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I am getting braces in less than two weeks and I need to know what to do like to prepare. I have read that u should take pain killer before u go in. If so how soon before and does it matter what kind. Also do I need to buy anything like tooth brushes, or soft foods. I am sure my dentist will tell me all this but I am just really scared and want to know what to do. Can u please tell me what you did when u got ur braces on? That would be a lot of help to, its just that I am sooo scared that its gonna hurt ALOT!! So any pointers would help. Thanks

2007-06-14 05:51:02 · 71 answers · asked by hopium4ever 1 in Health Dental

71 answers

ok ive had my braces on for 2 years now and u do get used to them so dont be scared! well for breakfast eat some tortilla chips or doritos or something bc once the braces are say bye bye to hard things (like chips) u might wanna eat some apples and oranges bc its a major hassle to eat them once ya get braces...id say wait to take the pain killer and Advil works best... take the advil right AFTER bc it will get to workin right when ur mouth starts to notice the changes... if u play an instrument (like me) or do sports (like me) then u might have to wait to play bc ur mouth will be sore for about 2 weeks and all ur gonna wanna eat is mashed taters so be ready for that !ur not allowed to eat ALOT of things so eat as much of them that u can before ya get the braces!
tortilla chips
hard candy
bubble gum
pizza crust
there are many foods that u just dont wanna eat bc they are just a big hassle to out of the braces so eat...
granola bars (hard like nature valley)
corn on the cob
chicken fried steak
fresh bread (hard crust)
pizza (pep. and hamburger get stuck)
soda (it eats away at ur teeth and u shouldnt drink it)
chicken strips
sandwiches (bread gets stuck)
honestly the list goes on and on............... so eat as much of the food listed above bc ur not gonna eat it for awhile... now about the brushes and stuff ur ortho should give u all the stuff u need... and just some little tricks
sugarfree gum (doesnt stick if you just HAVE to get gum)
popcorn (eat no more than 2 pieces @ a time bc the kernels wonts get stuck that ways)
lemonade (good sub. for soda)
licorice (the cherry bites of twizzlers are gummi and are easier to eat)
steak and chicken (cut into very very small pieces so it wont get caught between brackets)
ice (crushed ice is better)
those are all my tricks! hope u have fun learning about the care, responcibility, and joy of braces!jk
remember it will be worth every single second in the end:)

2007-06-14 07:23:56 · answer #1 · answered by twiggy30 2 · 65 4

Okay. Relax =] I got my braces off last summer, and it's bark is much worse than its bite. Braces, and pain effect different people in different ways. For me, it only hurts for the first few days. I took a pain-killer when I got home, but I think it would be better for you to take it before you go in. For the first few days, your gums would thank you if you ate only soft foods. Toothbrushes again, then totally depend on the person. Some people like soft tips, so it doesn't rub up against your gums as much, but I bought an electric toothbrush so it's more effective of cleaning my teeth. Cavities are very common with braces, let me warn you, because food gets stuck in the brackets, and without the proper cleaning, could lead to cavities. I suggest investing in floss. You'll be fine and the dentist will tell you anything that you need to know. Also, sorry but no gum, even though I didn't listen when I did it. ;-] Good luck, and don't worry!

2007-06-14 09:27:41 · answer #2 · answered by Britt 4 · 2 0

Getting braces on although it SEEMS scary.. it really isn't. The orthodontist will go over everything in full with you. You have nothing to worry about.

Take a pain killer about 10-20 minutes before you leave. But you may not even need them. My braces didn't hurt that day to be honest. Everyone is different, but worst case scenario is the pain killer helps.

Eat something before you leave. I wouldn't eat a MAJOR meal, but you will be sore and probably not be up to eating right before you leave. As a result, I would definitely recommend eating something that will fill you up before you leave. Not something that will make you feel sick either. Maybe a bowl of cereal or something?

The orthodontist will probably almost give you everything you could ever imagine needing, and do not hesitate to call them if you are concerned. You can eat whatever you want to afterwards. Eat what you are comfortable eating. If your mouth hurts too much, just eat some soup. Everyone is different. The night I got home (I had my tops and bottoms on separately so I got to go through this twice). When I got home with with my top braces on I ate some pasta. When I got home with my bottoms I ate some waffles.

Just do whatever feels good. And pay attention to how to brush and everything. They WILL tell you. And don't feel like you have to brush the first few days. Because they will be sore. But keep in mind the FRONT of your teeth have no feeling. So you wont be in PAIN because of that. It will be sore. But i'd guess you've probably experienced worse pain from other things.

Good luck!

2007-06-14 09:03:33 · answer #3 · answered by Joe 2 · 5 0

First tip: RELAX. When you are getting braces on, you don't feel any pain whatsoever. Your mouth just might get a little dry, because they put in a "smile maker" made of rubber to keep your mouth open. But they give you water to help that. The braces might hurt a teensy bit after a few hours, so try to stick to soft foods.
Second tip: I know the list of what you cannot eat seems painfully long, but to tell you the truth, you can eat pretty much whatever you want. You just need to avoid real hard and sticky foods like chips, popcorn, candies, and bubble gum. Pizza crusts are okay as long as they're thin, though.
Third tip: I'd suggest bringing music or watching television if they have it cause getting the braces on might take awhile. That's what I hated most...I know, funny, right??? That was the worst part of it! At least for me.

So just take a breath, smile, and loosen up. You'll be fine. Millions of people have gotten braces in their life and no one has died! Have fun!

2015-07-29 15:10:34 · answer #4 · answered by Alessandra 2 · 0 0

I had braces on top and bottom for two years. Take Tylenol or Advil about a half hour before going in. Getting them on doesn't hurt so much, it more just the pain after. Your teeth will feel sour, chewing really isn't realistic. Soft foods, like yogurt, oatmeal, soups, and soft fruit work best. Within the first week your teeth will already have noticeably moved. About two weeks after getting them put on you should be back to eating solid foods.

Brushing your teeth with braces on is kind of hard to get use to. Keep floss and a tooth brush with you when you can (food gets stuck really easily) . In general braces take a lot of adjusting, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly. And although you have a mouth of metal for while, the end result is COMPLETELY worth it! Good luck :)

2007-06-14 09:08:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes it does hurt. Not in a scratching, bleeding, sort of way but in a sore, pressure, tight way. Invest in some plastic spoons. Your mouth won't be able to handle your teeth hitting the metal. Also make sure you rent some dvds before you og in, that way you have something to do when you get out and are still in pain. Some good things to eat are Mashed potatoes, jello, cream of wheat, yogurt, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese. Do not eat ice cream, the cold makes your teeth feel worse. Dont worry, though. the pain only last for about 2days to a week after you get your braces. Then when you get them adjusted depending on the amount of adjusting, 1 hour to 1 day of hurt time. Once you get used to them you can prety much eat anything you want. Except for hard candy, caramels, Bubble gum, apples, and raw carrots. Other than that you can eat anything. I even ate corn on the cob. I had braces for 2 years. Never broke off a bracket or popped a wire.
When they are putting the braces on, it is a little invasive but not too bad. Just make sure you dont swallow the wire. then you should be fine. Remember to have someone else drive you home. Sometimes (especially if you've taken pain meds) this can be .....Difficult. I hope everything goes well for you. Don't worry you will have a beautiful smile!

2007-06-14 13:21:27 · answer #6 · answered by Jillian J 2 · 4 0

the only thing you need to do before u get ur braces...is to eat your favorite foods as MUCH as you can...cause when you get the braces, you might have to wait between 4 days to a week to be able to eat chewable foods. The pain killer before getting the braces on is really unnecessary!.use it after you get the braces cause putting the braces on isn't painful; it's the aftermath that's painful! I suggest you only eat soft foods the first week you get the braces on- pasta, mashed potatoes, soap etc. The metal part of your braces sometimes gets stuck to your cheek, but fortunately your orthodontist can give you some wax to put on the sharp metal that's getting attached to your cheeks. You may bleed a bit but it's not extremely painful. It's just a minor cut/bruise most of the time and goes away within 2 days. Don't chew gum the first few weeks you get the braces on. If i were you, i'd avoid steak, sausage, toast, potato chips, popcorn, and nachos.
Usually every month you'll be going back to you orthodontists to tighten your braces so that your teeth continue moving straight. Sometimes this may be painful but that's rare...
There is no need to be scared! BE brave braceface (jokin hehe)... i've had braces twice! trust me i would know that proper recommendations. Just take 3 tylenols the night you get your braces! In the end you'll have the best smile ever!

2007-06-14 11:06:09 · answer #7 · answered by pamplemousse 6 · 2 0

It will feel sore for some time so take some kind of over the counter pain killer for the pain. For about a week after they are put on and after each time the braces are adjusted its hard to eat. It just plain hurts. also if the wires hurt, put some wax (you should be given some by the orthodontest along with a bunch of other stuff) on the part of the braces that causes problems.

To make sure they dont break avoid bagels and really tough foods. Things like jolly ranchers and gum are supposed to be a no no but I didn't listen and nothing happened. I was also lazy with the rubber bands you are supposed to put in (I only put them at night) and was fine too.

2007-06-14 09:33:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I first got my braces, I didn't do anything to prepare. Actually, I didn't even know my dentist was putting on my braces until after they were on! When I was like 8, he had told me, that I would get them by the time I turn 11 or 12, but the day I got them, he didn't even tell me he was putting them in. Don't be scared, getting your braces put in is not painful at all. However, after you get them in, your teeth will hurt for about a week, and you will have to settle with eating soft foods. Every month, when you get your braces tightened, it will be like that. It'll hurt for about a week or so. As for toothbrushes, you don't need to buy any. Your dentist will provide you with the special toothbrushes, floss. etc. that you need. If he doesn't, then just ask him where you can purchase them from. Also, he will probably show you the proper technique of how to brush with braces on. When I had mine, my dentist also told me not to chew any gum while I had them on, because the gum can sometimes get stuck onto the metal and it's tough to get it off. Most importantly: RELAX! Don't be scared, it's not scary. It's worth it in the end, when you get your braces removed. It'll be a huge difference!

Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

2007-06-14 09:18:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well, getting the braces put on is 100% pain free so don't worry about that. But after a short time your teeth will become sore from moving. It isn't that bad really. Just take a tylonol right before or right after you go. I didn't but it would have probably been helpful. Yes, you're suppose to stay away from hard foods, but as long as your careful you can eat them. But, when you just got your braces tightened you will want to eat things like soup or soft bread. I just got mine tightened and it hurts because I'm gettting one tooth rotated and so that tooth hurts. But well, if your a girl then it doesn't hurt more than you period so don't worry and if your a guy then I've been told it's nothing compared to getting kicked where the sun doesn't shine. Hope that helps!

2007-06-14 09:54:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Well....first off, you need to know, hard candy, like jolly ranchers, carmel, is a no-no. I know it's hard, but it's the truth. You'll also need a speical toothbrush to get in the nooks and crannies of your braces. Most likely, the dentist will give you the pain killer anyway. Braces don't hurt-your mouth could be sore for the first week or two-but it doesn't hurt your mouth. You can still play sports, but it would be wise to wear a mouthguard( if you don't already), and if you play the flute,sax, clarinet, or an instuement you have to blow into, you should be fine once you adjust. If you're nervous what other people will think, you'll get mostly complements, actually! The fun part is choosing you color, white and black, red, blue, Neon colors, and even glow-in-the-dark! Ask your orthadonsits. Good Luck!


2007-06-14 06:05:52 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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