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Where should I start?

I feel like my hormone levels are completely out of control. I cry, laugh, get angry, cry again. One tiny thing my boyfriend does (or doesnt do) will set me into this whole thing and I want to argue or 'make him' understand my side. I turn things around on him.

Ive never been treated for any mental health anything. My mom is a nurse at the hospital I want to go to - but I dont want my mom talking to me about it or anything.

I feel like my relationship is crumbling and Im going crazy. Like right now - I feel like crying. Why? No reason!

Who should i talk to first? Am I losing my mind? I dont want to push my soon to be fiance away from me.

I used to be/still am that fun funny girl who likes to be spontaneous but i feel like Im turning into the weepy ***** that people are afraid to approach.

2007-06-14 04:09:57 · 22 answers · asked by spamber 1 in Health Mental Health

p.s. Im 23 years old

2007-06-14 04:12:39 · update #1

22 answers

first thing's first, start a journal. bring a small tape recorder around with you if you talk to yourself, you can use that as therapy in the car. You sound overwhelmed. If you're actually planning the wedding then there's plenty of reason to feel overwhelmed right there. Take note of when you start to lose it and try to figure out why you're losing it. Remember that you are in control of your emtions and not hte other way around.

If you feel yourself starting to get all weepy try to control it ... Tell yourself, I could cry now, but it's not a good time. I will make time for myself to cry in (30 minutes? hours? seconds?). This will allow you to begin controlling your feelings instead of the other way around. You should still find someone to talk to. If you don't want to talk to your mom about it then tell her that. If she starts to talk to you about it, be kind but be firm. This is not what you want out of the treatment. Perhaps that will change, but today, that's the way it is.

All the Best!

2007-06-14 04:25:10 · answer #1 · answered by AdnaPidna 3 · 0 0

You could be depressed, or you could be ppregnant. But regardless, you should go to the hospital, if you think you need to go. Kinda feel your mom out and get her schedule, then ggo when she isnt working. Or you might try setting up an appointment with a counselor. That or a psychologist. They would be better able to determine whats going on then a er doctor. To be honest, the er will probably treat you for anxiety. Or some other irrelevant issue. The er is set up like this. determine the problem, use the strongest med possible to knock it out for the time being and then give you a perscription and send you on your way so they have a bed open. but, if you feel you need to go, do not hesitate. instinct is usually correct. good luck

2007-06-14 04:17:37 · answer #2 · answered by rednecksurfer_roxy 3 · 0 0

Hugs you... I know how you feel. Try not to panic too much as you might make yourself feel even worse. First, no matter what is going on mentally with you - things can work out and many people continue their lives and are very happy and successful managing illnesses or issues that they have. Not to diagnose you or suggest that you have anything going on with you other than stress and not understanding the best way to deal with it; you very well could actually need some sort of medication to help you out. This is not something to look down on yourself about. Thank goodness there are things out there that can actually give us an added boost and help us out. You may have to try several different types of either antidepressants or mood altering drugs to work for you as all of us are different therefore different things work for us.

I was diagnosed bipolar in 2000. I was 24 and had just finished delivering my third (and last :) ) child. I sort of freaked out. My body chemistry just couldn't take any more stress and finally let me know that all along I'd been juggling crazy up and down moods - the bipolar illness. I had managed on my own before but as I got older the illness worsened (also the stress in my life increased). I tried a zillion different medications and was actually hospitalized twice. I thought I was totally loosing myself. But, I can happily tell you today that I've been taking lithium for about 3 years and I've been so much better. There were initial side effects that made me contemplate quiting the meds but I pressed on and the side effects have pretty much gone away. There are still a few (like sensativity to the sun) but I can work with this. My family can totally tell difference. I feel like myself on this medication and do not feel like I am a walking zombee or anything. I can still think uniquelly and have fun and be creative. I feel sad sometimes and overly happy - manic- sometimes but I can control myself and my mood now with this mediation.

Anyhow, I hope this helps you out and only encourags you. Things will workout! Good luck to you and remember God is on your side. He loves you and wants you to feel better.

2007-06-14 04:22:19 · answer #3 · answered by Jamie K 2 · 0 0

Time of the month? Pregnant? I know exactly how you feel about arguing with your b/f- turning things round on him, being moody, - i felt all of this and thought there was no chance i could be pregnant, i was on thepil, and having regular periods- i just had a miscarriage- didnt even know i was pregnant.
Get yourself a pregnancy test, or go to the doctor, could you be depressed?, or have a lot of stress at the moment with work/home?
are you in a routine that never changes week to week/day to day? do you need to get out more and do different things?
Or it may be your relationship?
The best thing is to have a chat with your doctor, or even though its hard, talk to your mum.
good luck.

2007-06-14 04:16:00 · answer #4 · answered by Elle 1 · 0 0

Wow... I can totally relate. I've felt like I had two seperate people inside of me that were so extreme from eachother that it was insane. One side of me loved and cared about people and wanted them to love me and care about me and then the other side wnated to do nothing but push them away and run as far as I could from them. You're hormones are probably just way out of wack. I'm not mental or anything and I don't think you are... I know how you feel about remembering that fun loving and happy girl and sometimes wondering where she went, cuz I feel like I'm right there with you... I went through a hard time a while ago, and after i came out of it, it was all that I could think about... that I used to be one girl, and now I'm another and I don't know how to get the other girl back... It must just be life. Sometimes we get hurt and paranoid and we think we have to push people away, but you have to realize one thing about any form of relationship with any person. You're either going to have a great friend or your going to get hurt. You mights well take the risk and jump in with your whole self, than dipping your toes in the water and jumping back all the time, cuz that will scare everybody away. I know, because I've chased too many people away like that... You just got to give people you, as scary as that seems... It'll be worth it or it won't but you can't live your life wrapped up in armor trying to protect yourself from every little thing! :) Hope I've helped!
~Becky N.~

2007-06-14 05:03:07 · answer #5 · answered by EvelynB 2 · 0 0

If you have a regular doctor, you can talk to him first to rule out any physical condition, such as pregnancy. He can also refer you to a therapist or psychologist if necessary. And your medical information is protected, so if you don't want your mom to know, she doesn't have to. Unless she works in the department you'd go to, she should not have access to your information and they cannot release it to her.
If you talk to your regular doctor and he doesn't seem responsive to your concerns, just make an appointment with a therapist on your own. You don't have to go to the same place your mom works, and hopefully it will give you some peace of mind. But what you've described does make it sound like you might be pregnant. Check that out first.

2007-06-14 04:54:31 · answer #6 · answered by rosebud114 3 · 0 0

This is an area that is so easily misdiagnosed. Its easier to give you a pill than help you sort out your head.

I would go to a reputable therapist, explain to them your trouble, tell them you want to avoid medication, and go from there.

A lot of the time what causes this sort of thing is simply stress and not knowing HOW to deal with intense emotions. Its not a sickness, as much as an area that you have to grow in.

Trust me, medication for bi-polar disease, or depression, or hormone imbalance can cause SOOOOO many more problems than it could ever fix. Start with a therapist.

2007-06-14 04:15:19 · answer #7 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 0 0

There could be many many reasons, there could be depression, I know that I have a anxiety problem that I went to the docotrs and I told him that I feel like snapping at people who have done nothing to me and I would cry for no reason, small things would make me snapp, he told me that it was my anxiety and he prescribed my xanax witch I didnt take all the time only when I was feeling that was it just calmed me down , I works well when you take it right, take to your normal doctor they can get you the help you need it should be a simple fix and your not alone, and I know you feel that nobody knows how you feel but we do. I hope that everything works out fine for you


2007-06-14 04:30:58 · answer #8 · answered by babymay1011 2 · 0 0

Don't worry that happenes to me all the time. It especially happens when you're being put under pressure. You probably just need a day to get away and have some "girl time". That way all of your stress can be released. Try having more naps throughout the day too.

2007-06-14 04:13:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It sounds like a chemical imbalance of some sort. I think you have no choice but to see a doc and get some tests. It may well be easily treatable. I'm no expert but it does not sound like an emotional/mental problem at all. And that's good news.

2007-06-14 04:13:15 · answer #10 · answered by Moondog 7 · 0 0

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