I agree with you completely. In theory, however, many liberal ideas actually make sense. In practice, however, they mess everything up. Social Security was mentioned...again, a decent idea, but it has turned, through liberal prodding and tinkering, a colossal failure. The conservative idea of private retirement accounts makes more sense, and makes each of us responsible for ourselves, not for those that came before us. This is the general difference between liberal and conservative ideas; conservatives believe people are responsible for themselves, and, thusly, should not be forced by the government to take care of others. Despite this, conservatives consistently donate a greater share of their incomes to charitable causes than do liberals. Liberals want to tell us how to live and think, and to whom to give our money, but they screw it all up.
And that Shaz is nuts if he thinks it was liberals who ended slavery.
2007-06-13 06:42:56
answer #1
answered by KennyTheFixer 2
If you like Justice Thomas and Secretary Rice or Gen. Powell, you can thank the liberal effort to open up equal opportunities for blacks in education and the armed forces.
Of course that was half a century ago, so you can legitimately ask "what have you done for me lately?" and I would have a hard time disagreeing with you.
Maybe liberalism will get back on track if equal opportunity and the right to be free from torture are ever taken up as causes by more liberals on behalf of the unborn. There are some, but unfortunately not many, liberals who support rights for the unborn.
PLAGAL, http://www.plagal.org , The Prolife Alliance of Gays and Lesbians.
Joe Schriner , http://www.voteforjoe.com , an obscure Presidential candidate.
Democrats for Life , www.democratsforlife.org .
http://www.consistent-life.org , the Consistent Ethic umbrella group which consists of several groups and individuals.
Polite Discussion, Respectful Disagreements regarding nonlethal alternatives to Abortion, Death Penalty, Lethal Weapons.
2007-06-13 13:44:27
answer #2
answered by Yaktivistdotcom 5
Clinton paid down the largest amount on the national debt in history. Had the first surplus budget in over 25 years. Two examples. Should I go the other way with that since you need both to see what I mean. The last three Republican Presidents only out did themselves on running the worst national debt numbers, the fewest pay backs of the national debt and never one time running a surplus budget. How is that as two examples. What happens to a company when it can no longer pay down on its debt? It goes bankrupt. Believe it or not but this country and all countries now are ran like companies. We go much further and we can start to call ourselves Chinese soon. How is this for curbing your disdain.
2007-06-13 13:41:41
answer #3
answered by bs b 4
Ken...Stop the posturing and misleading posts...
""Sure, look at any african-american who you respect. Republicans stood on the floor of Congress and said that the civil rights act of 1964 would ruin this country.""
Is that why the Civil Right Act of 1964 was passed by more Republicans than Democrats??
Vote totals
Totals are in "Yes-No" format:
* The Original House Version: 290-130 (69%-31%)
* The Senate Version: 73-27 (73%-27%)
* The Senate Version, as voted on by the House: 289-126 (70%-30%)
[edit] By party
The original House version:
* Democratic Party: 153-96 (61%-39%)
* Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
The Senate version:
* Democratic Party: 46-22 (68%-32%)
* Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
* Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
* Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)
Yeah, gotta thumbs down...Truth hurts .....
2007-06-13 14:39:51
answer #4
answered by Cookies Anyone? 5
liberalism or the belief in progression is inherently positive for how could we as a species survive if we were still clinging to the ways of the past?
of course, this is in theory and as we all know,reality tends to be different than a theory
however, looking at the other choice....conservatism and the theory that we must cling to the past like a rat on a sinking ship just doesnt appeal to me. so much was wrong with the past and i could not with good conscience sit back and say its all good that 10% of people are wealthy and the rest of us are expected to serve them, either overtly or through policy.
we as a species and civilization have a long way to go until we are perfect. with that being said, i vote for progress and change, not just the same old b.s. that hasnt done anything really life-changing for everyone in a very long time
btw, the extreme right and recent supporters of such are just as guilty as the left for destroying this country, so please spare us that "libs are evil"... you really sound like a spokesman for media and pundits who only provide opinion....oh wait, thats right, the media is liberal...totally forgot that one.....
and they say the left are the conspiracy theorists lol
2007-06-13 13:39:53
answer #5
answered by Nooka 5
Well you could try what the normal liberals try....realize that the wacko nut jobs are in charge of BOTH liberals and conservatives and not all conservatives are to blame for the horrible, illegal actions of the extreme few conservatives in charge
I think the best best is become a moderate, realize that both cons and libs are a lost cause and hope they both fail utterly. Since both cons and libs are both so far off now that there is no coming back
Positive examples of liberalism:
1) Creation of USA
2) Ending slavery
3) Granting equality to women
2007-06-13 13:37:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Social Security
Labor protections so you're not earning 25 cents a day for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week of dangerous work
And more
All brought to you by Liberals
2007-06-13 13:41:42
answer #7
answered by ck4829 7
All I can tell you is I'm fed up with both sides. When the conservatives got control of both houses as well as the presidency I thought finally some common sense would come to Washington. All that really happened is that they ran with our money like kids in a candy store.
2007-06-13 13:39:05
answer #8
answered by todd s 3
There are differences between people's political views and their actions in society.
Liberals donate as much blood as conservatives; would you refuse it if you were in an accident and needed a transfusion?
This liberal is married to the mother of his children and works two jobs to support them, and is a volunteer on the local Fire/Rescue squad.
What have I done to deserve your disdain?
2007-06-13 13:40:42
answer #9
answered by oimwoomwio 7
First of all, you didn't give any examples of what is wrong with being liberal, you simply defended your own party.
Second of all, if you really want to "curb your disdain for liberals" you would stop asking questions that actually serve as backhanded insults to liberals.
2007-06-13 13:38:27
answer #10
answered by Joey P 3