"Unary" just means "operates on one thing only." Negation ("-x") is a unary operator that you often see in standard math.
"Not" is an example of a unary operator. It looks to me as if they mean + (or), * (and), and ' (not) for their operations.... though the parentheses are not balanced in your examples.
Z=( A ' • B ' ) '+ C ' ) '
I would read that as:
Z = not{ not[ not(a) AND not(b) ] or not(c) }
PS - You can't just "ignore the extras." All of those "nots" have meaning.
For example, "not[ not(a) AND not(b) ]" is shown in this table, along with intermediate calculated values:
a, b, a', b', (a' and b'), (a' and b')':
T, T, F, F, F, T
T, F, F, T, F, T
F, T, T, F, F, T
F, F, T, T, T, F
Note that "not( not(a) AND not(b) )" is exactly the same as "a OR b" (false only when a and b are both false).
Personally, I would simplify:
Z = ( ( A ' • B ' ) '+ C ' ) '
... as:
Z = ( (A + B)' • C )
2007-06-13 05:16:36
answer #1
answered by McFate 7
You are correct ' is the symbol being used for NOT.
AND (*) and OR (+) are binary operators because they work with TWO things [operands] e.g. T * F gives F
NOT (') is a unary operator because it only needs ONE operand e.g. T' gives F
Unary operators usually take precedence over binary operators. So with A * B' , B' is evaluated first.
With the problems like you gave as examples, its best to work from the inside of the parenthesis out e.g. in ( A • B ' ) ' + B ) • C do the A*B' first ... another example...
(F' * T)' -> (T * T)' -> (T)' -> F
OR use some of the properties of Boolean algebra to rearrange things
e.g. [distributing the not] (A * B)' = A' + B'
also (A * B')' = A' + B since B'' = B
2007-06-13 05:20:23
answer #2
answered by kickthecan61 5
A unary operator acts on one element (negation or "not" in Boolean algebra)
A binary operator acts on two elements (like + or *)
2007-06-13 05:16:35
answer #3
answered by Math Nerd 3