balance is simplistic, harmony is intricate.
you can get balance with the "now" or what's presently protrayed or presented.
Harmony is beyond the the obvious. it's like peeking in threshold of the past, present & future & getting a sense of order or comfort out of it.
you can have a balance between your mind & heart,
but harmony in their relationship is quite unattainable.
you can find a balance the colors of an an artwork,
but lack harmony in brushstrokes... the painting would be a humdrum. the colors can be easilly balanced, but the harmony is more on the softness of the artists' hand.
it's beyond what you see... because his moods & emotions matter in creating a masterpiece.
so in Life, Balance is attainable...
you can balance your Personal Life & Social Life..
but harmony among all individuals with different sets of belief is hardly plausible.
2007-06-13 15:45:08
answer #1
answered by enki 4
Balance and harmony are very different concepts in terms of human interactions. Harmonious interactions often have expensive costs and difficult lessons. Living a life of balance does not mean that every day must be divided into equal portions, but rather over time, that there is balance in a variety of areas of life. Whenever one area is out of balance with the other areas, life becomes a challenge.
An expectation of harmony without any discord in life is a recipe for disaster. Human interaction means that there will be discord from time to time. Focus on balance and those situations will be less difficult.
2007-06-13 14:45:18
answer #2
answered by guru 7
The answers you've received are quite good, so I'll just give you an example.
Balance: Good vs. evil
Harmony: Good AND evil
Presumably the forces at work in balance are merely even but not at peace with each other; those in harmony coexist peacefully and naturally.
I believe that the "naturally" is very important to the concept of harmony.
2007-06-13 15:53:40
answer #3
answered by Skye 5
Balance is a measurement, based on a narrow category or assumption, harmony shares value in every way, within and with all that surrounds.
Balance, is according to shares, and harmony is sharing accordingly.
Balance is a way of keeping score, harmony is participating evenly.
Need I go on?
2007-06-13 15:39:13
answer #4
answered by weofearth 2
Balance - a state of equilibrium (n.)
Harmony - agreement (n.)
Doesn't look to be much difference except Harmony can also mean, in music, a Chord with the Melody.
2007-06-13 14:26:02
answer #5
answered by ♪♫ Sara ♪♫♪ 3
In all actuality, there is no difference, but in the words themselves which mean one of sameness- balance.. Harmony is a gentle kind of balance which all is obtainable, in life.While, balance is mostly refered to scale and measurement, The cycle of life is meant to be made of balances,and is actually visible in measurement,while the other is invisible to the visual eye...but then we get into other aspects I will remain within the question.......
2007-06-13 15:45:05
answer #6
answered by Seeking 6
Balance is when things are in the right proportions....nothing is too strong or too weak, nothing is being overwhelmed or overshadowed by something else.
Harmony is when things work in unison, when they work independently as well as together to ensure that things happen the way they should. Ingredients don't conflict, they don't cause problems for each other, they may even improve each other by virtue of the fact that they are working as theys should.
2007-06-13 14:29:00
answer #7
answered by Claudette 2
Balance is when things are centered, harmony is two or more things working together.
2007-06-13 15:49:22
answer #8
answered by chestnutlocs1 4
My take...
Balance is an internal state
Harmony an external.
You are at balance with your needs, emotions, feelings, sensations.
You are at harmony with your fellow human beings, your environment, your company, etc...
2007-06-13 14:25:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
One of those big mallets like Moe used to hit Curly on the head with. Balance is easily attained, it is mere filler for our daily routine. To elicit harmony from someone you must strike them in the face with a big mallet. They may not want to play golf with you anymore, but they'll sure as hell stay out of your parking spot at work.
2007-06-15 22:01:09
answer #10
answered by Charles Whitman 1