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21 answers

How about we rephrase your question like this:

Is is possible to believe that a car, a Ferrari, a television set (all that sophisticated things) suddenly exist without someone building them?

I believe that it is something impossible for a Ferrari or a Sony TV set to suddenly exist without someone creating them.

For me, I can easily believe that the earth, the universe, the stars and planets (which are more complex than a car or a TV set) are created by one powerful entity as compare to believing that a car and a TV set just suddenly exist without a creator.

For Answerers who support my opinion, my question to you all, what do you think of my answer and what can you add to make the answer even better?

2007-06-12 22:41:15 · answer #1 · answered by Ray Mystery 3 · 1 1

No,the problem is not with the belief but the Believer.A belief is a kind of concept,inert in itself unless it is actuated.When done,it catches and holds on to the believer.However.belief is also like an assumption,without which even a scientific fact or a reality can not be fathomed.Say, if we refuse to believe that 2+2=4,we can not proceed any further.I think the point you are trying to emphasize is about the belief which is devoid of any rational or a scientific basis and exists because some one thinks that it 'DOES'.nothing more nothing less.Thanks for a thoought provoking question.

2007-06-13 05:49:20 · answer #2 · answered by brkshandilya 7 · 1 0

What totally is or is not impossible is in the mind of the beholder. Because a person doesn't believe something exists, doesn't make it not exist, no disrespect meant. Be fair in your judgment. Consider the child in the womb of the mother. Snug and content in its warm world where everything is supplied, that child is completely ignorant of the incredible universe from which it is separated by only a few thin sheets of tissue. Even though it has appendages, a brain and lungs which are destined for use in that world. They are not convincing proof. The child doesn't know she'll need them in her next life, when she dies to the womb world and is born into this world. However, that universe is there, whether the child knows it or not or believes it or not.

2007-06-13 05:30:43 · answer #3 · answered by jaicee 6 · 0 2

From the answers you have had so far, I think we have pretty strong evidence that many people are mentall unhinged. They clearly cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Of course you can believe things that never happened, but worse things that can never happen. To say "with faith anything is possible" is a clear nonsense. Its like saying "with faith 2 + 2 equals 5".

George Orwell had a word for this in 1984. He called it doublethink. It is the basis of repressive ideologies like soviet style communism and christianity.

2007-06-13 05:29:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Actually nothing is impossible if you believe them.

The biggest problem is how to prove those impossible things.


You tried to pull something plastic out of the ground.
Then you found out the it was a knife stabbed on a fresh dead body halfly buried in the gound.
Would the police believe you that you didn't kill the person now that your finger print is on the murder knife?

2007-06-13 05:49:30 · answer #5 · answered by jerriel 4 · 0 1

It is the biggest problem with intellectual laziness. If you actually THINK it becomes more difficult to believe impossible things.

2007-06-13 05:27:04 · answer #6 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 1 0

I believe I'm going to be here in ten years from now. I positively cannot say that with absolute certainty, but I have alot of "faith" I will be here.
The problem is for you what it is for all of us- are you going to be here tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? You would be a liar if you said that you didn't hope (have unqualified faith) you were. Then again, you never just know. Could turn out to be a seemingly impossibe question to ask with absolute certainty, eh?

Now give me my thumbs down, please.

Thank you

2007-06-13 05:34:47 · answer #7 · answered by RIFF 5 · 0 2

Jesus says, "With God, all things are possible."

If you HAVE something already, it requires no faith in the impossible.

Belief/faith in the unseen, (i.e., a soul mate, future goals, dreams, wants) requires faith in, belief in receiving/achieving the things which you pray for, work for and dream of.

People live by this "belief" everyday when they go to work, work hard, pray about all things, and anticipate your hard work and God's love to make them come true.

For me, belief in God and in the things He will bring into my life is simplicity at its best.

It is like breathing. I do not doubt it, worry and doubt each breath, I just breathe.

2007-06-13 05:48:02 · answer #8 · answered by faith 5 · 0 0

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Lewis Carroll

'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
Lewis Carroll

2007-06-13 05:32:22 · answer #9 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 2 0

Yes - people are inclined to believe what they wish (or fear) were true, rather than what is indicated by evidence and/or reason. It seems to be a common flaw in human nature.

2007-06-13 05:25:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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