A god who needs people to depend on their leaders for information and analysis.
2007-06-14 03:59:34
answer #1
answered by Minh 6
My God loves everyone, unconditionally. If someone told you that their God hates smart people, they are mistaken and not a spokesman for the God I serve.
Convincing, solid proposals/arguments are relative, depending on the IQ, but most of all EQ, of the proposer and the audience. A person's IQ may be off the charts, but the EQ is the personality trait that will allow the person to gain mass consensus, even buy-in from those with opposing views. Those with some degree of SQ (Spiritual Quotient) will cause unequivocal division among the masses, into two factions of non-believers and believers (all in separate mini-categories according to beliefs). The latter is how politicians leverage votes in a run-off: they leverage the religion card. Ah,... I digress. Sorry. But in essence, the Christian proposing an argument to an atheist will only run into indifference and confusion because the SQ is missing (not the atheist's fault).
I don't think I answered this question. But thanks for the dos puntos. Muchas gracias!
2007-06-14 11:14:43
answer #2
answered by Dr. G™ 5
No. there are plenty of smart people who believe in God and Christianity. The other smart people that don't believe are the same ones that wouldn't believe even if they weren't smart. God gave Christians ammunition to convince people, not professors. If a person, any person doesn't believe, it's not because they're smart. It's just because they choose not to believe.
Do you think there's enough ammunition to convince smart people that Evolution exists? If so, then why are there some smart Christians that don't believe it. Because they don't choose to.
2007-06-14 11:16:31
answer #3
answered by tdubya86 3
The following is a list of theist who to my mind are "intelligent people:
Albert Einstein, physicist, scientific genius
Issac Newton, physicist, mathematican, one of the greatesr scientist of all time
Willian Herchel, atronomer
Galileo Galilei, astronomer
Louis Agassiz, naturalist, geologist
Geroge-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, naturalist
Nicholas Butler, educator
George Washington Carver, chemist
Alfred Whitney Griswood, educator, historian
Stephen Hawking, physicist
Maria Mitchell, astronomer
Johannes Kepler, astronomer
Loius Agassiz, geologist
Blaise Pascal, mathematician
Rene Descartes, mathematician, philosopher
Robert Boyle, chemist
Michael Faraday, father of electricity
Gregor Mendel, founder of genetics
William Thomson Kelvin, physicist
Max Planck, inventor of quantum mechanics
Charles Darwin, naturalist
Loius Pasteur, microboilogist
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, chemist
Aristotle, philosophy
Euclid, mathematician
Nicolaus Copernicus, asrtonomy, catholic
James Watt, steam engine inventor
James Clerk Maxwell, physicist, electromagnism
Wright brothers, aviation
James Dalton, chemist, physicist
Thomas Edison, inventor
Antony van Leeuwenhhoek, invented microscope
Plato, philosophy
Alexander Graham Bell, invented telephone
Jospeh Lister, used Bible to discover modern antiseptics
Edward Jenner, vaccination for samllpox
Wilhelm Roentgen, x-rays
Enrico Fermi, father of the atom bomb
Gregory Pinuc, endocrinologist, invent birth control pill
Henry Ford, inventor
Francis Bacon, philosopher, established modern scientific method
Robert Jastrow, founder of NASA
If I were to go out on the street today and stop a dozen people and ask them to defend's Einstein's theory of relativity, or explain Hawking's Brief History of Time, odds are that the majority of them could not. That does not invalidate either relativity or Hawking's writings. It merely means that the people I am talking to are not experts in those areas.
God has supplied "experts" in the area of understanding him. Those would include the pastors and priest of most churches, trained theologicans, Bible scholars, etc. Visit a library sometime and look in the religion and philosophy section. You will find people throughout history who have been able to answer every question or objection that "smart" people have been able to raise.
One of my favorites is CS Lewis, whose book "Mere Christianity" has been answers skeptics for the last 50 years. Josh McDowell, "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" is another excellent book. FF Bruce's "Who Moved the Stone" CS Lewis' "The Problem of Pain", or his whimsical "Screwtape Letters". Or the letters of the apostle Paul, one of the most brilliant theologicans and philosophers to every live.
2007-06-14 11:12:00
answer #4
answered by dewcoons 7
No, you have it wrong.
Testimony is not just one person, but many. The Bible has many instances of many different people who walked and talked with God and Jesus the Christ. We have their witness in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul (who saw the ressurrected Jesus appear to him).
Testimony is accompanied by the witness of the Holy Ghost, whose purpose is to testify of Christ through a feeling inside of each person, a feeling not created by any person. A feeling that comes over you when you recognize truth that is not like any other feeling you have experienced.
There also comes a point where every person has to accept that there is something bigger than themselves, that there is existence outside their own personal sphere of existence, that sound waves are created by a tree falling in a forest even when there is no one around to hear it (of course it makes a sound! The laws of physics cannot be broken just because we are not there to witness!)
We could argue logic all day. We could discuss and interpret all we wish. But if you want physical proof of the bible, go to Israel. Go to the actual places where the stories in the bible take place and see for yourself things like actual brimstone and the walls of the old temple and the Garden of Gethsemane.
God the Father does not hate smart people. God is truth, God wants us to know the truth. God wants us to seek light and enlightenment. The devil, Lucifer, or Satan, hates smart people. The Evil one is the one who fails to give men ammunition to prove the existence of God. The evil one is the one who disguises truth. The evil one is the one who plants seeds of hatred in the hearts of men to defile and destroy truth so men will be convinced there is no God, and follow the evil one instead. And you will know the difference if there is no witness from the Holy Ghost.
One way to find out the truth is to ask God Himself if He exists! Why bother asking other people? Why not go straight to the source? If God exists - He will answer by sending the testimony of the Holy Ghost through a feeling of warmth and love inside of you that is something you've never felt before, something you cannot argue about. It either is there, or it is not.
Good luck to you, no matter what you choose or decide.
2007-06-14 11:15:51
answer #5
answered by enn 6
Why are you so filled with hatred toward christianity? I've only been around for a short time here on Yahoo Answers....but all i've encountered from you is endless spite and hate over christianity.
You should be rejoicing that there are those of us who still believe you can be saved. And we're still trying to help you understand that all you need to do to understand is open the bible and read God's Word.
2007-06-21 22:39:40
answer #6
answered by Rev. Matthew 2
God dont hate smart people God made smart people. God made all creation read Genesis 1:26 God made man in his own image. I think it might be you that might be upset with God maybe something isnt going your way or your unhappy with you life, but God loves you for who you and how smart you, he created you to be just like him so i have to say it is not debatable. Jesus Loves you so much, and wants to be in union with you to build a relationship like a friend if you dont have that already please consider of doing so, He loves you more than any one could ever love you God Bless You
2007-06-21 15:58:17
answer #7
answered by Pastor Martinez 2
You have to understand that you are not God, you did create yourself and the majesty of the world around you was created by an explosion 20 (some) billion years ago. God has provided to me with his inspired word (the Bible) and the wonders of creation (either in nature or the miracle of human life.)
If you chose to ignore this then all the intellengec in the world is meaningless.
2007-06-14 11:13:36
answer #8
answered by JonB 5
Why would God need to give me ammunition to argue with people who think they are smart? He teaches us NOT to argue, so that in it's self isn't a very intelligent question..
If you feel God hates smart people and you feel you are smart, then take the issue up with Him.
2007-06-14 11:02:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
How did you come to this conclusion? If you are truly interested, contact me. I consider myself to be an intellegent person, and I believe in Jesus Christ. I was not 'convinced' by anything anyone said to me, I heard the words of Jesus and found truth in them. I actually learned to ignore the opinions and sayings of other people and just go with my gut instinct. I read the Bible, studied it, and found real truth in it. People tend to add opinion and personal twists to what they say as individuals, but the Bible is several different people all with a common theme who never consulted with one another or conspired to write this. God breathed is the Bible, and it's words are sacred. Try reading it for yourself.
2007-06-21 17:31:10
answer #10
answered by Isis D 1
God hates alright. He hates smart, intelligent, knowledgeable people who lead people astray and away from the truth - like the Pharisees.
2007-06-22 01:53:36
answer #11
answered by cheir 7