EVEN dumber?? Don't say things like that.
If you say you think women are dumb, you might as well just tell us that you have been a failure and a reject with all of the women that you wanted to be with.
Or that you never wanted to be with a woman, but resent them for being with the men you want to be with.
Either way, you just told us much more about you than we care to know.
2007-06-13 17:43:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
1)blonde women being stupid is just a stereotype
my best friend is blonde
got highest average for the whole class 2 yrs in a row
2)and i dont like what you said "even dumber than other women"what are you trying to say.plenty of women are smarter than plenty of women.even the women that found out what dna looks like isnt getting the credit.its 2 guys getting the credit because 2 guys got greedy!
2007-06-13 18:04:53
answer #2
answered by Beka14 3
I dont know that they are. I have seen many girls who have dyed their hair blonde that are actually dumber than a lot of the natural blondes I know. I think its just a steriotype we picked up from Hollywood. There are an equal number of dumb brunettes but thats not any fun to say. I honestly think hair color, natural or otherwise, is not a factor in how smart or dumb a girl is. Their is just an indicator of their naivete or the role they have been cast into. If they are expected to play dumb girls often do to make others feel comfortable with them. So, dont judge a girls smarts by their hair color, the blonde ones might just shock you.
2007-06-13 17:35:19
answer #3
answered by Beth W 3
That is not true at all.
There are many many smart, intelligent blond women out there.
The reason that blonde's get picked on is because others wish they were blond and have nothing better to do but to dis the blonds.
Ok, not everyone wants to be a blond, but look around sometime and see how many men and women actually dye their hair or highlight their hair to get that sun kissed look.
2007-06-13 17:34:31
answer #4
answered by Mom of 2 great boys 7
first of all your question is quite sexist, to state that all women are dumb. this can only come from the mind of a sexist male.
second of all studies have proved that blondes are not dumber then other females with a different kind of hair colour.
haircolour does not have anything to do with your intelligence.
2007-06-13 23:46:00
answer #5
answered by Jaye 2
i don't think that blondes are dumb at all
maybe they've lost some self esteem because of this stupid stereotype
i know a blonde who's probably twice as smart than i am, and if you're going by stereotype, he's a blonde that's probably twice as smart as an Asian
and yes he's in my grade
2007-06-13 17:37:23
answer #6
answered by demonick_chicka 3
they are not any dumber than the next women beside you...they just appear dumber so that when we laugh at them we show who is actually dumbest.
2007-06-13 18:08:32
answer #7
answered by gusomar 3
We're just strange. It's a stereotype that gets so embedded into your head at a young age that it just sort of happens. It very well could be our genes though. I'm blonde, but I'm also intelligent, but I can be a complete idiot at times. Maybe it just takes us while to process things :)
2007-06-13 17:34:30
answer #8
answered by hy_smile345 2
trust me there not my best mate is a blond and im dumber than her, everyone thinks im the one that was ment to be blond not her!!!
2007-06-13 17:32:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They are not. That is a total stereotype! Do you like to be stereotyped? Like if you have a sports car and you are a man does that mean that you are trying to make up for what you are lacking in the front of your trousers???
2007-06-13 17:38:19
answer #10
answered by Dawn 4