Yep, I knew he was lying even as he opened his gob to spill out the drivel. What a chump!
2007-06-13 07:00:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Did Any YA Republican Believe it When Republicans Chanted, "No Bombs For Monica."?
I knew right then that those righties were more concerned with Clinton's sex life than taking out some terrorist named Bin Laden.
I knew that the media would focus on the sex thing and discard the importance of bombing terrorist camps.
Gullible GOP idiots deserve very little respect.
2007-06-13 07:07:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wow, talk about life with blinders on. I partly agree with you. Most ardent democrat supporters will believe the majority of what they are told by leaders and activists in their party. However, the most ridiculous statement I have seen in quite a while is your assertion the "Dems have little ability to realize when they are being lied to by someone they support". Are you actually trying to tell us this is unique to democrat supporters? Take a look around you friend. The war is just one little example of the same gullability being equally true for Republican supporters.
The sad truth, and your question is a perfect example, most US citizens have fallen for their respective party lines and rhetoric so deeply they have almost lost the ability to think independantly and form their own opinions. We fall for all of the rhetoric and begin repeating it and asking what we think are pointed questions, just as they want us to do. While we are fighting and arguing with each other our eleted officials run pretty much unchecked. We have fallen prey to this and allowed ourselves to become a nation of people who place party above country.
2007-06-13 07:05:54
answer #3
answered by toff 6
Did any republican really believe it when Bush stood on the deck of an aircraft carrier and declared his Mission Accomplished?
Or later, when pressed about it, claimed he had nothing to do with the banner?
Do you believe that Alberto Gonzalez really couldn't remember a single thing that happened in his office for over a year?
Do you believe that no one in the Bush Administration had a clue that someone might fly planes into our buildings?
Or do you believe the later cover that they knew, but that evil Clinton's ghost prevented them from doing anything about it?
Careful where you lay the charge of gullibility. Clean out your own closets.
2007-06-13 07:04:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you speak with Clinton fans (my BF for one) it is all about he got the job, B, and so what who cares. In my opinion it is not the act but the betrayal after we all suffered for.
Watching him on TV pointing the finger at the camera he was obvious and arrogant. Explaining to my 12 yr old nephew that a job is sex and the man lied was difficult. He went to another room finally. You millions of children and questions from a nation yet you still lie. Only when a pearl necklace left on a blue dress and some talky girls did he get taken down. But not for long. Who was that lady Judge that stopped Kenneth Starr cold? What did she get in return? Will she be on Hill's cabinet coming in 09?
100 days of promises for a Democratic Congress with remarkable success in getting elected. And what exactly have they done lately? All politicians do it. Why we must bash the current President and add to the divisions that exist in our country now is beyond me. Communism does that. Divide and conquer.
Gullible, yes. Follow like sheep, yes. Read a headline not the bulk of the news. Reality TV VS PBS? Paris VS Iraq (sure she is reading the Bible! Ha HA HA) It sad and a deplorable state of affairs we are in. Hillbill are coming around again. More lies, more self agenda and personal gains for them. As for US, we are doomed unless America wakes up. Doubtful at best. Don't VOTE, just b*tch. Don't pay my bills, just use more credit. No accountability.
And Accountability starts at the top. WJ Clinton never exhibited any. Thank you.
* I never believe a darn thing he said after I read his bio about his problems as Gov of Arkansas.
2007-06-13 07:17:52
answer #5
answered by Mele Kai 6
Actually, since the Holy Bible describes sexual relations as only being used for procreation, President Clinton never did have sexual relations outside his marriage, but what gets me all fired up, is who has the gall to ask a president about his sex life?
How totally disrespectful!
The only thing they were trying to do was to break up the president's marriage, but guess what!
It backfired in their republican faces and Hillary is much closer to Bill now than ever.
Let he, or she, who is without sin cast the first stone!!!
Only, in this case, the hypocrites have already cast stones.
2007-06-13 07:12:09
answer #6
answered by Brotherhood 7
I didn't care about his sexual relations.
Did you believe bush when he promised that he would call for a vote on a UN resolution to specifically authorize force against Iraq? Because he lied and the US never called for such a vote and he invaded Iraq anyway.
Which lie is more important to our nation?
Q Thank you, Mr. President. As you said, the Security Council faces a vote next week on a resolution implicitly authorizing an attack on Iraq. Will you call for a vote on that resolution, even if you aren't sure you have the vote?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, first, I don't think -- it basically says that he's in defiance of 1441. That's what the resolution says. And it's hard to believe anybody is saying he isn't in defiance of 1441, because 1441 said he must disarm. And, yes, we'll call for a vote.
Q No matter what?
THE PRESIDENT: No matter what the whip count is, we're calling for the vote. We want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations Security Council. And so, you bet. It's time for people to show their cards, to let the world know where they stand when it comes to Saddam.
2007-06-13 07:03:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I’m not answering as a Democrat or as a member of any other party.
There is a plethora of gullible individuals in all political parties and every other walk of life.
Take you for instance.
You said that “It makes me concerned that 1/2 of America deserves very little respect because they are gullible.”
Let I get this straight.
Am I to believe that you know when someone is lying or being truthful?
Am I to believe that you research and investigate EVERYTHING that comes out of the mouth of those that you vote for?
Am I to believe that you research and investigate EVERYTHING that the media reports or doesn’t report?
Or do you sometimes just BELIEVE what you are told by those individuals and media that I imagine DO have your respect?
What must the 50% of Americans that don’t deserve respect have to do to gain that respect that you say they don’t deserve?
George Bush Jr., the current President of the United States is a member of a family that made their fortune with OIL!
His father, George Bush Sr., was Director of the CIA during 1976-77 and a one term President from 1988-92, and those two offices Sr. held during the time that Saddam Hussein was in power in Iraq.
WESTERN COMPANIES had control of Iraq’s oil until a few years before the rise of Saddam Hussein to power and subsequent control of the oil.
IMO, Bush Jr. has turned the U.S Military into his personal mercenary army paid for by U.S. taxpayers to fight his so-called War on Terror.
Answer me this.
Do you believe that the war is on terror or to gain control of the oil and protect the interest of his family’s, et al, oil fortune?
The media and others, including the aforementioned whom you referred to as gullible Democrats, question Jr.’s motive(s) for the so-called war on terror and the relationship of some in political office ties to the oil companies.
Is it gullibility to believe the media and the others that question?
AND, I’m not gullible enough to believe anything you say without checking it out.
If one were to poll the answers given here; more than 50% of the responses aren’t gullible enough to believe what you said.
BTW, do you even remember why Bill Clinton was on trial in the first place?
Kenneth Star, you, and all others that got caught up in penis envy and or desire and forgot what they were trying to find him guilty of other than what he did or didn’t do with ‘that woman’.
I can remember that some of those undercover perve Republicans even tried to say then that his sexual activity was a concern to national security.
Notice how many Republicans try to tie the destruction on 9/11 to Bill Clinton?
Listen up Dems.
Those two topic are gonna come up later on down the line if and or when Hillary gets nearer to or receives the Democratic Nomination.
It’s called Political Science, like images of Rudy Giuliani appearing to take control of the events during the WTC destruction; when in reality he was scrambling to cover his butt for failing to implement recommendations to improve security after the first bombing of the WTC.
Thank you to the individual that supplied these links. That individual isn’t one of the gullible.
2007-06-13 12:42:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
True I thought he was lying but in response I gotta say...the other 1/2 believed all of Bush's lies and they were much while you might be right and 1/2 of America deserves very little respect...the other 1/2 deserve NO respect for supporting someone who has betrayed everything America is supposed to be, his oath of office and our heritage.
2007-06-13 07:02:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sexual kinfolk is any form of sex, and convinced, he did lie.......basically like you may have. even so, I want he were nevertheless President! He replaced into impeached, because, with a 70% approval score, they couldn't beat him on coverage, so as that they went after his personality. I used to love observing Charles Grodin's educate even as all that replaced into occurring. human beings stated he replaced into attempting to guard the president. Grodin stated the human beings who were placing him up and the media were basically as scandalous as he were for having a fling with Monica. I nevertheless save in options what his reaction replaced into- "different international locations are giggling at us for this. that's no longer about maintaining the President, that's about maintaining the PRESIDENCY"
2016-11-23 17:51:43
answer #10
answered by ? 4
Talking about gullible, where are the weapons of mass destruction that started the Iraq War. Less taxes, better health care, protecting our borders.
Now the Republicans are mad at Bush. This is beyond gullible, and just plain dumb.
2007-06-13 07:06:13
answer #11
answered by Leilah099 3