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After all the only reason we are so prosperous is the fact we have built our countries positions in the world at the expense of all the under developed countries around the world. Whether it was slavery, the plundering their natural resources or the fact they we just use them as cheap labour for our everyday needs. Surely the least we owe these people (and yes they are people and not just a statistic or an ILLEGAL) the chance to provide for their children and future generations.

2007-06-12 22:38:50 · 36 answers · asked by ??? 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

It would be interesting to know how many of these people who answer in the negative call themselves Christians and how they square their views with their so called religious beliefs.

2007-06-12 22:50:56 · update #1

36 answers


"We" don't owe the world a Goddamned thing...unless they piss us off...then we owe them a royal a**-whupping!

Plunder? Slavery? haha! got any proof?

Didn't think so...so why don't you go whine some more...maybe the radical Islamic nations will take you in, and you can become a martyr for Allah

2007-06-12 22:42:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 12 10

I'm an immigrant and i have yet to come across an American who is bigoted towards me. It does help to have a legally-acquired Green Card and to seek to assimilate though.

As for slavery, what about the African tribes who captured their fellow bvlacks and sold them to the slave traders?

Natural resources? Almost everyone plunders, be honest.

Cheap labor? The Chinese elite have cottoned on pretty fast, haven't they? They're the ones doing the exploiting, without any controls either.

The USA was built on trade. Europe has opened overseas trade routes for centuries. That is what makes Europe and the USA so powerful. That and entrepreneurial spirit (you know, not expecting someone else to provide for them).

Finally, as has already been observed, we owe no-one anything. If we choose to help a country it is because, as civilized peoples, we choose to do so. Any country is free to try an emulate the USA and Europe. It just needs to get off its backside and work hard for a couple of centuries.

2007-06-13 14:47:48 · answer #2 · answered by skip 6 · 0 0

Western countries want to create a world in which their multi national companies can spread and plunder just like like the East India Company and others did in the past. They used slavery to create vast wealth, while causing untold misery and suffering and they sent out missionaries to brainwash people who already had their own beliefs, to civilise them.
Through all of that they showed these people that there is a chance to rise above their parlous situation by joining the ones who have it all but then we accuse them of working the system.
We created this situation and we have the means to correct it but we won't because it is so much easier to go on accumulating wealth at the expense of others.I think for some it gives them a great feeling of satisfaction to be obscenely wealthy and to be able to look down on others wallowing in poverty.

2007-06-15 12:25:53 · answer #3 · answered by Ted T 5 · 1 0

Why do some people think that breaking the law can be excused because someone was just feeding their family?
If I go rob a bank today and then buy some food, can I get a pass?
Countries have laws for a reason, to prevent exactly what has happened due to the flooding of borders by illegals.
Mexico is under developed for one reason...government corruption and a citizen base not strong enough to challenge them.

2007-06-13 01:45:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't worry everything will come full circle. The people that are "cheap labor" now will be the only ones working since they are taking our jobs. Leaving us with less of a chance to provide for OUR children and future generations. Don't you think that as some of the poorer nations grow and prosper that they are going to do the same kinds of tactics to get ahead?

It's a pretty vicious world out there. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

2007-06-12 22:56:26 · answer #5 · answered by dj 4 · 4 1

Because it has reached a saturation point in many places. That CA for instance. The standard of living goes down as millions of Mexico's poor flood across our borders. Not since the turn of the last century when we saw 50 Irishmen living under the porch of some New York slum has it been so bad. Landlords are having a terrible time when they discover that the Mexican family they've rented to has a dozen people crammed into his one bedroom flat. The FIRST questions on my rental application are "Driver's License Number" and "Social Security Number". Also, the questionnaire is in college level ENGLISH. Rules are no roommates and no overnight guests more than 72 hours without written permission. Anything over that costs them $50 a day per person.

2007-06-12 22:54:56 · answer #6 · answered by Don S 2 · 4 2

Errrm... I think you;ll find that most countries have anti-discrimination laws which mean that the citizens DO NOT have the right to be bigoted, at least in temrs of actions or expression. Everyone has a RIGHT to their own opinion and to say otherwise leads us straight to 1984s Thought Police (generally considered 'not a good prospect'). And as long as anyone with bigoted views and opinions does not transfer that into their actions or public words, then that's about as far as this goes. If you are referring to the laws of the country being inherently bigoted, then they are there for a purpose - many developed nations have healthy and thriving immigrant communities and reasonably liberal admission policies. But any organised nation in the whole world cannot provide for an unlimited number of incomers. Anyway, you are possibly perpetuating the history you claim to be offended by - the majority of immigrants who are here, shall we say 'unofficially' are used for cheap labour for our everyday needs - paid a pittance and used, abused and in some cases killed (Cf cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay)....
I appreciate some of the sentiments in you query but think it is pretty badly expressed and generally quite naieve.

2007-06-12 23:02:18 · answer #7 · answered by eriverpipe 7 · 2 3

Immigrants are not that bad, it's the ILLEGAL ones that are the problem and cause resentment towards legal immigrants too.They only come to this country for housing and handouts.Don't they realise that there is only a finite amount of space, housing and money.The poor of this country lose out because the illegals steal it...(it is theft, they are not entitled).Have you noticed how they cross many 'safe' countries before arriving in Britain...it's no coincidence that those 'safe' countries aren't a soft a touch as us.

2007-06-12 22:56:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

The superior will always lead and rise to the top.

The west owes the rest nothing, the only regret is that they didnt shut them all up permanently years back then we wouldnt have the problems we have now and people like you going on about how unfair it all is.

2007-06-15 22:21:00 · answer #9 · answered by The Desertflyer 2 · 0 1

You lost me as soon as you said BIGOT.

These people come into this country and use our services with NO intention of paying for them. Then they had the gall to protest America with their flags. SCREW THEM what ever chance they had with us is gone. If I was to go to Mexico as an Illegal do you know how I would be treated???? Like crap.

Send them all back babies and all. They walked in they can walk back out.

And if you want to call me a raciest or bigot, I wear that with pride.

2007-06-12 23:11:05 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

No one has the right to be bigoted.

That being said, a country, such as USA or UK does have the right to want to retain their culture, keep their jobs, and keep the crime rate as low as possible.

When ILLEGAL immigrants move into a country by the millions, and refuse to respect that country's laws, language, culture, people, or government, people get angry, and rightfully so.

I have nothing against hard working immigrants that come to US or UK to attain a dream of good jobs, medical care, etc. The problem is, that they come to these countries to EXPLOIT them, not to embrace them.

It is it bigoted then, to deport an intruder who refuses to respect, and live peacefully in a given country?

2007-06-12 23:12:27 · answer #11 · answered by Calliope 5 · 2 3

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