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26 answers

I once was overburdened with the typical teenage angst of dealing with school, family, relationship, money and hormone issues when I met a boiling point. There was so much going on that I just couldn't take it anymore and to make a long story short I pulled a knife on a family member and ended up spending a week in a treatment center versus jail where they take your shoes strings and don't even trust you with lotion or shampoo. While I was there I had the opportunity to engage in some much needed soul searching.I met others who were far worse off then I was and was able to then put my own issues in perspective and as a result gained a better understanding of life itself. After this (life changing) incident I was able to understand that most of things that I have or was stressing over were unimportant in the large scope of everything else going on in the world. I had an almost complete personality inversion where I became an unrecognizable positive energy version of my former self. My depression, angst, and worry were all melted away (with only a small portion of credit given to the actual counselors at the center) by the experience I had and the people I met while I was there. I'm still evolving everyday but this is the moment that I feel has defined my entire life up until now.

2007-06-14 03:52:46 · answer #1 · answered by Tigga76 3 · 2 1

A while back, I was at a bar hanging out with some friends on an outing from a furry convention. While we were there, I indulged in some willing pain (*whistles innocently*) and ended up falling flat on my face, apparently unconscious.

Internally, however, I remember looking down on myself for a moment with my arms outstretched, and when I fell forward, I felt taken 'Over There'. I found myself in a dimly lit cave and saw a wolf I immediately recognized as Fenris Wolf (Fenrirulfr) from Norse Mythology. I had met him previously during an NDE but in the NDE there was no real communication, just an invitation to return, and this was the first return.

As I sat there watching him, he tilted his head and in that simple gesture showed me a wound buried deep in my heart that I'd been trying to ignore or hide from. And for a brief moment, a single instant, the Wolf Father shared his heart with me in his aspect of the Lone Omega, and promised that the pain would someday end.

When I came back to my body, I could not speak, I was sobbing bitterly, and had to fight to stand up. I worked my way around behind this tree in the back area of the bar and let loose this HOWL that will haunt me all the rest of my life, to know that a human can HURT that much... it was a sound of the rawest, purest agony, agony beyond experience, as if for a moment, I was no longer myself but the PAIN.

I'll never, ever forget that night... nor the promise.

Of course, it was all a massive mind-flip from endorphin overload and hyperthermia, but I don't think that recognizing it as a neurological condition changes the 'spiritual' impact it had on me.

2007-06-14 03:47:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two come to mind. Both are of great importance yet neither is greater.

The first happened July 12, 1998. the day I accepted Jesus into my life. I felt as though I was a brand new man. Sin no longer held any appeal to me or my wife. I felt alive and wonderful and whole all at the same time.

The second happened a few years later. The Holy Spirit filled me from top to bottom and charged me up with a fevent heat that hasn't stopped burning yet. It is great.

2007-06-14 03:46:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The most spiritual moment was when I was taken to jail. When the cop told me to put my hands behind my back and cuffed me, I cried and held my head low. I felt like a dog in prison and I cried and cried. It was a wake up call for me to get my life back together. I can't believe how out of control I was with my emotions and actions. I started understanding why I was the way I was and what I needed to do to change myself. Im no longer the hot-tempered person who would act on impulse.

I hope you have a great day.

2007-06-14 03:35:30 · answer #4 · answered by AlphaNomega 3 · 3 0

In a lifestyles committed to a religious quest there can also be many such non secular awakenings. As a religious lifestyles has a tendency to contain mindful self benefit, it is going to also be viable to make offerings that want such matters. But I have regularly speculated that the individual who pursues cash or medicinal drugs or research and even status would even have an identical awakenings suitable to their field of curiosity. They additionally will have their lifestyles "modified" as they emerge as extra tuned to their pursuits. Right or incorrect this continues my experience of viewpoint, but it surely additionally begs the query of whether or not a few places of curiosity are "larger" or "bigger" than others. Certainly what we're approximately turns out satisfactory once we are within the core of it. But do we strive on specific pursuits like a jacket or get dressed till we uncover person who we uncover especially attractive? And then eventually would we discard it for an extra? It is tempting for the ones with a religious bent to be instead conceited and supply a convincing, YES! and finish that every body will emerge as with a religious viewpoint (that they have got already observed.) But I suspect it's extra like grass developing than one tree. Individual blades of grass are hooked up to a natural Earth and succeed in for a natural solar however in among they're separate blades that may develop in any quantity of approaches. Some might develop within the color at the same time others want the whole solar to be able to thrive. Some participate in satisfactory with tons of water at the same time others can live to tell the tale with little or no. It is a present know-how that a lovely garden demands all a lot of these grasses. .......Any daydream that reasons you such a lot introspection and that you're competent to proportion: if no longer the dream or the "awakening" a minimum of the experience of searching for .... isn't foolish. Rather this is a modern-day variety of miracle. It is a miracle that makes it possible for to difference our awareness from anywhere it used to be to a couple new peak.

2016-09-05 16:25:34 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

What a good question!

The first one was when I had been studying Islam for one year and decided to pray to Allah for the first time. I asked for a miracle and he was merciful enough to grant it to me. It was something physical, palpable. It impressed me but I didn't convert.

The second one was when I was introduced to meditation. That led me to go on and study Buddhism, which helped me understand how the universe actually works and how our thoughts influence it. Undertaking that spiritual path definitely made me a happier, freer and more conscious human being.

While at it, I had a weird dream in which my body suddenly became thin as air and bright as light. I felt that there was no "I" (ego) any more, but that "me" was just part of the universe. (I swear this was not result of a drug trip or anything of a kind).

The third one and most recent one, also related to a dream, turned me into a Christian:

One night I had a dream in which three rays of very bright light came down from an otherwise overcast sky. I remember feeling an overwhelming peace and sense of cleanliness while watching them.

Right after that, three little dark shadows surrounded me and were holding me against my will. I was dating a Christian back then, and he told me that these were attacks from the devil and that I could fight them by saying: "I plead for the blood of Jesus to be spread over me, you (devil) don't have any power here''.

I was very angry at those dark spirits, because they made me feel dirty, so I said that sentence 3 times and they went away.
Few weeks passed and I travelled to the US to visit my boyfriend. While on the road, I saw a landscape very similar to the one I had seen in my dream.

I understood it as loud and clear call from God. As soon as we reached the hotel, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior.

I was a very spiritual person even before converting to Christianity (i.e. I did not have an unbearable sinful burden on me) but this does feel like the right track and have happily found that the Bible contains many of the Buddhist teachings with which I agreed.

I am very blessed and now realize how grateful I should be to God, who doesn't cease to amaze me with His blessings.

2007-06-14 06:22:31 · answer #6 · answered by G 6 · 3 0

The Initiation(WORD) that my Master gave me has changed my life enirely! The spiritual experiences are worth experiencing rather than defining!
God Bless!

2007-06-14 03:49:55 · answer #7 · answered by anil m 6 · 2 0

Apartir of the knowledge that I had in relation the Christ I can affirm that I have true joy in my life and this has me porpocionado a quality of better life where I can perfectly compriender my paper in relation to the plan of God for me.

Gadita/ Brazil

2007-06-14 03:44:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I had a near death experience 3 times in the same year. I learn to appreciate life and don't take it for granted.

2007-06-14 03:34:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Having my kids. And being intimate with my husband. If you allow it, its a pretty spiritual experiance to be with people you love and to bring life into the world.

2007-06-14 03:32:36 · answer #10 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 2 1

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