on the bumber of their car drive like Idiots? Or at least it seems that way in my City...
15 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
Jeremiah: Yeah, i'm sure it's comments like this that is what is wrong with America... LOL!! You must be the leader of the Liberals and Democrats
11:11:00 ·
update #1
I live In Kansas City, Kansas.... All the worst drivers either have a big ol' Kerry/Edwards sticker or a Dennis Moore sticker... OR they have Missouri Plates.
11:12:57 ·
update #2
Harryd: Does your planet must not have what we like to call a SENSE OF HUMOR!!! If you honestly believe that I am being 100% serious you my sir must belong in one of those institutions that true Idiots live in. LEARN TO RELAX AND LAUGH A LITTLE.
11:15:27 ·
update #3
Patty j: How un witty of you!!! You democrats can't even tell the truth on here... WORK ha ha... yeah right!! NOT as long as we still have a welfare system. They are probably running late for a drug deal taking place accross town and need to get there ASAP... Or just cashed their welfare checks and are in a hurry to spend it at the Casino's.
11:23:30 ·
update #4
LOL, they must feel it is one of those rights that can be magically pulled out of the constitution.
Can you imagine, "officer I HAVE the right to drive like crud. I am entitled to it! You fascist pig why are you arresting me! I'll get my lawyer! I''ll have the ACLU on you so fast..."
you get the idea.
Usher that is funny. If people can't laugh about things like this then they must lead pretty joyless lives.
2007-06-13 11:06:32
answer #1
answered by Nickoo 5
I dunno... maybe drug use impairs their driving skills?
Seriously now, here's what I've observed from many years of driving (and sorry, one of these you won't like):
1) BMW drivers are usually the most exasperatingly arrogantly rude and inconsiderate drivers.
2) Male drivers are more aggressive, but women drivers are much less considerate drivers. Most of the time someone would not let me merge, it was a woman.
3) Cadillac drivers are slow and safe, but forgetfull. Before they had lights that turned off automatically, it was always Cadillacs that left their lights on.
4) People with Democratic stickers tend to take worse care of their car. Most of the "rust buckets" I see with bumper stickers are Democrat cars. I washed and waxed my car every three weeks, and changed the oil every 2500 miles.
5) The worst drivers in the world are asian women. They are scary. Some don't even appear to even see over the dash board.
6) Truck drivers are usually safe and courteous, and they know the best restaurants along the interstates.
2007-06-13 18:12:37
answer #2
answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7
Kansas City! Of course, ALL people drive that way! Kansas City is a major hub!
In my city most people drive like idiots, with or without, a bumper sticker!
You may want to consider moving out of the area, if you believe this to be true!
As far as your party-line affiliation, I could care less. What I do care about is for people to be responsible voters! Our nation depends on common-sense voters, not simple party-line types. I hope you will consider this as an evaluation only of what is going on, presently, in our country! I want MY country back! I am tired of the 'yes' men and women in DC!
2007-06-13 18:06:43
answer #3
answered by Ro40rd 3
I'm a republican. I've seen democrats drive. I've seen democrats with democrat stickers on their bumper and I've seen democrats with no stickers on their bumpers. After many years of careful research I have concluded that bumper stickers don't have anything to do with how somebody drives. I've also concluded that each party has good drivers and bad drivers. I have also realized that real, honest to goodness idiots do not drive. They are in mental insitutions where there are no driving privileges. On the other hand, they may do things a little differently on your planet. Is there oxygen there?
2007-06-13 18:10:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Try driving in Texas. I suppose there are a lot of my colleagues from the other side of the aisle driving there. I have always felt fear when I drive the roads there. It sure would be nice to know your city so we could further question your sweeping generalization.
2007-06-13 18:10:34
answer #5
answered by oda315 4
Actually in San Diego it's usally the big stupid SUV's and lifted trucks displaying Bush stickers that will run you off the road.
2007-06-13 18:08:32
answer #6
answered by skelleton_dance 3
I was almost struck by a Republican driver the other day.
He had a bumper sticker that said: "If you don't like my driving, stay off the sidewalk."
2007-06-13 18:11:02
answer #7
answered by Usher 2
Because we are from a hard working Political party,and we have to get to work. So get your "limousine" out of the way Miss Daisy!
2007-06-13 18:18:41
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Well, I have been in some of you cities, and they all drive like wackos! I don't think it has any relationship with party affiliation unless you would like to PROVE your premise scientifically!
2007-06-13 18:06:00
answer #9
answered by cantcu 7
I see the opposite. People with W stickers on giant land yachts careening down the intertstate weaving through traffic while on the phone and two kids in the back watching tv.
2007-06-13 18:06:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous