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If not, then is God truly omniscient?

If so, then what's the big deal about a god dying and rising three days later? Gods do stuff like that all the time.

Please do not quote the Bible in your answer. Thank you.

2007-06-14 02:04:27 · 17 answers · asked by LoneRanger 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

He was God's son...he was in human form...he bled...a human dying and rising is pretty big to me

2007-06-14 02:18:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi Mo'co. You are asking about events that happened in the Bible, which is God's Holy Word, so it would be impossible to give you a truthful answer without quoting the Bible.

God tells us without a doubt that Jesus knew he would be resurrected in three days. In Matthew 16:21:

"From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day."

2007-06-14 09:21:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He knows.

It's so stupid seeing someone reading something from the bible that the Lord jesus Christ was crucified and died, and then questioning about it but doesn't want the bible to be read for the answer.

It's just fair to read the answer from the bible since it is where you got it.

Let's read proof, In Mark 9:31,

"For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered up into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and when he is killed, after three days he shall rise again. "

It's just that he had to do it to save those who will believe him. He had to suffer in place of the sinners. He did not commit sin, yet he was punished in order for us, humans, to be saved.

2 corinthians 5:21

"Him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; that we might become the righteousness of God in him."

(Only stupid people would say that the bible should not be read. These are people who don't look for truth but wanted lies. They too shall be punished. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 "And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. ")

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2007-06-14 09:29:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Jesus did Die on the cross. If He never died then he never rose and if He never rose then we are not saved.

So your question stems from a false premises. I do not need to quote the Bible to answer it since you are missing the key element of faith. That is that Jesus DIED and ROSE.

And yes of course Jesus knew He was going to rise. He told his followers as much.

2007-06-14 09:13:39 · answer #4 · answered by Thomas G 6 · 2 1

Yes, he knew he would die. He told his disciples several times beforehand. We see it in the garden when he prayed.

It is a big deal. It wasn't just the agony of being crucified, it was bearing the sin of the world when he never knew sin, and being separated from God for that moment.

2007-06-14 09:09:22 · answer #5 · answered by Machaira 5 · 3 1

Jesus was fully God (through the conception by the Holy Spirit) and he was fully man (through the lineage of Mary).

These historical facts made him fully man...
*Jew who grew up in Nazareth, learned carpentry from his earthly father, grew in wisdom & stature, and in favor with God and man, and began a ministry throughout Israel at age 30.
*The cousin of John the Baptist, who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah.
*Was baptized by John at the beginning of His ministry, at which point a voice from the heavens proclaimed, “Thou art My beloved Son; in Thee I am well-pleased.”
*Was tempted by Satan in the wilderness for 40 days, at which time He fasted and prayed, and resisted temptation by quoting scripture.
*Was misunderstood by His family and those of His hometown.
*The half-brother of James, who authored the Book of James, and was a leader of the early church.
*After ministering, healing, and teaching for three years, was crucified outside Jerusalem during the feast of Passover by the Romans at the demand of Jewish religious leaders.
*Had human needs to eat, drink, and sleep.
*Showed human emotions of love, happiness, sadness, and anger… but not fear, hatred, or pride.
*Born in Bethlehem into a poor family where the mother, Mary, was a virgin. Both she and Joseph the “step-father” were of the line of David and the tribe of Judah.

There is little historical question that Jesus existed, but people do often wonder about His divine nature, His miracles, and His offer of eternal salvation through grace, to all mankind. Jesus claimed he was God. How, in the name of logic, common sense, and experience, could an impostor -- that is a deceitful, selfish, depraved man -- have invented and consistently maintained from the beginning to end, the purest and noblest character known in history with the most perfect air of truth and reality? How could He have conceived and successfully carried out a plan of unparalleled beneficence, moral magnitude, and sublimity, and sacrificed His own life for it, in the face of the strongest prejudices of His people and age?

Jesus did know that he had to die. That is why, in all his humanity, he cried out to God in the Garden, before he was arrested. He knew crucifixion was a horrible death & he even asked God if there would be any other way to bring salvation to all humans. Jesus could have called 10,000 angels to rescue him, but he died alone for you and me.

2007-06-14 09:20:24 · answer #6 · answered by bwlobo 7 · 0 0

Jesus, the Son of Man, did die on the cross.

2007-06-14 09:09:26 · answer #7 · answered by RB 7 · 1 1

Well it wasnt just the fact that he died and rose again, it was also about the Suffereing and torture he had to endure during that time. And the "big deal" about it is, that he did all this for the salvation of mankind, he didnt do it for fun..

2007-06-14 09:09:24 · answer #8 · answered by Ryan J 3 · 4 0

If you were hanging on a cross, wouldnt you be worried? dieing wasnt the problem, it was pain, and also the people crucifying Him now have killed Him. even though He was resurected, it doesnt change that he died.

And the power of the bible is strong.

2007-06-14 09:10:27 · answer #9 · answered by marny 1 · 2 1

God cannot be seen. Whatever one can see is not God. It is there in every being, body of being may be called the temple of God. Whoever experienced it, people believe the body of that being as God and the true essence of God is lost.

2007-06-14 09:13:02 · answer #10 · answered by dd 6 · 0 3

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