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Do you ever want to beleive there is life after deat, dont you feel like depresses or scared that there is no life after death & you want to think there is more to life then just live & die. honest answers please.

2007-06-14 04:22:45 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I know some people think that there no proof to support life after deat,/God, but is'n't that part of having faith? othwise what would the point of life be if God just threw direct proof of his existence? isnt the whole point of having faith so the ones who do get rewared in the after life?

2007-06-14 04:30:39 · update #1

Also when some people say why doesn't God stop bad thiings in the world, the religious people will say its because God wants to see how people react to other people in need & in a situation, to see how & if we would help others, they will say God wants to show people that he is in power & he can do anything within his will, to show & make people realise this is your chance to lead a good life & fear him, the victims who are born disabled , deiseass etc will be rewared in the after life, God does these things so he can make other people realise he has power, to make people realise anything can happen & take things for granted so people will believe in him & fear him.

2007-06-14 04:36:58 · update #2

49 answers

...No. Though I'm agnostic, I just don't care.

2007-06-14 04:26:47 · answer #1 · answered by Keyring 7 · 1 0

"I know some people think that there no proof to support life after deat,/God, but is'n't that part of having faith?"

Many times, I can't even get past this point when thinking about the afterlife and God. If I'm going to have faith in a higher being, which higher being should it be? The Christian god? Why? Because I was born into Christianity? How do I know I have faith in the right god? If a Hindu has a much faith as I do, does that mean he and I are ending up at the same place after death?
Of course, all of this is moot, because I don't believe any of the earthly gods exist. I have no i dea if a higher being (or beings exist). It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

I don't feel depressed or scared about death (at least not my death). I'm more scared of any pain I might experience while dying.

2007-06-14 05:03:26 · answer #2 · answered by Robot Devil 3 · 0 0

Would I like to live forever? Yes. Will I? Probably not. There is this assumption that if you don't live for the purpose of pleasing someone so that you can live forever, then you must be depressed and miserable. But that isn't the case; for many atheists, life is more special because they don't believe in an afterlife. The same goes for me.

Life, for me, is my only shot, it's not a mere prelude to infinity. I must make the most of it. Yes, I'll live briefly then die. But the fact that I live at all, in spite of all the other circumstances that could have prohibited it, that makes life and living special.

I don't think that "God-doesn't-stop-bad-things" arguement has anything to do with whether or not there is a God. You can simply then postulate a God who let's bad things happen. That doesn't either lend support or invalidate God in general (although it does disprove SPECIFICALLY a God that would stop bad things from happening; such a God can't exist; but like I said, you can then just assume that God let's bad things happen, for whatever reasons He\IT does).

And about faith:
In the end, the way that you are forced to judge validity is with some logical criterion (say, the scientific method, for example). Faith disregards this; you can believe that gravity will forfeit and you won't die when you jump off the cliff. You can do this, no one said you couldn't believe it, but in the end the facts are inescapable. When your feet leave the cliff, you fall.

See "God: The Failed Hypothesis" for info on why facts about the nonexistence of God seem inescapable. There are very strong arguements against Him, logically, philosophically, and scientifically.

And that's my honest answer.

2007-06-15 19:28:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No I don't 'want' to believe anything that isn't true. Why would the truth depress me? I didn't exist before I was born and I will just return to that state when I die. It is a fact of life that happens to all living things.

What more does life need? I love, laugh, learn, cry, etc.... What I can't understand is how theists can't see that believing in a myth about an afterlife cheapens the value of life itself. If I know I have this life and that's it, when it's gone there is no more for me, I will value it MORE than if I believe I can't ever lose it.

Decay is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence.
- Buddha's last words

2007-06-14 04:35:32 · answer #4 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 0 0

I have no fear that there is no life after death, in fact why would there be? We are nothing more than a multi cellular organism similar in make up to all other animals. What makes us so special that we should assume that just because we have higher thinking power that death is not the end.
I don`t have a fear of dying just a desire to put it off for as long as possible.
Another thought that i did have once, that if there is a life after death (A kind of ghosting if our image) that this could be a possibility but without any attachment to a God. I have however dismissed this as irrational thinking.

2007-06-14 04:33:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no life after death. Therefore this life has to be made as good as possible. It is a rewarding philosophy.

I have faith in Harry Potter, am i going to be rewarded by Dumbledore when i die then?

'God wants to see how people react to other people in need & in a situation, to see how & if we would help others'

Great so all the suffering in the world is just a TEST for Christians? Please, do not be so self minded.

'God wants to show people that he is in power & he can do anything within his will'
'God does these things so he can make other people realise he has power'

Instead of killing us to do this could he not just perform actual modern miracles on mass? Also, in your previous added section you stated that there is no point of life if there is a proof of God; you just stated here that God is giving us proof by showing us he is powerful. So God wants to prove his existence and disprove it at the same time?

'this is your chance to lead a good life & fear him,'

Ok, is he not meant to love us? Read this statement and think about it; 'I love you now FEAR me'.
I have been told countless times that to get into heaven all you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ; how does that promote living a good life? 'I can murder all i want; as long as i believe in Jesus I'm going to eternal paradise'

2007-06-14 09:39:46 · answer #6 · answered by thomasgilboy 3 · 0 0

No, there is no life after death and what is sad is that people like you have been brainwashed into believing such nonsense, I am not attacking you but the way you and most other people have been brought up by the religious lunatics who rule the world, it is not easy to see through their lies. Unfortunately we all have to die and when we do that is the end of the story I dont particulary like that but there is nothing I or anyone else can do about it and believing in a non existant afterlife is pretty pointless.

2007-06-14 07:31:07 · answer #7 · answered by Stephen P 4 · 0 0

Humans are mortal. They are born and then they die. What happens in between those moments is what is important. Spending time worrying if there is life after this one is wasting time that could be spent enjoying life, helping others, and making the world a better place. There are people who dedicate their entire lives to praying and worship and do very little else. They do not enjoy their life and are rather jealous of those that do enjoy their lives. This planet has a lot to offer a person. Go out and enjoy it and do not worry about if you believe in an afterlife or if any other person believes in an afterlife.

2007-06-14 04:29:37 · answer #8 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 1 0

Religion in general and religious beliefs such as God, life after death etc are imagined by people who like to use such devices as a comfort blanket when faced with lifes complexities and uncertanties, whether it is either to do with understanding the past(pre-history) present and future. So no I am not scared. And as for the word Atheiest, it just a derogatory label of religious intolerance towards a person whom is not religious and does not believe in the existence of any god at all

2007-06-14 05:22:12 · answer #9 · answered by Fizzbob 1 · 0 0

"More to life than live and die"- firstly, that's an oxymoron, secondly, you can do a lot of different things during your life.
"Dont you feel like depresses or scared that there is no life after death"- not really. I just think about the life I have, perhaps you should, too.
"Do you ever want to beleive there is life after deat"- I think our lives are as long as they need to be. I am appalled at the huge amounts of pathetic people who believe that there is, just to induce a false hope that hinders the efficiency of their lives and creates unrewarding goals.

2007-06-14 04:41:42 · answer #10 · answered by apocalyps956 2 · 0 0

look sunshine heres a quick breakdown of reality for ya ok....
you wont like it but i think it sums things up quite well really!

Religion, in any form is basically a Sales Pitch...ok!
you have a salesman
you have a customer
you have a product
you have a salespitch which will include

1.why the product is so good
2. why other similar products are not so good
3. why you NEED this product
4. what will (may/might/could - POSSIBILY) happen in a negative way if you dont have this product
5. what will (may/might/could - POSSIBILY) happen in a negative way if you use any other product
6. and, obviously, the addition insurance package

thousands apon thousands of Salesmen have been making alot out of this salespitch for thousands of years in one form or another.
think about it......No Think About It

and the next time you see the Pope addressing the people on the balcony at his house just remember that they "Sweep" the street of all the homeless and beggers before he comes out cos lets face it when your making your sales pitch you dont want anyone to see that sometimes (if not Most) times YOUR PRODUCT DOESNT WORK!!!

sorry but say none of that makes any sense.........i didnt think so!

2007-06-14 04:41:08 · answer #11 · answered by aberdeen302004 3 · 1 0

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