you believe. Without the threat of hell i think people will still be good and people will still be bad. It doesn't take God to promise something like that to be good. If you ever read the Bible it explains that. Some people are just good natured and it depends on how ur raised and some people are just rotten people

2007-06-14 06:40:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you ever read the book? Because I got to tell you, if you think it's all about being "good", you're lost already. It is not our being "good" that saves any of us in that day. It is faith, simple, uncomplicated faith. But, it's because of that faith and all that goes with it-the prayers, the renewing of your mind daily in Christ through His word, the willful obedience to Him, to love your neighbor (who could be anybody) as yourself,-all these and so much more that is a life-long journey in this world that He will look upon in the day you stand before Him and the Books are opened, and you are judged by not only your works (which will be tested by fire-or, perfect scrutiny (God disdains fakes), but also by your faith. You will be judged by not only what you did and didn't know, but by what you had an OPPORTUNITY to know, but blew it off-or not.
I read these kind of questions with gentle amusement, because it's so obvious how many people have never taken the time to learn these basic truths of God's living and eternal Word.

2007-06-14 06:42:03 · answer #4 · answered by RIFF 5 · 0 0

wow that is a realy good question. I would have to say that no, people would not just go crazy if it were not for their religion telling them how to conduct themselvs. think about it this way: why do religions appeal to people? Is it the reward of heaven or the like or is it the general sense of positive community that enhances and enriches ones sense of enjoyment of life that induces one to participate in a religion? I belive that people will naturaly chose greater enjoyment in any situation where they dont feel the negative cost to others is too high.

2007-06-14 06:37:19 · answer #5 · answered by Whamy 3 · 0 0

While the Bible does offer a final reward to those who are saved, that is not the primary motivation for being "good". A Christian's good deeds are based on his desire to please the person he loves the most, God. As a husband, I do good things for my wife because I love her. That is my number one motivation. Often that will result in my receiving something good back from her as a thank you. But that is not my main reason for doing good things for her. It is love.

Also, if you have ever looked at this world around us, there are a lot of people who are need, hurting, wounded, alone, who need help. Part of loving God is loving those around us. That is one of our primary duties as a Christian. The first is to love God and the second to love others. It goes back to the same motive as in the first prargraph, Christians do good becasue they love others.

If in the end, we get a reward, that is great. But it is an added bonus, not our main motivation. Our motive is love of God and love of others.

2007-06-14 06:36:39 · answer #6 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

I think while it's human nature to give in to sin, people's souls yearn to be pure. I think that without religion or spirituality some people would listen to their "sinful nature" while others would still struggle to be pure bc it's a deep desire of people. Why else would it feel so good to be nice to people and do things for other?
However, I do want to address something. True Christians aren't just good because they're seeking a reward. True Christians (and probably other religions as well) truly desire pleasing and glorifying GOD! It doesn't matter what hell is: eternal fire or a paradise filled with fun and sin...it's a place where God surely is not, so that's enough for true God-lovers to know. Any place where God is not, is definitely hell to me. Knowing that God forgives me and loves me and gives miracles to me simply because He sees value and worth to me? I definitely want to be with Him! That's a depth of love I want to reciprocate! I want to live His way not because of Heaven or fear of hell necessarily. It's more of my wanting to please my Father and Best Friend because it feels natural to do that when you truly love someone.
Hope that helps....hope it makes sense! lol! It does to me.

2007-06-14 06:39:44 · answer #7 · answered by the_ivy_vine 5 · 0 0

Heaven isn't a reward, its a gift. GOD loves everyone very much. We are saved by GRACE. Being good is just a way to say "Thank you GOD, I love you." If you truly believe in GOD, you wouldn't be a murder or a horrible person. You would believe in his teachings and try to spread them around the world and bring his good news to all people. GOD loves you. GOD bless.

2007-06-14 06:32:21 · answer #8 · answered by kiersten 4 · 0 1

Being "good" won't get you into heaven. To get to heaven all you have to do is love God and accept him as your Lord. It is impossible for a human to be completely "good", at the end of the day we will always sin. If the way to get to heaven was by being good, it would be a very empty place.

2007-06-14 06:37:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually, another dilemma for you, God forgives all sinners, and all will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, though some will take a thousand years longer to get there. There is a lot of pro's and con's to this argument. I believe one should be the best one can, after all God cannot be perfect as he made us in his own image!
So he is an understanding God, or she, whatever.

2007-06-14 06:31:58 · answer #10 · answered by Janet B 5 · 0 1

God does not promise Heaven as a reward for being good. He promises eternal life to those who trust him. It isn't about being good or bad, it is about being a believer or unbeliever.

There are good people who do not know God, and there are people who are Christians who do bad things.

2007-06-14 06:31:57 · answer #11 · answered by nitesong 6 · 0 1

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