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Seems like dying was the ultimate "career move" for him. How could anyone characterize it as a sacrifice, when he went from a life of ordinary human misery to status as God's main man in the eternal bliss of heaven?

2007-06-14 06:16:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Good Question!!!

2007-06-14 06:19:07 · answer #1 · answered by sasha 2 · 0 4

Maybe you should be asking what would have happened if He DIDN'T die for you. Think of it this way, so many people are saying there is no hell don't worry about it it's just some myth somebody made up along with God to literally scare the Hell out of you so you will be nice and eat your vegetables. Well if Jesus volunteered to step away from being the ruler of heaven and earth to be mutilated by his own creation. Hell must be a pretty bad place for souls and angels.
Jesus did NOT have to do it he volunteered! He loves you you are the apple of His eye. When He became human he was more afraid than you or I would be because He knew exactly what Crucifixion was going to be like. Jesus knew the suffering the prophecies fore told . Every
person born was destined to go to Hell because of Satan's trickery until Jesus stepped up to the plate.
Please think long and hard before you dismiss what Christ did for you because his sacrifice is only valid for you if you accept it. Come on Jesus did all the lifting all you have to do is appreciate it. Life is going to be rough anyway you slice it, even with God's help, It's the way that it is. But at least when you inter into a personal relationship with Christ it makes the journey more bearable and Heaven at the end ain't to shabby either. God Bless

2007-06-14 14:01:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is the exact point of the New Testament. There is no sacrafice when you believe in the end result. This is a lesson to realize in everyday life. Say you want to have a new car (i kow no real comparison to what is offered in heaven but stay with me here) Now you 2 choices - you can borrow the money from the bank and get the car now or you can save up and pay cash. If you take the easy path will have a payment for the next 3 to 5 years and have to worry about what if I lose my job? Or you can suffer a little now and save to pay cash then you have your car with strings attached.
Jesus walked the earth as a normal man. He sacraficed the wealth of Joseph's business - he was a wealthy man in his carpentary trade. He traveled and spend the word to the Jews. He suffered ridducal and hardships. He never lost faith that he would be rewarded with eternal life if he did as he was told. He new the end result was real. His lesson to us is the same - there is no sacrafice in life that too much for the rewards that God is offering in the after life. Jesus could have lost faith and question the word of His Father but he suffered the life of a moral man for all of us.
Is foregoing eating out for 3 years, not having cable television, not going to the movies, or driving a car that your freinds make fun of to save up to pay cash for a car too much sacrafice for the reward of a guilt free car?
So then is a life of faithful obiedence to the Word of the Father too much sacrafice for the reward that is heaven? I think not.

2007-06-14 13:49:57 · answer #3 · answered by Mike E 4 · 0 0

Jesus was the ultimate sacrafice because he came down into man form and took the penalty for all of the sins of the world. His Father was not helping Him on the cross, either, that's why He said "Father, why have you forsaken me?" He had to bear the shame for every sin in the world by Himself, and suffered much pain and humiliation, just so he could be the ultimate sacrafice and save those who accepted him. And by taking the penalty for all the sins in the world, he eliminated the need to kill a lamb for sin, because the wages of sin is death and He took that death for all of us. And those who accept Him as their saviour will be be saved and granted eternal life. (John 3:16)

2007-06-14 13:34:31 · answer #4 · answered by uled 2 · 0 0

Jesus GAVE his life so that we would be saved. "For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believed in him may not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16 He was a gift from GOD, I wouldn't say he was a sacrifice, but because of him we will all live eternally in heaven, we are saved.

2007-06-14 13:22:26 · answer #5 · answered by kiersten 4 · 1 0

He willingly gave up His rightful place in Heaven for a time in order to come down and experience life as a human, then suffer and die for our sins. Then, while He was on earth, He did not live to please Himself / do whatever He wanted - He lived to please the Father and show people how they should treat one another. In the garden before His crucifixion, He started to pray for God to take away the responsibility; but ended up praying for GOD'S will to be done. That is the one time where I believe Jesus related most to us humans. He loved us SO much that He WILLINGLY went through the false accusations, the brutal beatings, and the crucifixion and said not ONE word to defend Himself, even though He knew some would still deny Him after He had paid the price for our sin. How is it NOT a sacrifice, when He came down to do this out of love for us even though He knew there would be some who would not accept the truth? Would YOU willingly suffer and die for somebody - especially somebody who refuses to accept your love for them? Sounds like the ultimate sacrifice to me! Also, God was not available to Him when He was on the cross taking on OUR sin. I thank Jesus and praise God for allowing the blood of Jesus to wash away our sin so we can once again be reconciled to God!!

2007-06-14 13:27:19 · answer #6 · answered by Romans 8:28 5 · 1 0

HE sacrificed his LIFE! He didnt have to die, he chose to sacrifice his life. He had all the emotions and feelings that we do, yet he chose to give them up freely, he could have said NO, but that was not his Father's will. Pain? he felt it! Misery? He experienced it! feelings of loneliness, hatred towards him, humiliation, torture, he went through them all, knowing he did not have to! but he did. He was God in the flesh, he did not have to SACRIFICE his body, but he did so.
sort of like you sacrificing $1000 to start a business that is going to gain you hundreds of times that much later, you dont have to because it's your $1000, eventhough it is (using your words) a "good career move". It is STILL A SACRIFICE

2007-06-14 13:29:56 · answer #7 · answered by texasbluezman 2 · 1 0

He bore our sins on the cross. Read Isaiah 53. God is Yahweh Elohim. Jesus cried out "MY El(God) MY El(God), why has thou forsaken me?!" See, Elohim broke for us. When Jesus bore our sins on the cross.

See Jesus came from heaven to earth. The Word of Elohim came down and became one of us. He Is 100% Word of God and 100% Man (without sin nature).

It was in Jesus humanity that He could atone for our sins. He was sinless, so death couldn't keep Him in the grave. He raised from the dead victorious over death for us.

So, Jesus, in His humanity, raised from the dead. He ascended to the right hand of God. So, the human Jesus resurrection will be how we will raise up whole; body, soul & spirit at resurrection day complete.

Jesus was never an ordinary human. He Is always the Word of God, and the Word of God was in the beginning with God & Is God. He was born of a seed of the Woman (without sin nature like the 1st Adam before the fall). Then he was temted like the 1st Adam but didn't fall into sin. So, because the wages of sin is death, Jesus raised from the dead.

He did it all because He loves us. It wasn't for Himself soo much, except He loves us and wants us to live everlasting, & we belong to Him when we confess Jesus Christ Lord of our life. We are not our own, but purchased with a price.

2007-06-14 13:27:53 · answer #8 · answered by LottaLou 7 · 1 0

His sacrifice was that he gave up heaven to come to earth to face temptation that we all face and to die a very brutal death that left him unrecognizable, that is definitely a sacrifice.He was rejected and mocked from the very people that he was dying for,how was that a career move?Career moves are to better yourself,what is there to better when your already God.

2007-06-14 13:35:27 · answer #9 · answered by simple serenity 3 · 0 0

Being crucified was the ultimate sacrifice, to wash away our sins, the ones who believe of course. This was the whole purpose in his being born of woman, to teach us how to live in the flesh, and how to treat our fellow man. Read and learn.

2007-06-14 13:22:37 · answer #10 · answered by Lady 5 · 2 0

One...it was pure agony and torture for him he was still mortal at the time he felt it. Also....what did he sacrifice besides his mortal life? he became all the sin in the world at one time. His own father turned his eyes and back on him after he had walked so closely with him his entire existence. God cant look upon sin........so he was alone all alone when he died. Yea....he sacrificed nothing alright......

2007-06-14 13:22:16 · answer #11 · answered by SS4 Elby 5 · 1 0

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