The best prayers you can give come straight from your heart. God looks into our hearts. He doesn't care how well we know scripture but, how well we abide by it, making us good at heart. Pray in earnest and in the name of Jesus. No recitals or magic words. Just the words of your heart and Heaven's only mediator; Jesus. None come to the Father but through Him.
In finding a good woman remember "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness"? 2 Corinthians 6:14. In other words you have to much at stake and no business being with unbelievers. Even those who claim to be Christian. You should find a good like minded Christian woman. You'll do well by this.
God bless
2007-06-14 05:20:19
answer #1
answered by F'sho 4
Let us take a step back here. You talk about the woman of your dreams. Not necessarily so. You will come across many women with one or two appearing suitable. However, there could be one who might not appeal to you to start with but as time goes on you receive confirmation from God that this is the one for you. Watch and wait - don't be in a hurry.
2007-06-21 01:56:07
answer #2
answered by cheir 7
The only thing you need is confidence in yourself and then you will attract the perfect woman to your life. When you are self-confident you naturally put your best foot forward and display those qualities you have a particular strength in and this will attract a worthy partner. Also, it is important to act in order to materialize this person in your life. Sitting and reading and praying about someone is no match for going out and meeting that particular someone. Be social.
I must admit I'm a bit hurt that you deleted the atheist question that you asked me to answer and which I gave such a brilliant answer for....
2007-06-14 18:12:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ask and you shall receive , And be patient and have faith in what you ask the longer you doubt the longer it takes. For we all have a soul mate, Pray and I will also pray for you that the Lord sends you your soul mate.God bless and keep faith in what you are asking for. Gods speed...Read PS 18:2 Eph 1:10 I was in your situation many years ago and the Lord truly sent my soul mate when I was least expecting Him..I have been with Him now 19 years...Just be patient and believe in what you are asking and Your soul mate will come onto your life..
2007-06-14 05:26:58
answer #4
answered by patricia 2
In St Paul 's letter to the Christian community at Ephesus, he urges husbands and wives (in terms appropriate to his day) to mutually surrender to one another in love. He then continues:
Because of this a man shall leave his father and mother to be united with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a very great mystery, and I refer to Christ and the Church. (Ephesians 5.31-32)
'Love is always patient and kind' (1 Corinthians 13:4). . With tenderness: With understanding: 'Love does not take offence and is not resentful' (1 Corinthians 13:5). With courage: 'Love is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, to endure' (1 Corinthians 13:7).
Jesus, you loved us to the end. Grant us to love in like manner.
2007-06-15 03:47:13
answer #5
answered by princess ana j 3
I'd love to help but I've been praying for a double jointed nymphomaniac for about 20 years now with no luck... if you figure it out let me know.
2007-06-14 05:04:54
answer #6
answered by BOB 4
Proverbs 5:19
A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love
2007-06-14 05:10:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You need strength while waiting for your future wife? Strength for what? People like you make me sick. If you feel that you just have to have a wife in order to function properly, then get of your butt and go get one. Prayer wont help you, action will.
2007-06-14 05:04:41
answer #8
answered by boukenger 4
Love is a horrible addiction. It comes from interaction with other peoples' pheromones. You get addicted to them and when you are near them they make you release serotonin.
2007-06-14 05:03:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness...and THEN all these things will be added unto you
Concentrate on the Lord first my friend.....He will provide for you in His time
2007-06-14 05:04:08
answer #10
answered by primoa1970 7