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If you were truly overweight (not talking just a few pounds) and needed good motivation and had the chance to pay a decent price for a personalized weight plan, menu, exercise plan, emails, etc would you pay the person? And if so how much? I am thinking of doing this for extra money and I am actually helping my husband right now lose 70 lbs. In 2 weeks he has lost 6 lbs so I think I could help other people. Thanks!

2007-06-12 10:43:37 · 14 answers · asked by brm1981 4 in Health Diet & Fitness

No actually to be a nutritionist you do not need to have a license or education. If you want to be certified you do. I do plan on working on getting certified. However certification takes awhile. It can take 4-6 years because you have to have a bachelor's degree plus clinicals.
And also I disagree with the motivation thing. My husband is having to lose 70 pounds due to medical issues and that wasn't enough motivation. It took a serious diet and exercise plan with my help to keep him motivated.

2007-06-12 10:55:28 · update #1

I did some research on diet plans.
Here's the deal:

Weight Watchers - $10.90 to $12 week for some books with points and weekly weigh-in sessions which equals to $43.60-$48 monthly but their support is not really personal

Jenny Craig - $20 for 20 lbs but you have to pay for the food; don't know how much that is.

Nutrisystem - Women's Program 1 month $294-$327 including food but that is just 1 person

I thought maybe monthly $35

2007-06-12 11:11:52 · update #2

14 answers

Wouldn't you need to be certified as a dietician or personal trainer to be able to charge?

Anyway, no I wouldn't pay. If I can't motivate myself no one would be able to motivate me. It has to come from within.

2007-06-12 10:48:11 · answer #1 · answered by Amanda S 6 · 0 0

Schizophrenia, what a few individuals have no idea is that a few individuals are negatively suffering from marijuana. It is understood to deliver on psychosis(hallucinations). I had a buddy years in the past who was once flawlessly excellent till he began smoking marijuana on a consistent groundwork and he ended up in a intellectual sanatorium, now he's in jail for tried arson which result in him committing homicide in jail. I don't suppose he'll ever pop out. All of this I suppose is from smoking weed. I don't suppose it's valued at it. It influences each person in a different way.

2016-09-05 14:16:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe there is a market out there for what you are trying to do but you need to focus on making it look professional and presentable.

As for how much, I haven't a clue. You should take a look at some other professional fitness programs and try to gauge off them just how much you should be charging.

2007-06-12 10:55:18 · answer #3 · answered by Jag 2 · 0 0

Stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working

2016-02-15 19:12:19 · answer #4 · answered by Leann 2 · 0 0

only if they provided the food and delivered it to my house. plans are easy, the execution is difficult. only if they exercised with me. everyone can get a personalized plan by joining jenny craig or a fitness center. now if you called and checked on them several times a day that might be worth something.

2007-06-12 10:51:58 · answer #5 · answered by Sufi 7 · 0 0

having less than 1 200 calories a day may slow down your metabolism

2016-03-29 06:51:43 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Green tea helps in burning more calories because it cantains bioactive substance

2016-04-01 05:37:33 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

get an online weight loss buddy to lose more weight

2016-01-21 15:30:55 · answer #8 · answered by Rina 3 · 0 0

eat chili for a couple of days research shows that chili peppers boost your metabolic rate burning 50 more cals a day

2016-03-03 04:57:43 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

keeping good posture will not only strengthen your core but will also add a small extra calorie burn because you re working slightly harder to maintain the position

2016-04-10 08:48:09 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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