To be honest, I have never understood why Catholics need all those people between them and God, any more than I've understood the "Drink on Saturday night, and confess on Sunday." thing.
As a Baptist (thankfully,) I only have to go to God in prayer.
If you want to know what I think about the Catholic Church, I think they are trying to create an earthly kingdom (If they haven't already done so,) and they extort money from people who really can't afford to give them money. (but that is just my opinion.)
I think they are trying to keep the scripture a mystery (Why else have the services in Latin and have to follow a playbook?)
I think they seriously need to rethink the whole "No marriage" thing in the clergy. If Priests had families, there would be a whole less "Hanky panky with the altar boys."
2007-06-14 04:28:35
answer #1
answered by josephwiess 3
There's a lot of things that Jesus didn't preach that Protestants do, too. Sure, many Catholics believe that non-Catholics won't go to heaven--which is ridiculous--but many denominations of Protestantism think the same thing of their own little branch, too. Everyone is convinced that only THEY are right; only THEIR little interpretation of the Bible MUST be correct. Look at it this way--is the hierarchy system and the rituals of Catholicism harming you in any way? Catholics are Christians, too. It never ceases to amaze me how much people love to pick on Catholics (and Orthodox--they have a lot of their own ritualistic "jazz", too) as a way of somehow legitimizing the way that they do things by making what others do seem "wrong"--particularly by highlighting specific things in the Bible, stressing certain words, and looking triumphant because they've somehow "proved" their point. I've never found that behavior impressive; only belittling, and quite frankly childish. If Catholics want to have sacraments and rituals and mass and all that, let them. No one's begrudging the Methodists or anyone else from following what they want to follow. Christians are Christians. All this nitpicking and pettiness is the very reason there are SO many denominations of Christianity and more being made every day. Christians have the hardest time with unity in the ranks than any other religion ever known to man.
2007-06-14 11:44:19
answer #2
answered by ಠ__ಠ 7
+ Catholic Hierarchy +
The hierarchy of ordained ministers in the Catholic Churcnis mirrors how Jesus and the Apostles set up the original Christian Church.
There are three levels of Holy Orders, Deacon, Priest, and Bishop.
Bishops are the Apostles of today. Each one leads a diocese. Special types of bishop are archbishop, cardinal, and pope (who leads the whole Church).
Priests are co-workers of the bishops and can lead a parish. A special title for a priest is monsignor. Priests are called presbyters in the Bible.
Deacons assist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the Eucharist, in the distribution of Holy Communion, in assisting at and blessing marriages, in the proclamation of the Gospel and preaching, in presiding over funerals, and in dedicating themselves to the various ministries of charity.
+ Non-Catholic Christian Churches +
The Catholic Church teaches:
Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements.
Christ's Spirit uses these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation, whose power derives from the fullness of grace and truth that Christ has entrusted to the Catholic Church.
All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him.
+ With love in Christ.
2007-06-15 01:15:10
answer #3
answered by imacatholic2 7
No of course not. Other denominations can go to Heaven. All of the Jazz as you call it, means salvation. Baptism is being born of God and the promise of the future marriage to Jesus his sign as his bride. Confession or Penance is how one is made clean after one soils themselves with sin after baptism ("how can the flavor be put back into salt once it has lost it's saltiness?--" baptism.) Anointing of the sick is a cleansing and strengthening sacrament for healing or for the dieing, Holy Eucharist (Communion) is the most wonderful as it is the Lord himself in the form of bread and wine who comes to us to feed us his body and blood to REALLY make us his---not a symbol in the Catholic Church but real. Holy Orders is a special setting aside of young men for the Priesthood or Deaconate, they stand in the place of Jesus and Jesus himself acts through them. Holy Matrimony is the sacrament of marriage which unites the man and the woman together in marriage. This truly makes the two one flesh and Jesus himself works in the marriage as it is a replica of Christ and his Church.
2007-06-14 11:49:21
answer #4
answered by Midge 7
Catholic Doctrine is Biblical;
The Church heirarchy
The Seven Sacraments
all of it.
Besides, did you not know that the Word is the Scriptures, and that Jesus is the Word Incarnate? In other words, if it's in the BIble, Jesus spoke it.
2007-06-15 11:59:13
answer #5
answered by Daver 7
Catholics are very insecure people. They like all the pomp and ceremony to make it all feel worthwhile and 'holy'. But the truth is that if there is a god he wouldnt give a toss about all that nonesense. He would love everyone equally from the Pope to the homeless man on the street.
2007-06-14 11:25:43
answer #6
answered by peaco1000 5
It was the imprint of the Roman empire's influence on the Christian church. The Romans used religion to try to hold on to their holdings, so it morphed into a political system, one in which regions gave gold as fealty to the Church. Naturally there had to be rankings and a king/pope at the top.
Of course it has nothing to do with the teachings of Christ.
2007-06-14 11:26:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They are wrong. May i point out that in the Bible jesus took his time with the lepers, the blind, the mute, and the deaf insetead of preists, and bishops and popes. Catholics beleive by doing good things you can get to heaven. not true. the reason jesus died on the cross was so that all of our sins could be put on him if we ask for forgiveness. confess with our mouth and beleive that ur a sinner, and you are born again in Christ.
2007-06-14 11:25:19
answer #8
answered by jldevin 4
Why are you concerned about something you think is BS?
2007-06-14 11:38:35
answer #9
answered by ! 6