I agree with you. You have these Pro-Lifers out there making people feel like suicide is a better option than abortion but then they just go on and live their lives. No one knows what goes through a woman's head when she is faced with making a choice like that.
I think it is a woman's right to choose. Abortion is not a form of birth control, but it is something that exsists and is there for women who feel they have no other choice. I am quite sure these women have concidered all of their options.
2007-06-12 04:25:26
answer #1
answered by ~*Kristen*~ 2
How do you know pro-lifers don't adopt? There is no shortage of people waiting to adopt, so that argument makes no sense. As far as shaming someone out of a choice that affects their life - what makes you think going through with an abortion doesn't affect a woman's life? Many women grieve for years over their dead children. Some pay the price with their fertility. What those sobbing teenagers need is a little more religion, and morality - not less.
2007-06-12 11:33:14
answer #2
answered by Tiss 6
I would be happy to adopt any of them. Further, I know at least 6 other families that would be thrilled to adopt. The problem is that no one in this country gives their children up for adoption because the prochoice crowd has become so good at making adoption look like the stigma. Do some research you will find a waiting list of millions of adoptable families, no children.
BTW, This question has been used since abortion became legal.
Further, it doesn't take religion to figure out that killing tiny people is wrong. No matter what you may call them. (Embryo, zygote, fetus...) I was pro-life while I was an atheist.
2007-06-12 11:30:50
answer #3
answered by Me 4
Those who know the things of God have the greater responsibility to carry them out. You speak of shame, yet you come in and make fun of Christianity with your user name and try to stir up a controversy with a deeply personal question. That my "friend" is a real shame.
Since you asked for my opinion, here it is.
Abortionists should take the extra precaution of being sterilized before having sex. I mean, if you want to go to extremes, then why not explore this side of the issue as well, rather than limit the responsibility to those trying to save lives.
Shame is knowing God, and then stepping away. Further shame is trying to drag others down with your sinking ship. Even further shame is to kill an innocent simply because you failed to be careful or abstain.
I believe abortion should be used if a potential mother is emotionally traumatized by a violent rape and further feels that carrying the baby to term would be too much to bear emotionally. If she is mentally strong enough to carry the baby to term and cannot raise the child due to the knowledge and constant reminder of the rape, then she should put the child up for adoption.
I was an unplanned child.
My 7 month old daughter is an unplanned child.
My parents took care of me.
I'm taking care of my child.
Where are all these perfectly fit parents who are just too lazy to care for their children? All they wanna do is party, go clubbing, do drugs, and get pregnant yet again. Having a child on the way is supposed to signal a coming of age, responsibility, and repentance.
Society needs to take care of thier responsibilities, stop beating helpless children and girlfriends/wives, and take of a real spirit of love in Christ...not just murder a child and have the go ahead to keep sinning.
2007-06-12 11:56:30
answer #4
answered by cop350zx 5
It's too easy to simply pass this off as hypocrisy; there is something more poisonous than inconsistency at work here. Why pro-lifers don't adopt boils down to one simple fact: the overwhelming majority of pro-lifers are WHITE; the vast majority of babies needing adoption are NON-WHITE. The primary reason pro-lifers don't adopt is RACISM, pure and simple. The United States is and has always been a nation divided by race; it impacts every aspect of our society, including the issue of adoption.
2007-06-13 12:26:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, there are many people waiting to adopt (less now that there are so many fertility treatments). The problem is that they almost all want healthy young babies; that is why so many people adopt out from other countries where there are new born babies to be adopted.
Most of the children that need adoption and fostering are OLDER children. Many of them have health problems and have already developed psychological problems (violence, theft, and other problems that make it tough to find anyone that wants to live with them).
We should ALL worry less about an unborn lump of flesh and care more about living, feeling older children and young adults that require 2 or 3 times as much attention and support as a cute little baby that has no problem getting adopted.
2007-06-12 12:27:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Actually without evil, there would be no problem with abortion because it wouldnt exist.
Those arguments are no different then when mindless people say "well if youre patriotic then why dont you join the military." Those arguments make no sense because it links your beliefs with predisposition. Just because Im patriotic doesnt mean I am predisposed to be in the military or are cut out for military life or are even eligible to begin with. Just because Im against abortion doesnt mean I have to automatically become a foster parent no more than pro-choicers need to become abortion doctors. We can all have our beliefs and decide at what level and how we want to manifest our beliefs.
2007-06-12 11:35:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
This is such a straw man argument used by the pro-abortion crowd. There are lines out the door with people wanting to adopt. Many end up going overseas, because they can't get babies here.
Besides, there are only a few dedicated Christians who intervene at abortion mills. With so few people doing this noble work, and so many women seeking an easy way out of pregnancy, you'd end up with families of 50 people or more, should the pro-life counselors adopt every unwanted child they save.
If a person must have sex before marriage, use a prevention method. Better yet, don't have sex until you're married, and you'll never need an abortion. (And don't ask about rape or incest. Less than 2% of all abortions are for these reasons.)
2007-06-12 11:26:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I love the question. But think about it for a second - does a pro-lifer's willingness, or unwillingness to adopt, affect whether the unborn child is a human being? No it doesn't. It is either a human being and deserves the same protection all human beings do, or it ain't and doesn't, and that has nothing to do with whether pro-lifers are willing to adopt.
Additionally are you saying that a person can you only object to child abuse if they are willing to adopt the child? Can they only object to child slave labor if they are willing to adopt? Can they only object to child pornography if they are willing to adopt? Of course not. If abortion is killing someone, then we should all object, whether we are in a position to adopt or not.
2007-06-12 11:33:58
answer #9
answered by penguineditor 2
Hey, this is a great question - I keep hearing that 30 million number touted (the number of abortions since roe v wade) but I never hear the number of aborted abortions - the kids that people changed their mind about but instead put up for adoption. Did the browbeating actually work? I suspect not and that that number is incredibly small. Maybe 30 (not million, not thousand, thirty).
Edit: tootsie (below), she didn't say Christian, you did. I assume atheist or Muslim pro-lifers could be assigned a baby on birth as well.
2007-06-12 11:26:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I know it surprises you (because you never bothered to look), but there are HUNDREDS of 'family care homes' across the United States designed to give pregnant women an opportunity other than abortions. The pro-lifers care for and foot the bill for all of these struggling mothers needs, helpin them to raise children at the pro-lifer's expenses.
And in case you were wondering, I'm pro-choice (I'm just not partisan).
2007-06-12 11:24:04
answer #11
answered by Convictionist 4