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I'm 15 years old and I'm completely miserable. I've suspected that I've had depression for a few years now, and I think I finally went over the edge. I haven't gone to school in 5 days and I've been writing suicide notes lately. I have every symptom for depression such as extreme guilt, anxiety (also extreme, resulting in dizziness, difficulty breathing, and difficulty concentrating), insomnia, irritability (I'm beginning to get angry over everything), a constantly depressed mood, no interest in activities I once enjoyed (all I ever want to do is sit on my computer), and I'm very, very pessimistic.

Depression does run in my family, and my Mom (who is Bi-polar) shows the same symptoms that I do. I want to tell my parents that I want therapy or to be prescribed pain killers, but how do I?

2007-06-14 02:31:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

15 answers

15. Ah, such a wonderful age. Why haven't you gone to school? Your parents don't make you go to school? Your username and your last statement are worrisome. Why do you want to be prescribed painkillers? Are you in physical pain?

Tell your parents how you feel. I know, a lot of kids feel that parents are "the enemy" and won't talk to them. I have TWO 15 year olds (twins). My son could have written the first paragraph you wrote in your question. If you don't want to talk to your parents, go to school and talk to the counselor there about your feelings. You may find that it helps just to talk to someone.

At 15 there is great peer pressure to "fit in". Just try to be who you are. Try spending some time away from the computer. Go outdoors. Get some fresh air and sunshine. Get some exercise. Ride a bike, or just take a walk. ANY activity besides just sitting in front of a screen will do you good.

Since you say depression runs in your family, it is probably in your best interest to be evaluated by a professional. Please talk to your parents about how you feel. If they won't help you get therapy and you DO want it, go to the school counselor and advise him/her that your parents will not get you the help you may need.

2007-06-14 03:28:49 · answer #1 · answered by ~RedBird~ 7 · 2 0

You have taken the first great step to get help by asking, i suffer from deep depression, i had to try a few medicine but also i know that the medicine helps a lot but you have to get one on one treatment, or group therapy later, the best doctors say to realize you have a problem is the best thing ever ,don't be afraid to tell your parents,if they are understanding that's great, if not call a hot line,to get in touch with ( NEVER ASK FOR PAIN PILLS THAT WILL SEEM AS THAT YOU ARE AN ADDICT, NEVER SAY YOU NEED ANY MEDICINE ) Listen i am an x addict Ive been clean for three years, when i went to get help they cant tell me what my problem is until i went to detox then the could understand what my problem was the drugs masked your problems and you become isolated get the problem fixed don't be a victim be a survivor, I'm being honest to you , talking drugs is a long slow suicide, don't go there / cut the line to addiction so you don't carry it to your future children

2007-06-14 02:56:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

You do NOT need pain killers, that will only add to your dilemma. Try talking with your parents and tell them you want to go to the family doctor for a checkup, that you just aren't feeling very good.

Get away from the computer ~ you should never be sitting there or in front of the TV all the time ~ that only adds to your depression. Set a timer and give yourself 2 hours at a time and when that timer goes off, get up and do something else. Cut the grass, help a neighbor with their yard work or something beneficial to help others so you aren't thinking of yourself but others.

Go for walks or bike rides, get a parttime job at the grocery store or Lowes or something, go help feed the homeless, get involved in some activities at church, go to the nursing home and visit some of the elderly and share your sunny smile with them. So many sit there waiting for family day after day but never get any company at all.

Many teens go through this emotional highs and lows ~ I know I did ~ and it can be scary at times but if you hang in there, it eventually settles down once the hormones aren't running in circles all the time.

If you get a chance, go to WalMart and buy some St John's Wort and start taking that every day and see if it helps. Continue to take St John's if they help you and when you get old enough and have your own job, you can then go for counseling on your own.

And when you feel yourself getting angry, sit down and write your feelings down on paper, then tear up the pages and throw them away ~ and don't be afraid to cry over things that hurt you while you are writing... those tears can help you heal. I have found writing and crying to be very beneficial at times when I have alot of turmoil in my life.

It sounds like you are so upset over things in your life that you might be hyperventilating, too, so when you are feeling dizzy, try to lie down or put your head down and imagine yourself lying on the beach with the surf in the background and the seagulls singing overhead.

Another problem you might have could be thyroid so you need to get to a doctor and have some blood tests done. That can cause depression, insomnia and other problems, too.

Good luck to you ~ hope you can get some answers soon.

2007-06-14 03:19:28 · answer #3 · answered by KittyKat 6 · 0 0

Pain Killers?? That won't do anything but hide the pain -- but then you run out -- then you feel worse than before. There are better answers but taking medication for kids your age can be very dangerous if you're misdiagnosed because your hormone levels go nuts and that's why people commit suicide. You're going to make it, man. I've been there.
First things first. I don't give up very easily on people so add me as a contact and I'll make sure you get the help you need, no matter what.
For right now, you need to take action yourself. Stop eating sweets and stop drinking pop, caffeine and sugar. Don't eat pasta, don't eat white bread. Switch to meat with high levels of fat. Fat helps you relax. And protein has Amino Acids that help balance your hormones ---- That's all that's wrong right now, you have a hormone imbalance. Trust me on this, I have been where you are and I stayed on medication until I found all this out. I am not longer on medication and I'm happy not thinking about the bad things.
Depression is not inherited, it's passed on from the things we eat and from attitudes we share. Don't be fooled by dime store psychology. Some people will say anything to sell you medicine. You don't need it. You just need a healthy diet ---

Next, you need to make a list of 10 things, 10 goals you would like to accomplish ------- But the point here is to reach those goals. A goal can be to clean or rearrange your room, to get rid of things you don't need. I want you to reach 100 points within the next 2 months. This is the cure for depression because every time you reach a goal, you begin to feel a little bit of happiness at a time. Make sure your goals are very easy and realistic in the beginning. As you learn to follow through with these goals, you can challenge yourself with more difficult ones. For now, start with 10 goals -- but one at a time. Don't stop until you have reached that first goal --- and then tell me how you feel. As you clean your room or whatever you choose for your first goal, you will imagine yourself as an airplane --- you need to make it to your destination (Happiness) --- but you need to stay in the air to do that --- (momentum) -- that momentum will give you strangth to begine your second goal -----

Let me know how it's going as often as you can ---- Thank you and good luck

2007-06-14 02:54:59 · answer #4 · answered by BIG 4 · 0 0

First off, painkillers won't solve the problem, they'll only give temporary relief. You want antidepressants. Try to avoid being prescribed Prozac. It's not a fun drug - I've not taken it, but I have friends who have.

I'm having a similar problem asking my parents for a doctor for a neurological disorder I suspect I am afflicted with. BE PERSISTENT. If you really think you need a therapist - and from what I hear, it wouldn't be a bad idea for you, even if it is just hormones - then you need to get on them about it. Ask every chance you get. Sit your mom down and explain your problem, and ask for help. If she brushes you off, keep trying. If they genuinely won't listen, talk to your school counselor. It may seem silly, but that's their job.

I can't tell here from your wording if you're a boy or a girl, but if you are a girl, could it be that menstrual problems are adding to the depression?

Ask, and ask, and ask. Good luck. Don't give up! :)

2007-06-14 02:47:00 · answer #5 · answered by Alana 3 · 0 0

Its the right time you should take necessary steps to tackle this issue otherwise it will spoil your total life. Not only you but your fellow beings also will be troubled.

The first and foremost thing is that you should be very strong in mind that you are going to solve this problem at any case.

Initially it may be difficult to take this issue to parents, but later it will be as if as dealing a disease.

Adopt measures like
* writing a letter to them
* seeing the mood and situation to express your problem
* If you have any good understanding brothers / sisters / cousins / friends / teacher who has good relations with your parents, then make them as your mediators (make sure that they are quit matured nature)

2007-06-14 02:46:46 · answer #6 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

i work in a therapy clinic with people who are depressed.and i think that it should not be your job to tell them you need help. it's theirs and please get it.if they don't want to help you, tell a teacher or some adult your close to.there is meds out there to help you and it also helps to talk whatever the problem is out.if you don't know what it is take a deeper look at something that might have happened to you that you never let go.it does run in families and that does sound like what you have.there is help so PLEASE GET IT.here in my state a person can call the local hospital and ask to speak with someone in mental health and they can help you start your recovery process.LIFE IS TOO PRECIOUS TO LET SOMETHING TAKE IT AWAY...... AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT TODAY...RIGHT NOW....OH BY THE WAY DON'T THROW YOURSELF A PITY PARTY IT'LL MAKE THINGS WORSE.GET TO THE SOURCE TODAY.MAKE TODAY THE DAY TO START A NEW BEGINNING OF SELF HOPE.BEST WISHES. CHRISTY

2007-06-14 02:53:39 · answer #7 · answered by clocklear05 2 · 0 0

First off, pain killers bring only temporary relief to physical pain. It sounds as though you may have a Bipolar Disorder too. If your mother is receptive to your needs, she will take you to the doctor. If she is not, call a hotline as soon as possible and get some help. God bless you!

2007-06-14 02:46:08 · answer #8 · answered by C Sunshine 6 · 0 0

Just come out and tell them right away how you feel. Have a family doctor, a teacher, a older relative, anyone that you could talk with that would talk with them about getting you the help you need. Depression is serious and you have to talk with them pronto. Good Luck..

2007-06-14 02:39:29 · answer #9 · answered by Bazinga 7 · 0 0

Well, first and foremost knowing you have a problem is a good start.... I would just ask your parents if you could speak with a counselor. If you have health insurance under them...On the back of your card should be a mental health number...Call it and speak with someone.. In some cases they will talk to you and refer you to someone that accepts a co-pay. It's important that you speak with someone immeadiately...Look in the phone book under mental health.. There's usually a free hotline for emergencies..

2007-06-14 02:36:29 · answer #10 · answered by pebblespro 7 · 0 0

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