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i seem to get angry with things and people like very easily, and i get sooo irretated for no reason. for example, lets say the internet page is not loading i seriously get sooo angry with the laptop i just wanna throw it out -which i have done in the past:-s but the thing i am not an agessive person AT ALL! if you ask anyone that knows me would say quite the oposite but i have weeks where i am soooo happy yet it follows with weeks where EVERYTHING gets on my nervous and i hate everything !! why!?!?!?
i actually wanna die! having such a **** 2 weeks, seriously thinking dying wud be better!

2007-06-14 02:40:10 · 9 answers · asked by amva 2 in Health Mental Health

9 answers

It's ok to feel angry and it's ok to get frustrated and it's just fine if u want to smash yr laptop. But honestly why get it out on yr laptop......

I mean sit down, take a deep breath and think,honestly what is really making u angry, something must really be getting on yr nerves and having this anger building inside is never good for u. Just think that there is a solution for whatever or whomever is driving u mad and in life u will always face problems, but thinking and saying u want to die, is never the correct solution.

If u need a friend or someone to talk to just write to me and i will try to be a good listener.

2007-06-14 03:29:55 · answer #1 · answered by Hope 6 · 0 0

You are experiencing a perfectly normal response to a deep psychological trauma due to something that happened that was so horrifying and unacceptable that you've blocked it out. But there still remains this inexplicable rage and it comes out at the worst possible times with little or no provocation---it's that "hair-trigger" feeling, like you could explode into a millions razor-bits and tear apart the world around you.

This is what psychologists mean when they use the word "denial." Denial is not a concious refusal to accept or deal with a problem; it is the blocking out of the problem by a healthy mind trying to protect itself.

A few counseling sessions . . . and you will find the key to that secret door inside you, behind which all the really bad stuff has been hidden all these long and lonely years.

2007-06-16 06:08:14 · answer #2 · answered by Steve C 5 · 0 0

Sometimes anger such as you describe is really a reaction to a difficulty with confrontation. For instance, if you find yourself saying "yes" to people when you really want to say "no," you end up swallowing a lot of resentment that will surface later. Similarly, if someone is doing something that upsets/bothers you, but you feel that you can't confront them (for whatever reason), you swallow this resentment, and again the anger resurfaces at inappropriate times. Confronting people and situations head-on is stressful at first, which is why many people who consider themselves "passive" have difficulty with it or avoid it altogether. This can develop into a chronic anger problem where very explosive emotions and behaviors occur at seemingly ridiculous triggers (such as slow websites). Even if you may feel that your original feeling is "petty," "silly," "stupid," or whatever adjective you use to devalue your emotions, dealing with it on the spot can help alleviate this anger issue. Seeking out the assistance of a good cognitive therapist may be of value.

Additionally, you may wish to try guided imagery. A good one is Belleruth Naparstek's Anger & Forgiveness. Check it out: http://www.wellbaskets.com/hejometohewi.html.

Best of luck!

2007-06-14 10:37:15 · answer #3 · answered by Tamara D 2 · 0 0

I've felt that way, but you have to realize that you are:

1. Overreacting, with a stress on the "reacting" part. If you can constructively fix or remove whatever is driving your response to it, you can hopefully avoid future explosions.

2. When that fails, have a "happy place". Focus on something amazing or fun for a couple minutes, and then try to conquer life again. Nature, a baby smiling, a quick video game, whatever does it for you... short of a fifth of bourbon or other destructive behavior.

2007-06-14 09:49:36 · answer #4 · answered by sakicfriend 3 · 0 0

Remember one thing!!! you are not God, you are a human like everyone else. Please don’t die on us, I really want to see you around in this Yahoo Answers a lot more longer. OK, so thank you for talking with us instead. When you feel dying again, just come here to talk with us. Ask us anything you please, and don’t forget to help someone else also. You never know the feeling of helping someone else with their diary problems. You will have a happy feeling to think that they might get better and happier from your helped. It will make you feel better about yourself.

This world is getting faster. Everything is rushing. When you have to wait at lease 3 minutes for your computer to download something, that is too long for me too. People are getting smarter also. You probably think you know more than some people around you that you have to deal with each day. You would be surprise sometime to know, they are getting smarter also. People can change the attitude, but they couldn’t change their personality. While the world is faster on technologies, the way people thinking and changing their attitudes are seemed slow. That why we were frustrated with them sometime.

To cope with the world, you might want to looking for a positive thought about the other and the world. If you have a home to living in, food to eat, a nice bed to lay on at night, someone around you (they don’t have to like you because most of the time you might don’t like them anyway, but someone to can say hello with) you are doing well to survive in this world. You also have us the Yahoo Answers people who like to talk with you and anyone that have any question or answer. We are free and sometime helpful. Please stay alive and well. Talk with us, we will be here for you. Have yourself a great day today. Go outside, get some fresh air, and thank God that you still alive and well.

2007-06-14 09:53:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

During very stressful times, feeling angry and frustrated is quite normal. However, there are certain personality traits that can cause a very low frustration tolerance and raging type behavior. I would suggest that you do a web search on "borderline personality disorder" and see if you fit the description.

2007-06-14 09:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by vadtrav 3 · 0 0

im the same exact way. i am a really caring person though, like i would never deliberately want to hurt someone, and my friends know that because i always help people whenever i get the chance. but i also have the worst anger issues. i always punch or kick holes in walls or things, or throw objects, or just.. idk. i flip out. and i always get so irritated too. and i always say i hate everything too lol i always say i hate people. so i really dont know how to answer your question because i am the same way, but i am going to start taking 5-HTP (you can get it at a drug store) & see how it works to calm me down. i dont know what else to say, other than talk to a psychiatrist/therapist because i am going to do that too. goood luck <3

2007-06-14 09:49:16 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

if you r a Gemini get a creative hobby ,a one that need patience and u will see ,if not go jogging at a place with no one else regularly .
try and let me know

2007-06-14 18:10:15 · answer #8 · answered by hasafer 7 · 0 0

If you were a guy I'd say high testosterone levels (like steroid rage), but you're a girl, so I dunno, maybe it's a hormone thing still?

2007-06-14 09:47:10 · answer #9 · answered by garlicjnr2001 3 · 0 0

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