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He said in Psalm 22:1: 'Father, why have you forsaken me?' when he was on the cross according to the Bible, which means:

"My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away from helping me, so far away from the words of my groaning?"

And did you know that Jesus was racist and came only to Jews according to the Bible, this quote being an example:

Matthew 10:5,6
These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles(non-Jews), and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel

Mark 7:27
But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs

Which means:

Jesus said to her, "First, let the children eat all they want. It's not right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs."

2007-06-14 03:24:00 · 31 answers · asked by K Assiri 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So your god has a nationality and he is bias towards Jews because he is a Jew, he onle liked Jews...

PS What has Islam got to do with Jesus who was on Earth, 500 years ago before Mohammed...

2007-06-14 03:32:08 · update #1

Magdeline was a Jew too so you ain't making a valid point...

"Taken out of contex"??? It is written in ink in the Bible, check it out yourself...

2007-06-14 03:34:30 · update #2

31 answers

Well i'm a muslim ..and I’ll still try to explain this even thought I don't believe Jesus died- well according to my religion. But here it goes anyways!

Firstly I’ve noticed you’ve taken the quotations mainly from the Synoptic gospels (Marks, Matthew etc) and how they portray Jesus in their gospel differs from the 4th gospel- Johns. In johns gospel Jesus does not say such things (according to him) and thus portrays Jesus as someone who is willing to give himself up and die for everyone’s sins.

Also Jesus is known by Christians to be both human and divine. Therefore it is understandable for Jesus to be scared of what is to come. I mean if Jesus was not scared and being killed didn’t affect him. Then would his sacrifice have really meant a lot to Christians? His purpose was to sacrifice himself and his human nature shows how big his sacrifice was. It also shows that even though he did fear in the end he did what he had to do and in the bible Jesus is seen to give himself up to the Jewish authorities who wanted him killed. Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane when he was arrested. He knew that Judas was going to betray him and he could have easily run away from the authorities - it would have been easy as it was dark as well at the time. Peter also tried to support Jesus but Jesus stopped him from using violence. Therefore Jesus was willing to be sacrificed.
And please could I also state that Jesus was not a racist. No way..he was far from it. Even Islam knows that. Remember that the bible is made up of Jesus disciples who write the gospels. Therefore some gospel writers have payed more attention to the Jews in hope to convert them at the time as that was one of their aims for writing the gospel as well as showing who Jesus was etc etc. Also there were many Jews at the time but they were also plenty of gentiles (non Jews) and Jesus in many of his miracles shows that his mercy and salvation is to everyone including non Jews.

In the end it is all based on interpretation and how different types of Christians see the four main gospels.

2007-06-15 03:46:49 · answer #1 · answered by N@FeE$a 3 · 2 0

Don't be a idiot, you really are no good at translation are you, or perhaps you have the kings James version it has a nasty habit of leaving coma's and full stops out, which alters the whole meaning of the scriptures. Jesus was a man he had feelings just as we do, that's why god sent him down to live as a man, to go through all the problems that we go through, he passed the test in the end, we wouldn't have. When he said ''Eli Eli lama sabathani' he was asking his father why he hadn't taken his power away and let him die quickly' he took longer to die than anyone because he was perfect in mind and body and he had power that his father had given him.
And he didn't run and hide, he went to the garden and waited for his arrest, he was scared, of course he was , he had feelings like us, but he knew he had to die for our sake, Adam who was perfect had lost his life and thereby created death for all of us, so a ransom of equal value had to be sacrificed in order to buy back eternal life for us, hence Jesus. This will happen after Armageddon and when the new system begins, when it does the earth will be free of all evil, no churches no governments, A heavenly government will control us, these will be the 144000 chosen ones, check revelations. Next time you ask a question check the real bible first The New World Translation is the only one that is dead accurate It seems to me that the way you critises the scriptures, because you are, then you must have been sent by your father the devil, only he would have put those thoughts into your head. You have miss-translated and the penalty for this is death, go to the back of the bible you will see it, your death may occurr at Armageddon with no chance of a resurrection

2007-06-15 17:29:39 · answer #2 · answered by gloriashealth@btinternet.com 4 · 1 1

Jesus didn't make any attempt to flee from the Jewish authorities when they came to arrest him, even though he knew that he would suffer on the cross soon. (John 18 v1-11)

Jesus took our sins onto himself, and as a result for the first time ever, he was separated from the love of his Father. Psalm 22 speaks of the situation that Jesus was in, it's a prophetic psalm and Jesus fulfilled the predictions contained within it.

Jesus prioritised the "lost sheep of the house of Israel", the Jews because they were the ones that God had promised the Messiah to and he had a limited time to preach in (a mere three years). What parent (God) would take food (spiritual nourishment) from their own hungry children (Jews) to feed strangers? He did not turn away anyone who came to him, Roman, Samaritan or any of the others who came to him.

After his resurrection, he commanded his followers to "go and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew) "Preach the good news to all creation" (Mark). They would proclaim the message and teachings of Jesus for the rest of their lives, travelling far and wide, reaching out to the non-Jews that Jesus could never have reached during his own short ministry.

2007-06-14 13:26:39 · answer #3 · answered by Nebulous 6 · 0 1

Jesus didn't try to escape from the Jews. Jesus was Jewish. His mother was Jewish. His whole family was Jewish. All of Jesus' 12 disciples were Jewish.

If you mean to suggest that Jesus tried to escape from His purpose of dying for our sins, read the Bible again, because when He was arrested in Gethsemane, He did not resist. And when He was questioned by Roman authorities, He didn't give a slippery answer that would have led to His release.

Psalm 22 was written by DAVID, btw. Jesus quoted it on the Cross not because He was trying to escape, but because He was embracing His mission and the penalty of sin is seperation from God. So He, who had never sinned, was seperated from God by taking on our sin, and thus felt abadoned.

Jesus was NOT a racist -- your reasoning is rather faulty here. First you say, "He came only to Jews" and then you quote Mark 7:27, which shows His compassion for non-Jews. And did you miss the whole parable of the Good Samaritan, Peter's commission to reach out to the Gentiles (Acts 10, particularly vv. 34-48) and Paul's extensive ministry to the Gentiles (practically every epistle in the NT)?

2007-06-14 10:34:25 · answer #4 · answered by sparki777 7 · 4 1

Well, I have to give you some credit for putting actual passages in your question. Most others just would have left it a question.

First off, your verses are incorrect. Psalm 22 was written by David, not spoken by Jesus. Jesus said something similar "My God, why have you deserted me?" (Matthew 27:46).

Also, Jesus never did try to 'escape' the Jews. He had the option of leaving town, but stayed. Jesus was scared; very scared. In Luke 22:44 "Jesus was in great pain and prayed so sincerely that his sweat fell to the ground like drops of blood." He was not wanting to run. He actually knew he was going to die; he knew that Judas would betray him, and that Peter would deny him three time. Yet he died a horrible, horrible slow death for our sins.
Matt 10:5-6 = Jesus was always helping the sick, weary, deserted and abandoned. He was instructing his Apostles to do the same.
Mar 7:27 = The woman in this passage was Greek, and Jesus was referring to the people of Israel as the 'children' and the Gentiles and 'dogs'. The woman replied, "Lord, even dogs eat the crumbs that children drop from the table." (Mrk 7:28) She was saying that even though The Gentiles were evil in Jesus' eyes, that there was still hope for some.
Jesus agreed, and healed the womans daughter who was posessed.

Jesus did miraculous things. He did very taboo things (for that time) and was killed for it. Please understand that Chrisitianity is all about celebrating that sacrifice that Jesus so unselfishly made for us.

2007-06-14 10:49:04 · answer #5 · answered by drumbum811 2 · 1 1

Jesus was a Jew, he was sent to first give the good news to the Jews, but he was aware that they would reject him (some of them) so when he was going back to heaven he gave the apostles the great commission to spread the news to the very ends of the earth. The Bible is clear that the Jews were supposed to be a light to the gentiles
Isaiah 49:6 '[God] says, "You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth."' (NLT)
God spoke clearly to one of the apostles about giving the gospel to all people.
Scripture Passage: Acts 10:9-16

God showed Peter the vision of all the animals and told him not to call any of them unclean, because He had made them all. It is the same with people because God has made everyone, from every nation and tribe to be equal and to share in God's goodness together. God gave Peter a direct vision so that Peter could understand His plan for all the peoples of the world and not just to reach Peter's own people, the Jews. So let us be willing to reach everyone, far and near, with the good news of Jesus.

2007-06-14 10:44:19 · answer #6 · answered by good tree 6 · 1 1

You are not reading the Scriptures correctly. Jesus was a fleshly man just like you, that was his flesh crying out, why have you abandoned me and so forth. You would cry out too. But Jesus knew his purpose for being on earth. He was not scared and he did not try to escape. He COULD HAVE called done 10,000 angels to his side if he had chosen to, but he didn't. Jesus was a Jew himself and came to save his people but when the Jews rejected him as being the Messiah he turned to the Gentiles with salvation. I do not call that being a racist. How lucky for us that he did that? If you are not going to take the scriptures seriously, I would suggest you just leave something you know nothing about alone. God help you.

2007-06-14 10:35:04 · answer #7 · answered by Caleb's Mom 6 · 2 1

first of you have things all wrong. Jesus was indeed scared when he was nailed to the cross and indeed had a moment of weakness but that is only because he was man (human). that is why he was prepairing himself in prayer before he was killed (and risen) in the end of course . Mark 14:32-42
in the end he won though and that is all that matters yeah he was scared but now he reigns the heavens and earth will soon pay for much sin. Because as much as everyone wants to make him look like a weak God he is not and he has a lot in stored for all sinners who will not believe and repent. Revelations 16. Jesus died on the cross for all sinners including you and me and if we don't take advantage of this our fate when he pours out his wrath will be none any one will want to live through. any way hope you see things different some day :) oh and have a good day :)

2007-06-14 10:49:55 · answer #8 · answered by WhErE Do I BeGiN??? 1 · 0 1

Jesus' Psalm 22 quotation:

Jesus was separated from God the Father whilst He bore our sins. God's fierce displeasure at sin was expended on Him.

Christians have experienced real closeness to God through the Holy Spirit (which no muslim has ever experienced). So they know a little bit of what it must have been for Jesus to be separated from God. Also He was experiencing the full weight of God's punishment on sin.

It would be like living in a loving family all your life, and then being thrown out naked at the North Pole, with no food , no clothes and no friends. It would really really hurt, although we will never know (except those who have to experience God's wrath at the Last Judgement; Jesus was sent to save us from that fate by providing forgiveness for those who believe in Him).

2007-06-15 14:47:31 · answer #9 · answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7 · 1 1

Spend some time actually learning what those verses mean. You're embarrassing yourself.

Jesus also forbad his disciples from trying to rescue him by saying that if He wanted to, he could call down 12 legions of angels to fight for Him. He went willingly and meekly, like a lamb to the slaughter. This is well-documented in the NT.

Jesus was not racist. He created all the races! The irony in this claim of yours is immeasurable. His ministry was to the Jews during His lifetime. Clearly the gospel has been spread now primarily to the "gentiles". Even a cursory study of the scriptures and of history would show a person that the "racist" accusation holds no water.

2007-06-14 10:32:15 · answer #10 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 4 2

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