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i am a 14 year old girl and i just got out of ninth grade. i was depressed for the whole school year, and then the first few weeks of summer have been awesome. i started cutting a while ago and then stopped and started again a little bit. i think about killing myself all the time. and the other day i was on my raised porch and i just got up and climbed over the rail. it is only like a ten foot drop and there is a huge bush in the way, but i was still going to jump if just for the pain. but then i realized that unless i somehow died, i would have to explain to people what happened. and i don't want to do that. it is my worst fear to tell anyone what has been going on this past year. so i didn't jump, and i walked five miles to my best friend's house instead but i couldn't tell her why i had come. and now i don't know what to do, do i need help? should i tell people? or should i just slap myself in the face and move on. does a truly suicidal person tell people? i don't know what to do...

2007-06-14 05:59:35 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

this is so terrifying
and i forgot to mention that i am not sure my friend will believe me and not think that i am doing this for attention because i know someone who did cut and they all say she did it for attention

2007-06-14 06:01:07 · update #1

12 answers

try to get your parents to get you on antidepressants. its your best chance. and yea, suicidal ppl do sometimes tell others

2007-06-14 06:03:18 · answer #1 · answered by thesightofoneself 6 · 0 0

Studies have proven that they are more likely to increase those feelings. Also, I did and so do several people I know, and they all say it was worse. I took them at age 20 and I tried to kill myself afterwards. They made my downs even worse, or I slept all the time. Second, if your parents are part of the problems you have, doen't tell them. There are a lot of parents who don't understand and just aren't willing to accept that their child needs help. Some parents are just crazy and make things worse. And last, Stop cutting yourself! That is so not good, but when you get older and things are much better, you will look at those scars and wonder why you ever did that. I do.

If you are serious about hurting yourself just for the pain, then get into EXTREME sports. They will take your mind off of whats bothering you and you can see the pains and scars from it and think that they are so cool because of HOW you got them. If you really want to KILL yourself...... then honey, you need to go to a rehab place and call a suicide hotline number.

You need to think about why you are feeling these things and the reasons that you don't want to be around. If it is your parents, then move out or just look forward to the day it will finally come. and trust me, IT WILL BE SOONER THAN YOU THINK.

If it is over a guy or so called friends, then forget them. Get new peoples. No one and (speaking from experience) NO ONE is worth that. If you being treated badly, then trust me people like that will get theres one day and killing yourself WON'T change who or how they are. The best thing to do is move on and change your life. Move with relatives who live somewhere else, or work hard in school so you will get a scholarship or be eligible for grants, so you will be able to move out and live in a dorm or something where you are not near those causing you troubles.
Honey, if you STILL have problems like you do now in about 1-3 yrs. Then I would try medicine for being bipolar or something. Other than that all I can say is start studying the bible and learning about the Lord and believing in Him and trusting in Him that He can help you. Maybe religion and spirituality can cleanse you from the inside out. I know, He definately helped me. It took awhile, but now I can see why He put me through the things I had to go through.

The older you get, the wiser you become. When you are grown and see those beautiful faces of your future children (maybe), you will be so glad you changed. And you will know how to be a better parent for it. You may end up helping and preventing others around you from harming themselves one day for a living.

I applaud you for recognizing that you need help and seeking advice for it at all. Most people don't see how bad they really are until too many have suffered from their actions. Good luck and I will be praying for you to see what you need to do about it.

2007-06-14 13:51:31 · answer #2 · answered by mikeyswifeyof4 3 · 0 0

You definitely need to talk to somebody, and soon. I remember what it was like being in my teens...it wasn't all that long ago. I had thoughts similar to yours, and had definite reasons for them, too. If I had not sought out counseling, and managed to sort out all of my pain, anger, and depression, I might not have been around today.

You absolutely need to find someone you trust that you can talk to, preferably a trusted adult, whether it be your parents, your pastor, your prinicpal, a counselor, a doctor, a neighbor's parents. Just talk to someone, and get your thoughts out. There are also suicide hotlines...I've included a link below in hopes that you will find the help that you need.

By the way...I'm now 30, and I've worked as a paramedic for many years. Best of luck to you.

2007-06-14 13:11:42 · answer #3 · answered by Kyle D 1 · 0 0

When i was about your age i had a similar situation (I'm now 19). I hated school. It was so hard for me. very often i would try to kill myself. I even tried to cut myself. My parents thought i was just seeking attention but I was in a lot of pain. I couldn't face getting up everyday to deal with school.
One day i just cried out to God and told him how I felt and ask Him to give me strenght to deal with my situation instead of trying to kill myself to get out of it.
Even if no one ever understands what your going through Jesus does. You don't need any depression pill, you just need to cry out to the Lord and He will hold your hand and pull u out of what ever ur going through. Maybe what I'm saying sounds like bs but I've been where your at and nothing worked until I asked Jesus to intervene. Try it.

I pray that God be with u and u find peace.

2007-06-14 14:20:24 · answer #4 · answered by marie 2 · 0 0

not that unusual for your age. Tell anyone (in person or over phone) that you possibly can. Is there a teacher or a lady in the neighborhood or a coach or anyone you feel you can approach? Also try suicide hotline, should be in front of your local phone book with "helpful numbers." If you can't find that then you email me with the name of your town or city & I'll find you a number to call.

2007-06-14 13:05:19 · answer #5 · answered by gouldgirl2002 4 · 0 0

talk to someone. ppl who dont understand y ppl cut or harm themselves do say its for attention but, they dont understand so they have no room to talk. u need to tell someone u trust wut u been thinking and feeling and get some help. otherwise, things will just get worse and u could end up seriously hurt or even worse dead. and yes, some truly suicidal ppl do tell ppl. and every single suicidal person gives some kind of sign weather it be isolation, talk of death, giving items away, etc. just get urself some help. u can email or im me if u need someone to talk to.

2007-06-14 13:45:47 · answer #6 · answered by blackoceanview 3 · 0 0

You need help my dear child and yes, you should tell your parents and school counsellors etc. Also take a look at www.emofree.com and try to do EFT yourself.

I am sending you Reiki (freely, no money involved) and you just need to mentally say to yourself, "OK, I accept Reiki to help me!" If possible, join Reiki_Path@yahoogroups.com and request for Reiki (you need not even give all the details, just ask for Reiki). It is free. And it helps.

Loving hugs to you from an uncle.

2007-06-14 13:05:44 · answer #7 · answered by Swamy 7 · 0 1

Please talk to some one ,if you can talk to a minister ,I'm sure your social services has a counselor. What ever you do try to love yourself enough to quit hurting yourself. You have a beautiful life ahead of you , God loves you and there are many people pulling for you. will ask God to help, you do the same.

2007-06-14 13:16:10 · answer #8 · answered by harbro1929 1 · 0 0

Start by telling you love and trust, whether it be a friend, teacher, or a parent. or you can call the national depression assocation hotline 1-800-826-3632 or the teens who cut hotline at 1-800-826-3632 please get help, don't hurt yourself, or those around you.

2007-06-14 13:14:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

talk about it with an adult that you TRUST. If your scared of what your parents will think put yourself in there shoes they love you and want you to be happy and will do anything to help you.

2007-06-14 13:04:24 · answer #10 · answered by stuart g 3 · 0 0

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