Nope, the best interest of the politicians.
2007-06-13 07:11:07
answer #1
answered by Brian 7
Governments are primarily interested in power - getting it and holding onto it as long as they can.They sometimes do things that are good for society - things are generally better now in terms of heath, education, housing,etc., than they were 100 years ago - They can take credit for some but not all of that, living standards improve with time anyway.
Sometimes things happen because one key figure pushes them through.In Ireland a few years ago a minister pushed through the smoking ban despite political and popular opposition but now it's generally seen as a good thing.Having said that, governments do pander to lobby groups and big business - think Bush and the oil lobby - and multi-nationals in general.They are sometimes corrupt and sleazy and populist and as a model for government most seem to have adopted Machiavelli's The Prince (power at all costs) and not say Plato's Republic which concerns an enlightened government.
How many of us, though ,could remain unaffected if we had the power of a minister.Some can handle it, most are intoxicated by it to varying degrees.
2007-06-13 08:00:47
answer #2
answered by Maxim 2
They need us on their side so that they can exploit us to their best and own interests, if we complain too much they appease us. In this day of the computer ect why can we not be allowed to see what goes on behind the doors of such people who deside what council tax we pay,for example. Why is council tax in Spain only about 250.00 per year and in GB we pay closer to 1000.0. Sadly, I am just one of many trying to get on with life and trying to do what is right but always being told what to think ect, so long as they can get their hands on what little money I have they are happy. What can anyone do?
2007-06-13 20:44:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No! They're all looking out for themselves. Especially that lot of freeloaders that constitute the European Commissioners. Most of the Members of the European Parliament come next in line at the trough.
2007-06-16 01:04:56
answer #4
answered by LEONARD W 4
I believe most of the time , governments-to-be start out with good intentions, but the job is'nt as easy as rhey thought it would be. Also they get a bit carried away with the sudden power they find themselves with. And completely forget who vote them in, in the first place! Cheers
2007-06-13 07:15:58
answer #5
answered by †100% Angel† 6
governments do what they thin the general public want but that is sooo contradictory cause everyone wants different things, hence crappy system of government, there should be political parties organised to express their (as a party's) collective views, kinda like BNP, before it used to be left and right wing parties, now they all Central and its all rubbish,the thatcher era was the last true, passionate political era as much as it sadens me to say that in her credability. they all in it to get the biggest voting groups, like ethnic minorities and promisjng aims that will rarely be focused upon.
2007-06-13 11:10:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Governments only want to govern. Governing people has nothing to do with looking out for their best interest.
2007-06-13 07:14:20
answer #7
answered by Curt 4
I say yes that's why they get elected for.
Unfortunately some people lack of knowledge so they always look for trouble where is not any.
Instead they should go to school and stop complaining because their welfare check haven't got in the mail.
2007-06-13 07:13:10
answer #8
answered by nena_en_austin 5
No they have their own best interest at heart. read about how well they do for themselves. Have you ever heard of a senior politician going bankrupt ( I can think of one but he is wealthy again and second thoughts it happened before he became a senior politician )
2007-06-13 07:18:04
answer #9
answered by Scouse 7
I think your government is owned, lock stock and barrel by a lot of very wealthy people who want to keep the human race enslaved to their products, whether its oil or war.
Doesn't matter who you vote for, these guys will call the shots.
2007-06-13 07:16:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think that government's realize that they need the people to stay in power. And to do that they need money. To have money they need corporations. Corporations need people to work for them. So it's in the government's interest to make sure that corporations can continue to do business and grow. The only people complaining that the government doesn't do enough are the people who contribute the least into it. Ironic, huh?
2007-06-13 07:12:43
answer #11
answered by ? 3