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Do you think it's a man-made Law? or It's a complementary legislation to the Quran and Sunna Teachings? Non Muslims are welcomed if having serious answers only Please.. Thanks in Advance!

2007-06-12 22:39:41 · 17 answers · asked by Lawrence of Arabia 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

There are laws based on the Quran and Sunnah, then there is the process of ijthihad, basing laws upon the Quran and Sunnah which are not explicitly written.

Sometimes this process of ijthihad is corrupted because the mujtahid is a terrible scholar. So there is an important element of education that is required, by encouraging brighter students to pursue Islamic rather than or as well as becoming a doctor or engineer.

2007-06-12 23:55:43 · answer #1 · answered by By Any Means Necessary 5 · 10 0

It is certainly not a man-made law. There was a time when I used to believe too, that some of the laws were pretty harsh. But then I did some re-search. N it turned out that the general opinion agreed with the Sharia.

For eg. sharia says a rapist should be murdered. A lot of people said that it was harsh etc etc. So I asked a question here. REad details: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlbDIaNEYB_5jk9jZyt6mjPty6IX?qid=20060813202023AActzud

N this is not the only point of the Sharia that the general public agrees with. So it stands to reason that Sharia is defintly not a man-mad law.

As far as complementing the Sunnah, well, Sharia is bascially the Sunnah. Because whatever PRophet Said or did was Sunnah and whatever came into the category of law was "Sharia". N yes, it does complemnt he Quran because Quran only outlines the basics. Detials are found in the Sunnah/Sharia

2007-06-13 05:00:24 · answer #2 · answered by Knowledge Seeker 4 · 0 1

I think, I need to learn bit more about Sharia as I am starting to learn. What I know is Sharia is the law system inspired by Quran and Sunna and covers rulings over every aspect of life. Just look at countries where this is applied. Saudi Arabia's judges are the only branch of state over which the country's royal family has no control, as Sharia makes them fiercely independent of all but their religious obligations. Though some say the ruling is harsh and against freedom, everyone is supposed to get their rights and justice. Few days ago here we had two police officers executed for killing a Bangladeshi man. Normally, Bangladeshi people are considered poor. Still two saudi officers, though rich and of a rich nation couldn't save their neck. Sharia is Allah's law on earth. The earlier scriptures from God also had similar laws. But today's humanitarians cry against it. In fact there is a life in these laws for those who want to live in peace. Just look at the list of countries where man made law prevails http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_tot_cri-crime-total-crimes

Allah swt says: O men of understanding! There is security of life for you in the law of retaliation, so that you may learn self-restraint. (Holy Quran:2:179)

2007-06-13 04:45:56 · answer #3 · answered by Ismail Eliat 6 · 0 0

Islamic law based on the teachings of the Quran and Sunna, i think man have elaborated on it at this time and age.

2007-06-12 22:48:29 · answer #4 · answered by LOTR Fan 5 · 2 0

no,i think it's laws made by authorized people to make it from the qur'an and the sunna...so it's not complementary to them..it's just the qur'an and sunna in a form of laws or a way of life that a Muslim can(or should) follow or live by.

2007-06-13 04:59:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I remember reading somewhere a while back that the sharia laws were not taken directly from the quran (hence not direct commandments from Allah). as far as i remember, they were developed by early muslim communities on the foundation of the basic tenets of islam found in the quran and other islamic scriptures and writings/teachings.

2007-06-12 22:46:46 · answer #6 · answered by aero 2 · 2 1

Giving judgement is not permissible for someone who has not been endowed by Allah with the qualities of inner purity, sincerity in both his hidden and visible actions, and a proof from his Lord in every state. This is because whoever has judged has decreed, and decree is only valid by the permission of Allah and by His proof. Whoever is liberal in his judgement, without having made a proper examination, is ignorant and will be taken to task for his ignorance and will be burdened with his judgement as the tradition indicates. Knowledge is a light, which Allah casts into the heart of whomsoever He wills.

The Holy Prophet said, 'Whoever is boldest among you in judging is also the most insolent to Allah'. Does not the judge know that he is the one who has come between Allah and His bondsmen, and that he is wavering between the Garden and the Fire? Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah said, 'How can anyone else benefit from my knowledge if I have denied myself its benefit?' It is inappropriate for anyone to judge on what is permissible (halal) and what is forbidden (haram) among creation, except for one who causes the people of his time, his village, and his city to follow the truth through obedience to the Holy Prophet and who recognizes what is applicable of his judgement. The Holy Prophet said, 'It is because giving judgement is such a tremendous affair, in which there is no place for "hopefully", "perhaps" or "may be".

The Commander of the Faithful said to a judge, 'Do you know the difference between those verses of the Qur'an which abrogate and those which are abrogated?'


'Do you have a command of the intentions of Allah in the parables of the Qur'an?'


'Then you have perished and caused others to perish,' the Commander of the Faithful replied.

A judge needs to know the various meanings of the Qur'an, the truth of the Prophetic way, the inward indications, courtesies, consensus and disagreements, and to be familiar with the bases of what they agree upon and disagree about. Then he must have acute discrimination, sound action, wisdom, and precaution. If he has these things, then let him judge.

2007-06-13 01:05:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

In Australia, we've had migrants for 2 hundred years +. initially, the two Anglicans and Catholics had their very own non secular regulations yet thes had to accord with the Civil and protection stress and Judicial and Social regulations of their new united states. particularly from interior of and post conflict years we've had Jews, with their regulations and perform as above. Italians, who abide by capacity of the regulation of their accompanied united states. chinese language who do the comparable.-faith or no faith. Greeks, Vietnamese, Koreans, Thais, English,of different oreligionsgoins, and Indians, the two Muslims and non-Muslims. in this united states it particularly is merely the middle eastern Muslims emphasise the nationalistic tendencies of their faith and additionally objective to enforce the Governmental regulations intrinsic to their faith. as an occasion, we've, 'The united states of Islam' and that i think of that speaks volumes against the easily national character of Australia.

2016-10-07 10:14:30 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe it is a complement to the Qur'an and Sunnah and a great tool to help Muslims achieve a just society.

As long as egos are left at the door (the ones who swear they have as much religious knowledge as a Prophet), it can work and can be a model for mankind.

2007-06-13 03:42:44 · answer #9 · answered by سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎ 6 · 2 0

yes as far as my knolwedge is concern it is man made law but if we follow correctly 2 islamic sharia and teachings of islam and prophet MUHAMMED(P.B.U.H) then ofcourse there will be no problem
but the problem is no1 is truly following islam if all muslims unite and follow islam and islamic sharia truly as in early time ppl were doing then all these problems can be solved

2007-06-12 22:47:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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