I couldn't tell you.
That saying may be true for SOME atheists, but it's certainly not true for ALL atheists.
However, I think the only "lifestyle" change an atheist would have to make is to make God the focus of their lives. That's it.
2007-06-12 13:04:30
answer #1
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I don't think anyone who doesn't know you well can tell you why you are an atheist. Even if they know you well, you are the ultimate authority on that subject. So, I can't tell you that you are avoiding things.
I think that Steve and Esther have really good points about things you may be missing out on, though...
As to why people are atheists....
In my experience, the people who are atheists are sincere people who have either been really hurt/put off by hypocritical and/or obnoxious believers, so they reactively go to the other extreme... or caring people who have seen the evil in this world and just soul-search and then can't comprehend how a loving God would allow all the evil.... or just people who don't care and just follow someone else (there are Christians in each of those camps, too)
I have my own searching doubts about God, but I could never be an atheist because I think there is too much evidence to intelligent design in our universe, in the physiology of our bodies, and in the creative beauty of the world. I also have come to know and love many believers, historically and contemporary and seen Light in their lives. Lastly, I have studied about Jesus from both secular and nonsecular sources and am convinced that He was real and was someone to believe.
I understand that agnostics are either searching or undecided. That makes sense to me.
Atheists are harder for me to understand because they take such a strong narrow-minded view. It seems that they don't allow doubt to be part of their belief, as I allow doubt to be part of mine.
Maybe some believers react to that narrow-minded stance defensively and attack back by giving blank reasons, judgement, and form-letter-excuses such as the ones you describe. Not appropriate and I apologize myself for the way my brothers and sisters have treated you. They have judged you without due cause. They are sinners (blow it sometimes) (are arrogant sometimes) just like you and me. Only God can judge.
I'm glad you seem to be a kind, good person. The world needs more kind, good people! :-)
Bless you & peace.
2007-06-12 17:26:41
answer #2
answered by singinheart3 2
Not many changes there. It's a matter of keeping in contact with your love. The idea behind Christianity is to love that lifestyle. "Love fulfills the law." and "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable." Christ said he was "the truth..." I find getting rid of hate as all joy. Intellectually the idea of holiness or purity is repugnant, just a concept, but to feel pure is all joy. No matter what you did a second ago it's in the past already and you can feel pure again. Of course fixing the problem as best you can, but looking forward you can't see behind you. It's a matter of focus so if you don't think about it it shouldn't come up again. Unfortunately we're drawn back by our progamming until the brain can rewire and it doesn't come up in our thoughts. A few months of not thinking about something or six weeks, they say, should about do it. The idea too is to get in touch with your higher self. The subconscious is being shown to be where our humanity and love are. Connecting to that is like connecting to God, the universe or whatever you hold dear. Science mostly deals with the mechanics of the universe. Hopefully we also have feelings and a dream. Science is so cold. Life is more, somehow. Religion is supposed to be about life. Intuition connects you to your higher brain functioning, which is your higher self or spirit, joy and a sense that something is wrong or right with the images in your subconscious. It's fairly mechanical. Once I felt really bad about a pending trip to Oregon. I immediately felt good about it when I realized that what was bothering me was I was still seeing the ocean on the right in my thoughts and hadn't changed one picture for the ocean on my left. Intuition was right, of course, the feelings were just free energy reacting to a huge inconsistency in my pictures, it thinks in images. Christianity should reach the heart or it will just tear you up. Spirit is a lot of things, energy and feeling is one. Feelings takes a lot of energy, even great joy does. Joy is a holy spirit, hate is not and no fun either. Feeling is important, words are cold in comparison, but necessary. "The letter kills, the spirit quickeneth [enlivens, gives life, joy.]"
2007-06-12 13:47:28
answer #3
answered by hb12 7
You will have to gain the love for truth. You can not say you're an atheist because you like the perks of "sin"..nor can you say you are a Christian because you like to be "sin-free" and feel self-righteous. That isnt Christianity...its arrogance. Christians do not =have= to avoid any sin. Christ died that sins would be forgiven...thus we sin and are forgiven. BUT... we attempt to avoid sin because we love God, and sin does not please God. So... if you want to be a Christian it might be smart to decide whats important to you in this life: The love of Truth, or passing your time with trivial, unimportant things that will not make any difference once you have left this physical life anyway.
2007-06-12 13:05:40
answer #4
answered by Daemion 1
One of the biggest lifestyle changes I've made was in priorities. The things of God had nothing to do with my thoughts, words, time, and money. Slowly, I saw the greatness of God and what he has called his people to, and God and his purposes began taking up more and more of my life.
My thought-life changed as I meditated on the word of God often. My words changed as I tried to be more thoughtful of my speech toward others. I've spent more time with God's people and more time in study so I can make a difference in God's kingdom. I spend more money on things that would edify me and my family, and spend more on helping other causes that further God's plan, such as gospel causes.
I hope this helps you. God is not looking for nice people. He is looking for people who will love him and lay down their lives for his sake.
2007-06-12 13:46:13
answer #5
answered by Steve Husting 4
The only thing you are "giving up" by staying atheist are (1) a relationship with God in this life and (2) eternal life with God.
If you choose to remain an unbeliever, that is up to you.
2007-06-12 13:15:50
answer #6
answered by Esther 7
- loving God more than anything (big one there)
- being careful of what you fill your mind with
- knowing when to be nice and when to be tough
- being completely selfless (even if it means a great loss)
- humility (being viewed as a moral, and intellectual inferior)
- never having the excuse of "I'm only human"
- being loving to people who hate you (not just being nice)
- not treating racists, sexists, etc like dirt
- willing to be judged by people wrongfully
- being committed to a church or being an evangelist
- spite and tolerating of sin are not allowed
many are just guesses based on common occurances. I don't know you, I can't tell you which of these apply to you. Blessings!
2007-06-12 13:05:15
answer #7
answered by Hey, Ray 6
Humility. It's biblical. Try that for a lifestyle change.
GOD bless
2007-06-12 13:04:59
answer #8
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
It is a stereotype they wish to spread because they believe it makes themselves look better.
The only difference between me and my Christian friends is that I don't pray, and don't go to church for one hour on Sunday.
That's it. Apparently all that separates me from christians is the ability to realize how unproductive it is to talk to something that doesn't exist.
2007-06-12 13:06:41
answer #9
answered by Dark-River 6
You might try humbling yourself and realizing you need God.
Amen, and may god bless you
2007-06-12 13:08:41
answer #10
answered by Kate 2