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Is it right that in the 21st Century that people in jail can be treated so badly - chain gangs, made to wear pink, fed bad food, put in tents. And that's in America.

I've been in jail twice once for 30 days and once for 6 months and lucky it wasn't like that although it was bad enough. People can be jail for minor stuff like DUI or theft or drugs charges and it doesn't seem right to me that you should be treated as badly.

2007-06-14 05:54:21 · 23 answers · asked by Jamie 1 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

23 answers

That sheriff is a good American!

Criminals have way to many rights in this country now.

Jail is not supposed to be fun or like a resort.

If I was in charge, there would be no A/C or TV either.

You would have to work at least 8 hours a day and then in the evening you could read novels or take educational classes and nothing more.

No gyms, no card games.... busy, busy, busy all of the time.

2007-06-14 06:01:41 · answer #1 · answered by Dog Lover 7 · 10 1

Sheriff Joe is a great guy. There should be more like him. Ask any of the inmates there if they want to go back to jail. Guess what the answer is?
The tent city is a minimum security set up. The pink is that you can't just walk away. The food: Government surplus. If it's good enough for homeless shelters, why not jail? Saves the taxpayers a great deal of money as well. Chain gang: Great way to spend the day, unless you want to sit in that tent all day.

Treated badly? Sparky, it's JAIL not summer camp.

2007-06-14 07:04:22 · answer #2 · answered by tallerfella 7 · 2 1

Sheriff Joe has got it right!

Jail is punishment - it's not intended to be a country club.

As long as the medical care is available, I dont' see any problem.

Considering that probably 75% of the inmates in jail are repeat offenders (nationwide), I would believe that the punishment being provided is doing a hell of a lot more than the "feel-good" rehabilitation programs and EHD programs being offered by other agencies. I'm sure he's got fewer repeat offenders coming in...

Obviously, it's not unconstitutional - since no courts have declared it so.

I'm willing to bet the food's not bad - it's just the basics. Again, this is jail - it's not Burger King or a fancy restaurant.

You don't like the punishment? Don't violate the law! It's that simple !!!! Get over it! I wish the other agencies would wake up and do the same.

Calif Deputy

2007-06-14 07:32:01 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

If you go to jail then obviously you did something wrong. Jail was made for a punishment. I don't think people in jail should get any good benefits, like good food or anything like that. You are in jail to learn a lesson and to take criminals off the street. If you don't like the way you are treated in jail then don't break the law. and by the way DUI, Theft and drugs are not minor stuff!!!

2007-06-14 06:07:30 · answer #4 · answered by Mel 5 · 6 1

If you had spent your first conviction of 30 days in Sheriff Apario's facility, you probably wouldn't have committed a second crime.

I'm all for it!

I am totally against workout equipment (if you wanna build your body, do pushups); I believe every convict should work on public projects for the betterment of the county in which they are incarcerated - regular hours 8A-5P. I don't think they should have access to TV, radio or music CD's except on Sundays, after the required attendance at a church service, and only PBS TV and radio - and only CD's that are rated "G".

I don't believe they should be allowed to gather socially in groups larger than 4. I believe that they should NOT be given yardtime at all - except Sunday afternoon for 1 hour only; they get enough outdoors time working....

I believe that, if the convict didn't finish high school, or graduated with less than a C average, they should be required to attend classes, graduate and/or bring their grades up to at least a C. They don't get released until they do.

I think they should be required to have "pink" everything; underwear, uniforms, shoes, bedding and if in a brick and mortar building, the entire interior be painted pink.

They should have NO access to computers (unless it is a closed system concerning their school studies) or the internet. All stationery used for writing letters should be the same pink as everything else and CONVICT imprinted in the paper and on the envelopes.

They should not have access to telephones at all except on Sunday, at specified times and with phone monitors on the line who can and will disconnect the call if the conversation is not appropriate.

I believe if you make prison what it is....a place for convicts to re-think their life...and not some ego-boosting, body building gang thing, few would want to return.

2007-06-14 06:52:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Personally think the guy has got it spot on..............you also fail to mention that in general the re offender rate for the people in his care is wayyyyyyyyyyyy lower than with any ones else's touchy feelie style.............

Also all but stood and clapped when he told the ones whinging about the heat that our men and women was in a place MUCH hotter with no a/c either and being shot at as well as having to carry and wear all their gear.........

I also watched a program that spoke to some of the inmates and they even said that they felt that it was a good thing, by being put into areas all over town hopefully they would serve as a reminder to others to NOT do what they had done which is BREAK the law..................

I also fail to see why prisoner's should feel that they have a god given right to all these amenities...........surely by not obeying the law you remove your rights your self.


2007-06-14 06:26:27 · answer #6 · answered by candy g 7 · 2 1

[Is it right that in the 21st Century that people in jail can be treated so badly - chain gangs, made to wear pink, fed bad food, put in tents. And that's in America.]

In some foreign countries the prisoners don't even have it THAT good. If you get caught stealing in Saudi Arabia they chop off your hand. I saw on tv that in one African country (I forget which one) they allowed the rapist to be beaten by the women he raped. Then he went to jail. In some Asian countries they cane the prisoners. That's when they tie the prisoner to a post and beat him on his/her butt with a rattan cane or stick. Sometimes it's done publicly.
And you're going to complain about some jailbirds wearing pink, living in tents and eating bad food????

2007-06-14 06:13:34 · answer #7 · answered by Mr.Longrove 7 · 5 0

I fail to see what the problem is. To clear up some confusion, Jail is a temporary place where one goes to serve a sentence of a year or less depending on the circumstances(Consecutive sentences is one example).

PRISON is for sentences of one year or more.

The fact is, Sheriff Apario is doing two things. One is trying to remind people that Jail is not supposed to be a pleasant place to sit around all nice and comfy for committing a crime. The second is, reminding everyone that the law abiding taxpayer is footing the bill.

As Sheriff, he has the responsibility of Law Enforcement and running the Jail and the Deputies and Jailers needed. And he get only so much to do both. I'd rather he spend as much as he can on giving his Deputies and Jailers good wages and the best equipment possible. Wouldn't you?

As Sheriff Joe had said many times and I'll paraphrase it here. "We have soldiers fighting for us that live in far worse conditions"

2007-06-14 06:33:27 · answer #8 · answered by mebe1042 5 · 4 2

sounds like you didn't learn the first time you were in jail. if conditions where you were where like joe's jail you probably wouldn't have been back the second time. jail should be the worst place on earth so that no one i mean no one would ever go back. our jail system is a farce when the inmates get better meals than most people get in their homes. inmates should not have exercise yards. libraries tv and computers but should be made to work for their exercise and given the amoutn of food to keep them alive. their should be no jobs for pay in the prison systems and no special priviledges either. jail should never be better than home and if it is then do something about it jail should not be home for anyone but those that deseve it if we made the jail system harder we wouldn't have over crowded jail now would we.

2007-06-14 06:29:38 · answer #9 · answered by mr doodles 4 · 1 1

Yes, I am very happy and wish that all California jails and state prisons were run the same way.

Let me ask you a question: After being treated so badly, how many more times do you plan on going back to Apario's jail?

2007-06-14 06:03:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

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