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Who allowed Satan into Eden?

When Satan is said to have the power to deceive "the very elect", who left Satan alone with Eve when Satan was tricking Eve into sin?

In what way did the shepherd protect his flock from the wolf?

What shepherd expects the sheep to defend themselves from the wolf while the shepherd sips a pina colada or two?

2007-06-14 01:44:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

You ask a very good question.

Before God created planet earth He had already created other worlds and other beings---especially angelic ones. Lucifer a pure and holy covering cherub was the leader of the heavenly choir. Human beings have not discovered these other worlds yet because they have not traveled such amazing distances to what the Bible call from the lips of Paul, THE THIRD HEAVEN; which appear to be God's dwelling place. Only apostle, prophets and angelic beings have been there physically or by vision from the Almighty in the book of Revelation. God's throne is in heaven and He is surrounded by angels and other beings in great numbers we can't even count.

One of these angels who's name was Lucifer (bright one) was a good angel and handsome. He became proud and wanted to be like God (Isaiah 14:12--15; Ezekiel 28:11--15; Revelation 12:9--12). He began to set up his campaign among the angels in heaven. 1/3 the angels accepted his proposals about God's unfairness. And so, after he was called into the throne room with all those who agreed with to meet with God about his rebellion, there was war in heaven Michael and his angels in battle with Satan and his angels(Rev.12:9--12). Satan along with those who took sides with him were cast out of heaven into the dark universe.

God could have destroyed Satan and the problem would be over right there. But God reasoned to Himself that it is better to let him live. You see, Lucifer had began to spread lies about the character of God and Jesus before he was cast out of heaven. He said that God was a dictator and is unfair in not allowing him to take part in the creation. He became a rights activist so to say, promoting his views poisoning the minds of many angels for quite awhile. Now, for God to destroy Lucifer, this action would not take away the poison. If God destroyed him, this would only confirm everything that Lucifer was saying. If God had destroyed him, the angels who remained faithful to God would only do so out of fear rather than love. So God allowed him to live. So that in time to come both the heaven beings and fallen human beings would final see God's justice in destroying him in the final day.

God did not just sit on his throne and watch Adam and Eve fall from grace. Nothing could be further from the truth. God warned them about what was going to happen. They chose to listen to the Lucifer who appeared as a serpent to deceive them. All they had to do was trust in the words of God, but they fell into Lucifers trap. When God said to them do not eat of the forbidden fruit, this was a test that God was giving to see if they would obey him. God took this risk because he does not want robots worshiping him. He wants people who will be a to choose by their own will. He wants a relationship with His creation so, robots who are programmed would not do. Eve separated herself from Adam and began to wonder around. Lucifer wanted to hurt God by coming to planet earth and make Adam and Eve rebel. The plan succeeded and the two were lost.

God was not finished yet however, we must not underestimate God. He knew of the possibility of them falling so he made a provision. He would pick a time, era and a season to send Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from the sins of Adam and Eve. And so 4 B.C. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. In fact, all throughout the Bible you will see progressively that God was making the way for this. The whole Bible speaks of this. The Bible it self is revelation left on earth by God so that we can learn about our past.

Jesus was crucified as God had planned to pay for the sins of the world. We are forgiven!! And Satan is judge and knows that he has but a short time to deceive humans. But every provision was made by God to save you and me before we were even born. There is more I want to say but I fear that I'll just keep going. I would advise to read the Bible and learn about the plan of redemption. The Bible says that God is Love. And he gave up his own Son so that you and I can have life (John 3:16). I hope this hit the surface because thereis much more... go to www.amazingfacts.org and browse through it and see what you can find. God bless.

2007-06-14 02:59:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Satan was already there before Eve came along. Whether God allowed him there with Eve, or to intentionally test Eve is not the point. The point is (and why this cannot be comprehended by alledgedly intelligent people is beyond all explanation) they were told NOT to do something and they did it. God KNEW they would fail, but chose NOT to impose Himself on that process for the very simple reason that Satan would've had a valid claim that God was indeed a cosmic tyrant who "feared" being proven WRONG. Satan's challenge against God in the Book of Job bears this fact out exactly. The Shepherd knew then what He knew in the garden; the choice(s) we made could not be coerced. He didn't want robots to love and worship Him. If He did, do you honestly believe that you'd even be posting this question? But you people live by your own chosen blindness and self-induced delusions which is exactly why Satan has legal dominion over the earth. You certainly have been instrumental for him, and you definitely will have your reward. So the next time you feel the temptation to accuse Christians of "forcing their "religion" down your throat", just remember- God doesn't exist. Satan doesn't exist. Heaven and hell don't exist. You're not having anything forced down your throat that you haven't already swallowed willingly of your own accord.

2007-06-14 02:15:19 · answer #2 · answered by RIFF 5 · 1 0

Adam was given dominion over everything on earth and is a shepherd in his own right in Eden. Adam should have shepherded Eve and intervened and not allowed the serpent to deceive Eve. Because of the lack of action by Adam who alone know what God had said to him all mankind fell. The wolf in this case was under the dominion of Adam. Satan was cast out of the third heaven but have access to Eden and everywhere on earth.

2007-06-14 03:16:17 · answer #3 · answered by seekfind 6 · 0 0

Nobody allowed Satan into Eden. It was his idea to enter Eden by way of a snake so he could tempt Eve. God allowed that to happen to test how obedient the first couple was to his rule. He told them to eat anything in the garden but not the one from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The same thing goes for the shepherd and his flock of sheep. One sheep was so hardheaded he could not stay put with the rest of the flock and look what it got him into?

Well, the same thing will also happen to any of us. We are given sets of rules to follow and if, because of our stubbornness or unbelief, we deviate or stray from the path of righteousness....should we all take a sip of the pina colada?

2007-06-20 20:10:14 · answer #4 · answered by annabelle p 7 · 0 0

a good shepherd safeguards the folds.

Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

A sheep is the most helpless animal there is, especially if there is a wolf around. There is absolutely no defense that a sheep can give. Christ said this to identify these disciples as His sheep, going forth to do a mission. Keep in mind, that wherever the sheep goes, the shepherd is the one with the responsibility for the sheep's safety. When the sheep goes forth, the protection around him also goes forth, and that protection is provided by the Heavenly Father, and His Spirit. This is the reason why the sheep are symbolic of God's people; for those elect of God can rely on God's protection totally. The Shepherd is Jesus Christ.

A wolf is very cunning, but it is a stupid animal. The serpent is wise in that it hypnotizes the minds of his prey, and then brings them under his power. As a servant of God giving out the Word, you are to have the ability to get the other persons attention. You don't mess around with the serpents deception of his rattles, or body movement, but you challenge his head, his mind. Go for the victory, and in this case, the victory is the planting of the Word of God in his mind.

Though the dove seems harmless, it is fierce in protecting it's young. The likeness of the dove is used as a comparison of the Holy Spirit. He is so peaceful when He ascends upon a person, and fills the person with joy and comfort, yet the Holy Spirit of God is the protector of God's elect.

Trees and a serpent are given in this chapter (Genesis 3) to represent men. God, in fact, calls Himself the Evergreen tree, or Fir tree in Ezekiel 31:8. To understand what, and who this serpent is, we turn to Revelation 20:2 to clear up our understanding. "And He laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan," So we see that it is Satan that is the serpent. Satan also has many other names, and in this final generation he will be known as "the Antichrist", and the "son of perdition".

2007-06-14 01:59:10 · answer #5 · answered by onoscity 4 · 0 0

Satan and God are in collusion. It's not a Shepherd and Flock scenario. God is a man with an ant farm. The entire experiment is meant to see whether or not animals with "higher level thinking" and the ability to recognize abstractions can elevate themselves to Divinity. God wants to know where He came from, so he created the Universe to see if others, "like him" would become gods themselves.

Humanity lacked knowledge, represented by the serpent. This representation comes from earlier Druidic lore, where the serpent is seen as a symbol of knowledge for its ability to "become new" whenever it sheds its skin. (Men become new when they learn something new because everything we learn changes who we are).

*Interesting tidbit: Satan was not a "serpent" when he convinced Eve to eat of the Tree. He was actually a lizard. God cursed him by taking away his legs as punishment.

The real question is, why would a benevolent God command his servant to entice Eve, then condemn him for following orders. Remember: humans are the only creatures in creation to have free will (made in His image), angels do not. Therefore, Lucifer must have been commanded.

Jesus of Nazareth is actually the one referred to as "the shepherd" because, according to Christian lore, Jesus was actually human (though he could not have been) and a leader of men. (Actually, Jesus could not have been human at all but must have been Divine from his "birth" because Divinity is timeless. Therefore, Jesus must have known, on some level, that he would not die but would go to be at his Father's side. Therefore, he could not have experienced the definition of humanity, which is the insecurity of mortality. Which means that his "sacrifice" really was not a sacrifice at all. That would be like giving away an old pair of socks and calling it a "sacrifice".)

2007-06-14 01:56:37 · answer #6 · answered by LoneRanger 2 · 0 0

i attempted the link even regardless of the undeniable fact that it would not seem working, i will attempt returned later. i've got starred your submit as i do no longer understand the respond. I too have heard occasional issues a pair of Wolf being presented into the GSD line, yet I have not got any theory if that's actual or no longer, i'm afraid... On youtube, I observed a short programme which stated that for the period of one line of GSDs, somebody had tried introducing a Wolf however the canine that resulted have been so aggressive and not amenable to practise, so it wasn't repeated...

2016-10-09 04:37:45 · answer #7 · answered by linzy 4 · 0 0

I have already this morning told you that God walked with Adam & Eve, until sin was commited, & satan was not talking to Eve, it was the serpent which was a upright creature, Now you try to say that satan will deceive the very elect, Let's read it correctly It goes on to say if it were possable, That word IF let's me know that it is NOT possable. How many more question do you need to ask that it was not satan in the garden, but the serpent.

2007-06-14 01:51:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

God knew that Satan disguised himself like a serpent and fooled Eve even before satan did it..
As a result Adam n Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden and were sent to earth where God cursed them for their disobedience..Bcos of the fall there was no way for mankind to return to heaven Our father in heaven sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to earth to redeem all mankind by th eternal sacrifice He made for us by giving His life for us on the cross. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".(John 3:16)

It was all foreordained-Adams fall and God would save all mankind.
The shepherd came down on earth to defend his children all mankind from satan the serpent from the sting of death.. He was not sipping pinacolada but I sure do know u have the liberty to sip it bcos of the freedom Lord gave you...

2007-06-14 01:58:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually I believe ,God, the nonjudgmental -unconditionally loving Source said yes to It's child , who got bored and forgot -so contrast (dark) was sent in (Satan) to help us remember (light) hence choice all out of LOVE..we make the contrast darker more evil the more we choose not to remember that we are connected always to God. There are only LOVE and cry for LOVE here.

2007-06-21 17:13:09 · answer #10 · answered by ieyeone 3 · 0 0

Satan was not alone if God is truly everywhere!

The good sheperd protects his flock. But if the sheep disobey him and his command and follows the wolf's bidding instead........

2007-06-14 01:58:29 · answer #11 · answered by 0 3 · 0 0

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