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I'm 38 and believe it or not, looking buy my very first car ever this summer. I'll probably have less than $3000 to work with. I want a reliable used diesel car or truck to run on biodiesel, possibly even veggie oil or filtered fryer grease. Suggestions?

2007-06-12 10:41:06 · 7 answers · asked by contrarycrow 4 in Environment Alternative Fuel Vehicles

7 answers

An old Mercedes are good and probably easier to find.

Might be able to find an older VW TDI with some searching.

Try tdiclub.com, which is a great resource, someone there might be selling a car to run on bio, veggie or grease.

Also try these guys www.greencarco.com

2007-06-12 10:50:01 · answer #1 · answered by DC 3 · 0 1

For under 3000 you might not have too many choices. The only cars I can think of off hand that came in diesel are VW Rabbits around 1980, Some Audis, Mercedes had some in the 80s also and GM had some station wagons. If you can get a bit higher the New Beetle was offered in diesel and got great mileage. You will be looking at cars that a bit older, and may not be in the greatest shape to begin with. You will have too get it tuned a little differently to run on biodiesel. it may cause extra wear and tear on the already aging vehicle. The VW would probably get the best mileage and the GM the lowest. When you change so you can run the boodiesl it may not get as good mileage and will still put plenty of pollutants into the atmosphere. It will be cool that you are not using foreign oil, but you will still be contributing to pollution and global warming as diesels are not the cleanest burning cars. If you are doing this because you have a free supply of biodeisel, i say go for it.

2007-06-12 18:00:29 · answer #2 · answered by higg1966 5 · 1 0

Look for a VW jetta TDI. It gets 50 mpg and runs great.
If you an find a 190D (not a 190i (sucks)) Mercedes it to get about 50 mpg and being a Diesel the motor is just getting broke in at 100k

2007-06-13 10:48:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

U must filter it fine enough that it will not stop up your injectors. There is another problem. It is against the law to run fuel that has not paid the state and federal tax paid on it .

2007-06-12 18:15:17 · answer #4 · answered by JOHNNIE B 7 · 0 1

Biodiesel is not a good product for use as fuel because there is very little of it and making more reduces our food supply. Not a good idea.

2007-06-12 17:55:26 · answer #5 · answered by jim m 5 · 0 3

You can get really good cheap cars from auctions , you will find thousands of different auction and repo cars of all kinds of models really cheap at http://www.carauctiondeals.com
Hope this helps

2007-06-13 17:09:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Good luck!

2007-06-13 01:44:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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