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what does 'witnessing' mean to you?

thank you

2007-06-14 00:04:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

witnessing means to share the gospel of Jesus Christ-- to warn others, to care enough to tell them why they need Jesus, because if we didn't care, we would be watching them go straight to hell.
It is not about "fixing" them, it is about loving them enough to share God's word with them.
Like if your neighbor's house was on fire, would you run over there and warn them? yes!
God fixes them-- after they are saved, God is the one who changes them, gives them a new heart and desires. He is the one who keeps them from sinning- it is only Jesus in us that can keep us from falling!
But they must know the seriousness of sin, and what happens to one who dies in their sins.
In Jude it tells us who are saved to "Snatch them from the fire"
Jesus tells us to go out and "fishers of men"
In Timothy it says "Preach the word in and out of season"
We must always be ready- and we must witness for the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Who wants to hide their salvation under a lamp? If I had a skin disease, and everyone else had that disease, and yet I found a cure, I would want to share it with everyone else who had that disease! It is their choice to take that cure or not.

2007-06-14 06:12:24 · answer #1 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 2 1

It may be a character flaw but I don't feel guilt. To me it is a very nonconstructive emotion. I know when I have done wrong and vow to not repeat the action, then I won't be destructive or hurtful again. I feel 'clean' spirited most all of the time. Probably the fact that my Mother failed to give me religious training until age 16 is at fault. I have noticed those who have been conditioned per a religious affiliation feel the most guilt. At the same time my Mother taught me empathy, morality, altruism and that cleanliness is perhaps even better than Godliness (spiritually and physically). So it turned out good, I am a partially socialized human and mostly am happy and feeling free is the best thing there is. I don't want to hurt people's feelings and I would appreciate the same courtesy from them!

2016-04-01 07:04:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to. And the Lord convicted me that He's the only one that can "fix" people.

To me witnessing is telling what the Lord has done in my life. Some times just living for the Lord...in the words of St Francis of Assisi...Preach always....if necessary use words.

Thanks for asking.

2007-06-14 03:45:17 · answer #3 · answered by Jan P 6 · 4 0

A persons character and personality belong to them and God, not to me. My position is to be a blessing and to love. When it comes to witnessing a person should have love in their heart, tears in their soul, and a prayer on their lips when warning them of the impending judgement. If they warn people with anger and hatred in their heart, all they are doing is being the devil's disciple and wishing to impose their will on another human being. That is total selfishness, wanting to impose their will on someone else especially when God gave all of His created ones the power of choice. Being in a lost condition is a very sad thing. The people need to learn of the tremendous love God has for them and of His wishes to be with them. He is preparing beautiful homes for those who take time to get to know Him and enjoy spending time with Him. God mercifully would never force people into His Kingdom that would not be happy with the lifestyle there. If only people knew how much better their lives could be. How could we feel anger and hatred to those that are in a lost condition? We can hate what they do, but, God wants us to love them in spite of themselves. We are imperfect ourselves so how can we be so pompous in expecting perfection from others? There is nothing more annoying than to be struggling with one's failings and have some pompous person up there directing as though they are the message rather than the messenger. God bless you. Mmm

2007-06-14 04:38:12 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

My son is a Christian missionary in the Philippines, working in a semi-remote and very poor village, building an entire village of homes to care for children whom they have rescued from the streets. THAT is living Christianity. THAT is witnessing.

Contrary to what many fundamentalists have been taught, being a Christian witness is not about forcing your viewpoint on friends and total strangers. It is not about preaching to non-believers. It is not about taking control of government so you can display and teach your own beliefs at public expense. It is not even about telling everyone that you are a Christian and how your life has changed.

Christian witnessing is about living like Christ taught his followers to live, and letting others see how wonderful it would be if more people lived that way. It is about rescuing orphans. It is about feeding and housing the homeless. It is about making it possible for the physically and mentally ill to receive compassionate treatment and healing. It is about protecting our environment and our planet. It is about loving strangers as well as friends, all strangers including other races, other faiths, other lifestyles... people lost in cults, people who may not agree with our politics or our religion, people who are gay or lesbian, people who don't necessarily live the way we think they should, by our rules, and the list goes on.

I am not bragging on my son, but he is a Christian witness who is living and sacrificing for others, just as Jesus taught us to do. Many people in the Philippines and in the United States have become Christians because he has shown them humanity and love, and that life can be happy even in poverty. THAT is Christian witnessing...

You may be surprised after reading this to learn that I am an agnostic, not a Christian like my son is. But I do know what love, goodness, kindness, humanity and charity are, and contrary to what many Christians write on this board, one does not have to believe in Jesus, or in the Bible as the infallable word of God, or to fear punishment in Hell or seek reward in Heaven, to be a good person and live a good life.

2007-06-14 07:30:14 · answer #5 · answered by Don P 5 · 2 1

There's an old joke:
How many Psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?
Just one... but the lightbulb has to REALLY WANT to be changed!

Jesus called us to be fishers of men.
We catch 'em - He'll clean 'em!

There was a man in my church. He was disabled and came with his wife - quite frankly because she BROUGHT him. She was a Christian - he was a non Christian. He was silent and respectful, because he loved his wife. He was visited for years by the Pastor - and every deacon and many church members. People prayed in frustration for him for years.

She died last year.

He came to church on his own last Easter Sunday and made his profession of faith after finally accepting Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.

Can we force ANYTHING? No... Should we ever give up? Never.

BE love to all... what is love?

1st Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal....

1st John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.

How can they know if you do not show them?

Wittnessing for me is living the walk - not just talking the talk. I fall flat over and over - but I keep trying.
Never Give up.

2007-06-14 07:45:58 · answer #6 · answered by Depoetic 6 · 3 1

I used to have that need as I love ppl and want to help them, but GOd has shown me that I cant help anyone. I can only lead ppl to God and Let Him heal them. But they must want it. God wont force anyone. Wittnessing is telling the world about Jesus, doing it boldly, but in love , and then allowing them to make their own Choice, as even God does that. But, there are consequences to not believing in Jesus, and we have a whole Bible, which is His love letter to us, to tell us just what to do to get into Heaven. ANd avoid Hell. Its up to us if we listen or not..... Only God can fix ppl and they must allow Him to do that. IT was nice to know that it wasnt my job to fix everyone, used to make me so tired and frustrated > Not anymore. God is soo good. all the time, HE is good.

2007-06-14 15:01:13 · answer #7 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 1 0

no/witnessing to me means acknowledging God and explaining to them( when i am asked) anything about the bible i know and understand if a person tries to push their belief in God on someone it only causes them to rebel,if someone asked i tell them and if needed look in the bible for the answer

2007-06-14 15:17:01 · answer #8 · answered by loveChrist 6 · 1 0

I do not feel the need to fix people. It is not my place. I believe in letting people be who they are.

Besides, who am I to say that my way of life is correct, and someone else is in need of "fixing"? :)

2007-06-14 07:00:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No; if they're gonna get fixed, they'll have to figure it out by themselves.

As far as witnessing, to me it means a boring tirade from an over-zealous, self-righteous, sanctimonious religious nut.

2007-06-14 00:12:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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