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Be capable of doing it himself? I mean if his "word" was so infallable we would never ever have to have a single discussion about his existence. I mean you have not single one shred of proof that he is real or ever was, or any other god for that matter. Do you all forget that at one time in your life you were 100 percent certain that Santa was real? If people think God is interesting, the onus is on them to show that there is anything there to talk about. Otherwise they should just shut up about it. Agree? Disagree?

2007-06-14 04:04:49 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

I agree with you 100%.

If we agree what constitutes "evidence" we may both tell our stories and rely on evidence to indicate what is and what isen't'; absent this, either can say "I'm right", "you're wrong" and nothing is resolved.

There are many types of evidence: physical evidence, direct testimonial evidence (witness), circumstantial evidence and so on; with this in mind , note that Physical evidence carries weight (not in the OJ trial) testimonial evidence carries substantial weight, but less than physical, and circumstantial evidence carries the least amount of weight but is used to place physical and testimonial evbidence in line as events occure; however, it is the one consideration when piecing together the puzzle of an Event; circumstantial evidence is 1,2,3,4, and based on the known, 5 is next and that is where it leads to; or, if two people row a boat across a lake and one arrives at the other end, and the other is found floating dead with a crushed skull; circumstances dictate that the person left rowing the boat is high suspect and most probably did it, and as such Jury's rule this way all the time. Nobody had to "see it happen" as Reason by logic places them in the only position to do it. Agreed?

This is evidence by definition (Blacks Law dictionary);

In the event we are allowed to define evidence alone by our idea, nothing can be learned as everyone can, and will manipulate findings to suit personal needs alone. This evidence should do for the case at hand.

You claim Christians define "God" as "infallable and then use that very arguement-definition to attack their beliefs; ie, "if he is so infallable, show himself": you buy into their idea, then debunk it. Your argument leans towards belief as you agree to the infallablity issue as you use it as a tool yourself.

You cannot weld a tool in your hand unless it is there.

This is just me pointing something out as I believe you may want to re-think the road you travel in arguing the issue.

I would recommend you go outside Christian beliefs and formulate some of your own, then show why you think the way you do;

I claim no ownership of "God" as this Concept is a high one; yes, "God" exist in my view and this is why I think as I do:

Persons have had thousands of what are called "near death" experiences; this "NDE" is caused by Truamatic injury, or surgical procedures or a medical condition that causes Clinical death" ie, the heart stops, the brain waives Stop as does breathing and blood circulation; they are "dead" by our medical definition;

With that in mind, Countless persons whom have been "revived" or, literally, brought back from the dead, have stated they have had contact with a Being of Tremendous Love-Compassion and so on; a very high majority of this testimony has overlapped each other and corroborated each other; ie, "Tunnle of Light", being met by a "Being" as above, being met by "loved ones" whom passed away years prior.

This is your base model for the beggining of an "afterlife" and falls within a role of "evidence".

This onus, as you say, is the money. This is a short literal glimps at "Reality"; or, does this evidence appear weak and if so, why so ?

With "God" in mind, I cannot claim any ability to Define "God" in English as all I have learned regarding "God" go far above my-our awarness in defining that Concept; yet, with what is being seen and heard in an "NDE" ; "God" can be construed as something "Huge".

2007-06-14 06:39:06 · answer #1 · answered by Adonai 5 · 0 0

God doesn't have to defend himself, because in the end, he'll have the last word.
Why do Christians try so hard to defend God's word? Personally, it's because so many non-believers say "It's just words, it doesn't mean anything." It's human nature to defend what one cherishes deeply.
Why do I defend God's word? Because for 2006 years now, that word has saved the souls of millions of people, and whole countries have been founded upon the precepts of the Bible.
I know that some of the stories are just that, stories, but there is enough hard evidence to back up the historical parts, that I have no trouble believing that God exists and that he created the world, and that he loves us.

Once again, you can't prove that God doesn't exist. Nor can you scientifically explain how we were suddenly made different from every other creature on Earth.

Here's a handy analogy: I don't believe that professional atheletes should be paid 1 million a year just to play sports, while at the same time, not having to take responsibility for what their actions promote. A lot of people believe that they should. Who is more right than the other?

2007-06-14 11:14:43 · answer #2 · answered by josephwiess 3 · 0 0

A lot of people think of Christians as having the whole "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude toward religion. This attitude is actually true for a lot of people in a lot of different religions (ie, Islamic extremists killing non Muslims, aka "infidels"), but in America, Christians seem to get a lot more press than others.
Don't get me wrong, there is a reason for this stereotype. A lot of Christians do tell people in other religions that their way is right, and all others will burn in hell. Actually, a lot of Christians tell other Christians that their method of worship is not what Jesus would have wanted and, therefore, they will burn in hell also.
The problem is that people get so sick of hearing about eternal damnation that some will go looking for anybody who calls themselves Christian, just so that they can tell them how wrong they are.
This, of course, leads to a lot of Christians having to go on the defensive. Some will stick with the above mentioned attitude (thus starting the whole cycle all over again), whereas others will spend a lot of time simply defending their religious life choices without being preachy. Again, though, the nuts are the ones who get the most press, because at the end of the day, Christians preaching about how all non Christians are going to hell sells a lot more newspapers.
So, what is the solution? It's not an easy one, but the answer is to simply live your lives the way you want to, and let others do the same. What a world it would be if people could practice religion in their own way, without fear of ridicule or persecution.
I know, that solution is not even remotely realistic, but I still feel that's the best option.

2007-06-14 11:24:00 · answer #3 · answered by Robert 3 · 0 0

The deaf and blind always need help. God in the beginning expressed his spiritual image in the physical nature of man; as such God is "doing it himself." You may not like it, and many hand out false and inadequate teaching, but that is the way it is.

Every man should be capable and must prove God for himself. I have all the proof I need. I can tell you my experience; but I cannot give you my experience. You must have your own; for only God can set a man free.

Whether proof comes from other people or directly; both depend on having a heart (a working receiver) that can pick up on spiritual reality; both in and apart from the physical world.

2007-06-14 12:24:39 · answer #4 · answered by Tommy 6 · 0 0

Religion is the same as any other passion someone may have...if you are a huge gun activist (just an example), you would defend it no matter what counterpoint someone my bring up. Your mind closes to other points of view because you are so sure you are right. Everyone is passionate about something...there are just a WHOLE lot of people that are passionate about God and Christianity. The world would be boring if everyone believed the same thing anyway. I don't care if someone wants to believe in that or in aliens or whatever. Just don't shun others that don't.

2007-06-14 11:18:50 · answer #5 · answered by ☆Veritas☆ 5 · 0 0

There were a lot of questions in that one!

I think the main answer is no matter how well something is written, you can always find someone who will interpret it differently. (Take my word for it. I wrote "how to" documents.)

The next thing is that there is not SUPPOSE to be any proof. You are just suppose to use your mind and believe. (Yes! Just like Santa Claus!) That is why religion = faith = belief. See?

And that's allllllll I know.

2007-06-14 11:10:55 · answer #6 · answered by Tina Goody-Two-Shoes 4 · 0 0

As a Christian I whole-heartily believe that God is perfectly big enough to defend Himself without my help. I think it's hard, though, for some Christians to have something that they love so much and has meant so much to them to be constantly slammed. For us every insult against Christ feels like an insult towards a most beloved family member or friend. The normal human reaction when someone we love is insulted is to stand up for them - this is love.

Thank you for reminding us in your way that our God is not in need of our standing up for Him. He never required it and He never will. He seems more concerned with us actually taking care of the defenseless and neglected.

2007-06-14 17:01:18 · answer #7 · answered by Betsy S 3 · 0 0

Most of us don't defend, we don't need to.
Free Will is a matter of making up ones own mind. For ones own reasons. To be honest most of us don't really care what you believe, but I see alot of self ordained atheists very worried about what I believe.
The only thing that holds up the atheistic community is a hatred for anything spiritual. Why would anyone want to live only by that.

2007-06-14 11:13:48 · answer #8 · answered by Edward F 4 · 1 0

Christian's are God's represenative's in this world. It does indeed boggle my mind to think that He has entrusted me to deliver His Word as Truth to a fallen world. But not just me, every other single cross-bearing Christian, is called to be that voice that never grows silent with the sole purpose of bringing biblical understanding and the one hope of Eternal life, Jesus Christ, to others. I do have proof that Jesus is real, He lives inside of me. Whar are you sooo angry about! Shut-up???? NEVER!!!

2007-06-14 11:22:07 · answer #9 · answered by HeVn Bd 4 · 0 0


True christians do not need to defend God's word, rather they speak of them to people in their homes and via publications and studies and meetings.

The bible has had many attempts on it to be destroyed, hidden or sabotaged but it still remains intact and the most important publication ever in human history and present. It has had major influences on human societies for thousands of years.

You say not one shred of proof but Jesus Christ is the most influential man ever to of lived on earth and fulfilled everything prophesied about him. His timing of birth, family line, place of birth, his death.

Even when biblical characters had been shouted as having no proof they existed - archeology has proven they existed.
The "no proof" argument is long dead and invalid,

Matthew 11:25
Jesus said in response: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes.

2007-06-14 11:09:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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