okay!! ♥
"ur luck has been completely changed today"
"many a false step is made by standing still"
"u acheive great peace of mind when u talk with an old friend"
"u have an iron will, which helps u succeed in everee thing"
"ur eyes will be opened to a world full of beauty, charm and adventure"
"the road to knowlege begins with the turn of a page"
"keep charging the enemy so long as there is life"
"ur heart brings joy and peace where there is none"
all ur hard work will soon be paid of"
"u will always get what u want thru ur charm and personality"
"there us no wisdom greater than kindness"
"today is a perfect day to give that special person a gift"
"u or a close friend will be married within a year" {lol}
"u will soon discover how truely fortunate u really are"
"ur biggest virtue is ur modesty"
"never forget a friend, especially if he owes u"
"what u left behind is more mellow than wine"
"ur ideals are well within ur reach"
"u may be conservative, causcious and practical"
"happines begins with facing life with a smile and a wink"
"a wise person cares not for what he cannot do, but for what he can"
"u will always have luck in ur personal afairs"
okay, thats all the ones i kept lol X//D i thenk ive gone out to chinses too much...♥
2007-06-13 17:45:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yea it says, 5 54 42 14 12 44 15 14
2007-06-13 17:36:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The one who holds the door holds the money.
Lucky numbers: 23 09 17 59 12
(i've never heard that before, it just sounds like something on a fortune cookie lol)
2007-06-13 17:39:24
answer #3
answered by Sahmantha18 2
A long-lost friend is coming to see you
oh, the most hillarious thing happened the other day. My fortune cookie said
"you will do better in real-estate then in stocks"
and then My sister's said
"forget about the stock market, spend time with your family."
I guess chinese people don't like the stock market ; )
2007-06-13 17:38:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In my world, I think your fortune cookie says:
"Prosperity is yours, the gates of True Fortune have been opened for You"~
Mistress Elizza Lioncourt
2007-06-21 15:45:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well i'm gonna tell you what my fortune cookie said today: "Do not seek so much to find the answer as much as to understand the question better."
LUCKY NUMBERS: 4, 27, 15, 39, 17, 6
2007-06-21 06:41:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH THIS especially with friends............next time you are eating fortune cookies.....add the following line, "in bed" at the end of your fortune......USUALLY IT MAKES THE FORTUNE MORE REAL.....as in REALLY FUNNY!!!
I think I should get 10 points for just sharing that fun bit of crazy funny yummy doo da silly barfy neato completo zig zag.. response........oh yeah, your fortune says you will "YOU WILL FIND TRUE PEACE and a pleasurable life.........IN BED????????
2007-06-13 17:41:49
answer #7
answered by PEDRO 3
One time my fortune cookie said "Digital circuits come from analog parts." I still never figured that beast out...
2007-06-13 17:37:05
answer #8
answered by foshy 2
you will give bubbl3z 10 pts, and you will find happiess in your future
and your lucky numbers are 6, 44, 28, 41, and 35
learn japanese: konichiwa-hello
do i win 4 most creative
2007-06-13 17:35:46
answer #9
answered by oNe.Love. 3
You bring joy to all those you meet, as if you were a crystal sat upon a golden ring.
2007-06-13 17:39:34
answer #10
answered by lovely_lady_lavender 4