Nobody has received any holy spirit of any gods. That's just superstitious nonsense.
What they've received is peer pressure to believe that their emotional episode was, somehow, a god talking to them.
2007-06-14 03:40:54
answer #1
answered by nondescript 7
I received the Holy Spirit about 10 years ago. It's been quite a journey of Ups and downs, and doubt. I've grown a lot and really seek to know the Holy Spirit personally. I have noticed that the holy spirit will allow me to see the truth in things that may have been deluded before. The holy spirit has brought things to mind to make me cautious and then shown me that there was danger, that I needed to be alert to what was going on around me. Best of all, the Holy Spirit fills me with such a feeling of love and gratitude towards the Lord when I take time to Praise and Worship with my whole heart. Just like any relationship, it takes time to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit. It's well worth it!
2007-06-14 04:02:24
answer #2
answered by Sally 1
A person first receives the Holy Spirit when he or she is saved. Some have an emotional feeling, but others don't. Also, he or she can be baptized in the Holy Spirit. This is first evident when a person speaks in a language that he or she has not learned. This is good, but must not end there. The person should pray both in his or her language and in the Spirit. It is best to also seek for interpretation through the Spirit. Also, the Spirit gives guidance and boldness to witness for Christ. It edifies the person.
2007-06-14 03:57:28
answer #3
answered by SFECU12 5
That's a really good question...
Personally, I think you know you have the Holy Spirit, because it is a promise from Jesus that we will never be alone. The Holy Spirit lives within us to be a comforter. It's kind of like the rainbow is a promise that God will never flood the entire earth again. We trust God. We know that God keeps His word. And therefore, by faith in Jesus we are saved, and through baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Now the real question is: Do we fully appreciate and use our gift to its fullest? Some do, and I believe there are many who do not.
I hope this helps. God Bless.
2007-06-14 03:47:03
answer #4
answered by Mel W 6
You know because Jesus says you do.Paul says you do and so does John.
I was lying in bed about 25 years ago wondering the same thing.I said ,in my head,"Lord,I have never had any thing like in the Book of Acts happen to me.How do I know I have the Holy Spirit,maybe I did something or some ritual wrong?"
Right then,I got a jolt of electricity through me ,that actually hurt!To me ,He was saying ,TRUST WHAT the BIBLE SAYS!
I never quetioned again.
What we have to realize was the Apostolic times were a bit different from now because we have the whole Bible.Now we can read that when we accept Jesus we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.We need not feel anything.
2007-06-14 03:48:09
answer #5
answered by AngelsFan 6
Yes, I received the Holy Spirit at Baptism and during Confirmation. At the Sacrament of Confirmation the bishop says to the candidate, N....., be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. And the Confirmand answered Amen. Together with the Holy Spirit each confirmand receives also the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit such as wisdom, intellect, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. I suggest that you take as your source in teaching the Holy Spirit the following books, "My First Catechism", "Basic Catechism", "Catholic Catechism", "Catechism of the Catholic Church", etc.
2007-06-14 04:14:38
answer #6
answered by lui 4
I know when I ask for it and it ends up getting me through a situation. For example I pray for holy spirit when I want to handle a situation in a christian-like manner in which is hard to do all the time and God's holy spirit has gotten me through so much. What I do is keep a prayer journal, and write down all of my prayers and later look back and see which ones were answered and you'll know in which situations you've recieved the holy spirit
2007-06-14 03:44:21
answer #7
answered by Kimmy 4
There are some interesting answers here, and a few falsehoods thrown in.
Having been in a cult for several years, and having believed so strongly that what they taught was true, that once I learned it was all false, I realized I could never be sure of anything being true, no matter how convincing.
But upon studying the gospel as related in Scripture, I said to myself, could it be that simple? At that moment I experienced both the sound and sensation of a wind blow over me, and a voice informing me I was right.
Believing the gospel then is of utmost importance. But in order to believe it, you have to know what it is and understand it and the implications of the gospel.
One person made the case for speaking in tongues being a proof. Not so. The example in Acts 2 is not of them literally speaking in tongues, but rather the people hearing what the apostles spoke in their native languages.
Speaking in tongues is easily faked. It is not a proof of anything. If Pentecostals believe the gospel, then that is good, but to attach speaking in tongues as a proof of having the Holy Spirit would mean that no mute person could ever be saved!
2007-06-14 05:00:49
answer #8
answered by Hogie 7
Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is a truly unique and profound experience. It is unmistakable for anything else.
I would wonder if you are a spirit filled chuch that prays for this to happen? That way I could further answer your question. If you would email me, or add further details I will be happy to continue in an answer for you.
2007-06-14 03:52:05
answer #9
answered by 2ndchhapteracts 5
You can only worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The Holy Ghost gives you the understanding of.....
2.Baptism in Jesus name
3.Receiving the Holy Ghost without (but not excluding tongues or other gifts) any sensation
4. And love for all
I got others but this is a good start.
2007-06-14 03:46:52
answer #10
answered by garykofoid 2
There are two steps. Be sure that you distinguish between them.
The first is being born again.
The second is being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Being Baptized (filled with )in the Holy Spirit is evidenced by speaking in tongues.
Born again is an internal experience.
2007-06-14 03:44:25
answer #11
answered by Christmas Light Guy 7