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The Bible states; only a fool says in his heart there is no God. So this implies that the existence of God is obvious to any sensible person. The best way to examine this is to ask, not what atheists don’t believe in, but what they actually do believe in. - - -
If you reject the existence of a Supernatural First Cause of the material universe, you automatically deify ‘matter’. You are compelled to believe the preposterous notion that matter not only created itself, but also its own natural laws, information, the potential for life, and all the other qualities which now exist in the universe, from absolute nothing. So atheists have to worship ‘MATTER’ as an all powerful god, there is no other option. Please keep this in mind, when you answer the question.
So are atheists fools? I think the answer is obvious.

2007-06-14 05:09:02 · 58 answers · asked by A.M.D.G 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Doug - - - thanks! but if you read Romans 1:20- 23 it says that 'these things are clearly seen' (I would say that means obvious), 'so that they are without excuse', and 'professing themselves to be wise they become fools'. Yes! faith is needed, but it is not blind faith, it is based on reason and impeccable logic. Those who do not believe in the Creator are without excuse because they deliberately close their minds to the truth, because of this they are unable to see the obvious. They claim they are wise, but in reality are fools. So many of the answers I have got from atheists prove this point. I have yet to see a good logical argument from them.

2007-06-14 06:06:40 · update #1

Uh_Yeah - - -
What sort of proof do you want? There is an excellent logical argument for the existence of a Supernatural Creator, based on natural law and reason, whereas there is no similar, logical argument for the non-existence of a Supernatural Creator, or for the self- creation of matter/energy and information. This makes the score for logical argument 1 to 0 in favour of God

2007-06-14 06:26:08 · update #2

G.C. - - - Hi! Christian friend, I could say with friends like you, who needs enemies? Please get real! Satan is prowling around like a raging lion, our present decadent, corrupt and crime-ridden secular society is certain evidence of a great spiritual blindness. Please help to defend the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, rather than give succour to those who wish to destroy it.

2007-06-14 06:55:45 · update #3

skalite5 - - - So you reckon there was no Cause, in other words, your beliefs contradict a natural law which governs all matter. The law of cause and effect is not only natural law, it is also common sense.
Nothing in the material world happens without a cause, if you believe it does, then you really have let the cat out of the atheist bag. In other words, you have confirmed what I have always thought, that atheist's beliefs take precedence over natural laws.
How rational or scientific is that?

2007-06-15 07:06:58 · update #4

Markymark - - - The so-called 'Big Bang' is not a first cause, unless you think that;
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in the beginning, there was nothing. Then lo and behold! all of a sudden, NOTHING EXPLODED! and became EVERYTHING!!!!
Of cause, the 'Big Bang' isn't even credible as a secondary cause.
Since information is not a physical element (and as information is a fundamental constituent of the universe and an essential feature of all life) to assert that the universe is composed solely of matter and energy is clearly wrong. The speculated ‘Big Bang’ explosion is an accidental, purposeless and destructive event, with no informational component whatsoever. As it is not possible for such a ‘Big Bang’ or any other undirected release of energy to create useful information (or any sort of order) it is patently obvious that this ‘Big Bang’ story of creation is erroneous.

2007-06-15 07:20:44 · update #5

Uh_Yeah - - - The First Cause cannot be a material one, because if it was, it would be subject to the law of Cause and Effect, and would need a cause itself, which means it could not be the First Cause.
Therefore the First Cause has to be outside of natural law (non-material) i.e. Supernatural. As the First Cause it also has to be the originator of natural law, and everything else that exists. It is also self-existent, i.e. not dependent on anything else for its existence and therefore eternal and infinite.
Now you tell me how you can explain a first cause as a purely naturalistic event? If you can, I will credit you with the title 'genius of all time'. If you can't however, and you still insist on dismissing the concept of Supernatural First Cause then you deserve to be regarded as a fool.

2007-06-15 07:42:34 · update #6

58 answers

man, you turn the tables, and look how pissy they get! Atleast most of the Christians here don't start calling them stupid! But now most of them have resorted to bashing what Christians believe in. Wow! already 46 answers! lmao

2007-06-14 05:23:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Where do you get your logic? Your circular reasoning is illogical. To use the bible as the basis to your belief holds no substance whatsoever. Just because it says in Psalms that a fool rejects god, doesn't make it true.

You're saying that your god is the "Supernatural First Cause". Where is your proof of this? And how do we DEIFY 'matter' by rejecting god?

Your superfluous explanation says only one thing - GOD DID IT. You can pad your explanation all you want, but those three words are all I garnered from your diatribe. And in the end, there is no proof whatsoever of what you're claiming.

Again, circular reasoning. God created man and the planets around us. Since man and the planets exist, god exists. That is not logical proof. That's bunk. And, since we cannot prove a negative, there is no way of disproving god (and just because we can't prove there isn't a god doesn't automatically mean one exists). Through credible ways we have found the most reasonable explanation of where humans and this planet and this universe came from. And how long it took for all of it to get here. The bible, as interpreted by many of you thumpers out there, believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old. That's been debunked several times over.

I don't claim to know where everything originated. I do, however, believe the reasoning that if we were created then whatever created us, too, has a creator. If you can't believe that this universe and all matter therein didn't always exist in one form or another, how can you believe that a creator has always existed in one form or another? Again, defies logic. But it's okay. I'm sure you'll make up some convoluted reason explaining how god can transcend everything so the laws he created don't apply to him.

2007-06-14 05:14:56 · answer #2 · answered by umwut? 6 · 7 1

Examine this then! I am atheist it means just as you say, I don't believe in God,that shouldn't take a lot of working out really should it?
You go on to say " The best way to examine this is to ask what atheist do believe in"!!!!
Why, what's that got to do with anything at all?? The only real thing I have in common with other atheists is I don't believe in God or any religion that worships God!! I could well believe in the jolly green giant , I don't but some atheists may do, so what who cares, they are doing no harm to folk that don't believe in the jolly giant, or don't like the way others are worshipping him!
Also why do you assume 'all atheists' have the same idea about the beginning , no one knows the answer to that, the theory of evolution, is just that, a theory, some atheists may believe in the idea, others dont know!
One thing is for sure, we dont need to believe that Adam and Eve just appeared in the garden , who could possibly be so foolish as to think that really happened???
Talking about "preposterous" notions, have a close look at all the religions, lets start with Christianity shall we??
Perhaps not I've had a belly full of violations from this section from mainly Christian groups, it's not really up for debate is it??
We have one other thig in common (we atheists) we will not report abuse against you for thinking we are 'foolish' we know who is foolish, it is very obvious.

2007-06-14 06:14:53 · answer #3 · answered by budding author 7 · 1 1

, information, the potential for life, and all the other qualities which now exist in the universe, from absolute nothing. So atheists have to worship ‘MATTER’ as an all powerful god, mmmmm you have no idea do you?
atheist believe in a free thinking an atheist has to know whats in a bible to become an athiest and 9 ot 10 athiest no morein that bible then the believers do a lot of the time. i tell you why i dont believe even better i'll show you with this link. il even past a bit:

The Medieval Church played a far greater role in Medieval England than the Church does today. In Medieval England, the Church dominated everybody's life. All Medieval people - be they village peasants or towns people - believed that God, Heaven and Hell all existed. From the very earliest of ages, the people were taught that the only way they could get to Heaven was if the Roman Catholic Church let them. Everybody would have been terrified of Hell and the people would have been told of the sheer horrors awaiting for them in Hell in the weekly services they attended.

your religion is nothing more but basted on peoples fears. always has been always will be. i believe that we only have this earth a rock but if we look after it we can gain much from it you plant an apple seed and with a little help it will grow and give you food and animals bugs and so on shelter and home as well as food. look after the tree and it will bless you with more friut. give and you'll get something in return. i can not expect a mear person like you to understand after all your brained washed in thinking that the bible is everything. sad.

2007-06-14 05:26:17 · answer #4 · answered by dragontears 4 · 2 1

First, the Bible says, "The fool says in his heart that there is no god."

Setting aside for a moment the fact that this statement is a load of horsepucky, let's note that the implication here goes the other way. It says that being a fool implies being an atheist (with respect to the Jewish god). It does not say that being an atheist means being a fool.

Your logic, and the logic of most Christians who quote this verse, is akin to saying that my claim that "all dalmatians are dogs" is the same as "all dogs are dalmatians," which is both stupid and easy to refute with a counterexample.

The existence of god is *not* obvious to many sensible people, and the fact that you think it is *because your holy book says so* (instead of because you've interviewed sensible people on their attitudes toward religion) is a little scary.

Your claim that rejecting the ontological argument (and most people today reject it) is the equivalent of deifying matter is idiotic, and it goes downhill from there. You don't know anything about information except what you've read on creationist websites, clearly (I, on the other hand, have written simple programs that create information randomly while on my lunch break, even using a crummy programming language like MatLab). You don't seem to know what a natural law is, you know *nothing* about the origin of life, and you clearly have not read up on a little theory called the Big Bang (again, other than what you've read on creationist websites, which, like the Bible quote you've provided, are generally horsepucky).

You also assume some special "deity" quality has to exist, whether in matter or elsewhere, or else where would you get your little false dilemma? Your argument appears to be the distant cousin of Descartes's famous category error. Why do so many theists still worship Descartes?

And then you say we must necessarily worship something? What are you smoking? Not everyone is like you. Not everyone worships something. In fact, you're taking the single least likely group of worshippers and claiming they must worship something.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God (hah!) have mercy on your soul.

2007-06-14 05:12:58 · answer #5 · answered by Minh 6 · 12 1

The Bible calls Atheists fools in Psalms 14:a million and fifty 3:a million. probable someplace else too. you're remarkable that Christians now and lower back decide too rapidly, myself blanketed, and are meaner approximately correcting human beings than is needed, that's probable what Matthew 5:22 is pertaining to. besides the shown fact that, I stand on the authority of God's be conscious and say that Atheists are fools, as a results of fact God stated it first. A fool, interior the biblical experience, isn't one with low mind. this is individual who disobeys God. You sustain wrath for your self once you sin and that's silly.

2016-10-09 04:55:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As Bertrand Russell said - "If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time."

Thiests are fools for actually believing in this random crap, just because that's what they were taught as children and it gives them some false hope. Russell's teapot and Pastafarianism (see sources) are just as infinitesimally logical as Christianity is. Perhaps you could be considered a fool for doubting the divinity of the FSM.

2007-06-14 05:24:43 · answer #7 · answered by apocalyps956 2 · 2 1

atheist don't believe in nothing.....nor god nor matter. You're using the following reasoning : everything is done by something, so there is a supernatural first cause....the answer is : that's not obvious, where's the proove ? and why everything should have been decided by someone, eventhough it's a supernatural person ? Even if we think, and that's not obviously the case, that matter is the origin, why should it be a god ? atheist don't believe in god, in any god....The explanation isn't found yet, that's all. Your argument sounds like the egyptian ones, what is the sun if not a god ? They couldn't understand, so it was a god. You don't understanf, so god exists.

2007-06-14 05:21:34 · answer #8 · answered by azalee 2 · 1 1

I am not an atheist....do the homework, that is a title given by the catholic church....next show me proof....besides a book written by man that even in its oldest form, and out of 328 different versions, was written by men, less than 3000 years ago. I have never felt an obviousness of a higher power. Science which is documented to be far older than your book, still hasn't figured it all out. So worship matter? That implies tribute and supplication...I give matter neither. So to answer your question are atheists fools? Individually may be...I am sure one or two of the people you are trying to label have made bad choices....but because they don't believe as you do...no, and if you are to follow the Bible, you nor anyone born of woman are fit to judge that.

2007-06-14 05:22:21 · answer #9 · answered by fishbone70 1 · 1 1

Some major, and in my opinion, incorretc assumptions there. Why when not believing in a God would we therefor 'deify matter'? I do not worship matter, I follow physics explanation of the big bang. Interestingly, Christianity 100 years ago were completely against the notion of a big bang, now they accpet it. Galileo was imprisoned for suggesting the earth orbits the sun, now its is accpeted. How can the church change what it believes without further information from its God? It seems that it changes the rules to suit itself. I then cannot understand anybody who has faith in such a system.

2007-06-14 05:14:35 · answer #10 · answered by Marky 6 · 4 2

I do so agree with you, you have to be a fool not to see god in everything around you, The planets, the universe our earth even the workings of our own body, Surely you cannot believe that it all happened on its own without a master worker, they are not fools, there imbeciles,dummies etc, The reason being is that once you know the truth you have to conform, you cannot plead ignorance in the sight of god anymore.God' demands respect, devotion and unconditional love and his laws to be obeyed, its easier not to believe

2007-06-15 06:46:56 · answer #11 · answered by gloriashealth@btinternet.com 4 · 1 0

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