i will try to answer everything as best as I can. the best thing to do is to go to a Church and talk to the minister but i guess i'll try my best.
-adam and eve had many children and we don't know how long they lived before the fall happened so they didn't age before the fall or have any pain so they could have had like 30 kids and those kids married their siblings and soon before you know it, there's about 100 people that keep intermarrying and having kids.
-i don't know about the different colored people. maybe God just made them that way
-God didn't die. God will never die. He's a Spirit
-God doesn't have a wife. Marriage is for humans to have companionship on earth because God knew that we needed companionship
-God chose Mary to have His Son, Jesus, when He came down to Earth as a human. He had to be born somehow so God sent Jesus as a Spirit into Mary's womb and she gave birth to Him. sounds pretty crazy right? but it's true. mary was a vrigin.
-God was always here. He didn't have a beginning and won't have an end. He just always was and always is.
-The river turned to blood because God made it so. He did a miracle there
-All the ten plagues are miracles and only God could do them
-God sent the flood because the world was so evil that only one family was still loyal to Him. He knew He had to start over.
-there is proof and i've heard it before but i can't remember what it is like i heard it at this summer bible camp thing and i can't remember exactly what the guy said but I know there's proof.
-Jesus rose from the dead because He is perfect so death (a sin) couldn't keep a hold on Him.
God bless and I hope this helps!!
2007-06-11 14:09:26
answer #1
answered by Jesus=Savior<3 4
Too many questions for a forum....but let's see
1.) Adam and Eve gave birth to many sons and daughters apart from the listed ones...Genesis makes that clear.
2.) Because God created all mankind in one blood in Adam and Eve.
3.) Watch the movie "Passion of Christ" to see how Jesus gave himself up as the sacrifice.
4.) God doesn't have a wife naturally. Spiritually, it's the New Jerusalem...see book of Revelations
5.) You have no proof that Jesus married Mary and had a son.
6.) God did not get here in the first place...He created the first place, time and the whole universe. Go and find out what the planet earth needs for it to be habitable and you'll see that it's by no coincidence or randomness that it's so.
7.) Yes, the ten plagues happened....the Bible said so. At least this book has survived for centuries and many people have believed and trusted in God through it. Also miracles has happened amongst them...that validates the Bible.
8.) God destroyed the earth because demons came to the earth and began to produce children with human beings. See book of Genesis.
9.) Have you heard the news lately of someone finding the location where Noah's ark landed? That's solid proof!
10.) Jesus rose from the dead because His followers need to be justified. God's Spirit raised Him from the dead.
2007-06-11 14:16:58
answer #2
answered by ChristsImage 2
By having children.
The tower of Babel.
What does God talking to people have to do with this supposed death of God?
No God doesn't have a wife. Mary was a vessel for the being Jesus. So He could experience life a person from the beginning. But there was no consumation, hence virgin birth.
Jesus did not get put on earth until a few thousand years after Adam and Eve.
God was a human as Jesus, but He is a spirit and has no body as we do.
God made the river turn to blood.
God would flood everything and destroy it because they were wicked.
These questions could all be answered in Sunday school.
The Bible is my written proof that these things happened. It is an historical book like any other, but better and more accurate.
2007-06-11 14:11:10
answer #3
answered by Me 4
Oh dear, this will take a while. I will answer one at a time and post them as I do so.
If Adam and Eve were the first two people created, then did they populate the whole earth?
I don't know how populated the earth was before the flood occured. Noah, his wife, and his three sons repopulated the earth.
And if Adam and Eve were the first people created, then how did different colored people get here?
Adam and Eve (and subsequently Noah and his children) had in their DNA the capabilities to create tall or short; thin or portly; blonde, black, red, or brunette hair that was curly, straight, or wavy; brown, blue, green, or hazel eyes; dark, medium, or pale skin; and many other variations. When a settlement of people reproduces, the dominant traits of that people group generally are reproduced more often. When two redheads have children, usually they have a redheaded child. When two dark skinned people have children, they are usually dark skinned.
If i'm correct, in the bible dont some of the passages have god talking to some one commanding them what to do?
God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, who in turn gave them to God's chosen people, the Israelites.
If so then how did god die?
God did not die.
doesnt god have a wife?
And isnt her name Mary?
God chose Mary to bear His Son, Jesus. Mary was never married to God, because she was a human and He is God. He "caused her" to become pregnant. He did not have sex with her.
wasnt Jesus their son?
Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Mary, because He is God incarnate (God in the flesh).
if this is true then wouldnt that mean that there were people before Adam and Eve?
No, because Jesus was born to Mary 2000 years ago, well after many things in history occured.
But how did God get here in the first place?
He has always existed.
Was god ever a human, or is he just a spirit?
He has never been a human, but He did send His Son to live as a human for 33 years. He has a Holy Spirit that is a part of Him.
When the Ten Plagues happend, how was it possible that the river turned into blood?
This was a miracle performed by God. God can do anything He chooses to.
I think I will take a break... there are many questions here. I will probably come back to this question a bit later.
2007-06-11 14:05:42
answer #4
answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6
You asked so many questions that you are obviously not looking for any real answers, but I will answer a few just for fun.
In answer to your first two questions about Adam & Eve, type "mitochondrial eve" into Google, and you will see how microbiologists have already answered your question (or just see the link below).
How did Jesus rise from the dead? And How did the ten plaues happen? Like most atheists on here, I think that you don't understand the concept of a "mircale". If there was a natural explanation as to how Jesus came back from the dead, or how the plagues happened, then it would simply be a natural event, not God's intervention.
2007-06-11 14:10:22
answer #5
answered by Randy G 7
Firstly you show me a christian who thinks they know it all and I will give you a person whos God is to small for me. Here are the answers to your questions as I believe. Yes Adam and Eve were the first people created and I believe they populated the earth and that siblings married each other. Obviously the culture was very different from now and even in biblical times it was not strange for cousins to marry. Different color people is explained better nonbiblically. God confused peoples tongues(caused them to speak different languages) people scattered all over the earth. This is when the melanonin in peoples skin had to adjust to the stength of the sun in their particular area. God is frequently in the Bible commanding people to do things not always in human form. In the New testament Jesus became man. He was God incarnate. He is the son of God and yet God himself. God exists as a trinity. God the Father GOd the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It was GOd the Son Jesus who came to earth and his earthly body died. His soul descended to hell before he overcame death which allow us to go to heaven when we die. God and Jesus do not have a wife. Mary was Jesus earthly mother. The Holy Spirit came upon her (not in human form) and she was with child. If you are talking about Mary Magdalene I have never read anything that proves Jesus had and type of relations with her. I cannot tell you how God got here. He is and always was and always will be. But he is not human as we are.
The plagues: I have no idea how God did it. That is why it is considered a miracle. But if he can create man from dust woman from man and light with just words and the world from absolutely nothing I think turning water to blood would have been pretty simple for him. As for proof. I find it interesting that most religions have some form of a flood story within their religion. Fish fossils have been found high in mountains where the fish should never have been able to reach. As for the plagues I am not sure if they are found in other religions and cannot offer proof off the top of my head at the moment. As for Jesus rising from the dead. There is a duality in Jesus that is hard to understand. He was human but at the same time he was God. As a human he could die just as the rest of us. Maybe when he rose it was not so much as his body but something more. He was not recognized immediately by many of his disciples and even by mary who first saw him in the garden. However the way he talked and looked was recognizable. He was beaten so badly he was unrecognizable as human. So what exactly he looked like I don't know. He had holes in his hand feet and side. How did he do this. He is God. He has dominion over death as well as life. If he can give life he can also take it and then give it back again. He gave life to Adam and to Mary and Jesus. It was taken from Jesus and restored. All things are possible with God. I hope I got all you questions I think I answered some together or out of order. Just so you know even though I answered this I do not think I know it all. The day I think I know it all I will be looking for a new God.
2007-06-11 14:32:30
answer #6
answered by linnea13 5
It is believed that Adam and Eve were the first humans created but not the only ones. Therefore they were not alone
in populating the earth. The Bible mentions Cane wandering the earth and thus finding a wife. So there had to be more people created. I would assume that since more people were created then so were different colored people. Yes God gives the Ten Commandements in Exodus I believe. God sent his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life. John 3:16 In other words God made himself into human form and this was his son Jesus. Its confusing but God can simply seperate himself into three entities. So Jesus the son of God was concieved through the Holy Spirit (another entity of God) through Mary. Not gods wife simply a virtuous woman whom God chose to carry His Son. The reason God chose for Jesus to be born of a human is to show that Jesus came from humble beginnings. So once Jesus was in his thirties I believe He was crucified because he performed many miracles and a group of over religious people wanted him dead for fear of their false religion being wiped out. All they wanted was attention. They wanted to seem holy before people. Whic is wrong. Only God can do that. Only God deserves the glory. So no there werent people before Adam and Eve but there were after.
The age old question of how God got here is one I cant answer for you. Thats where you just have to have faith but you can always feel God and hear him if you just open you heart to him. He wants to be there for your and God is personal hes not some distant God you cant talk to. Even if it feels like no one is listening God really is I guarantee it. So once again God is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. He is a spirit. And the River turned into blood because God made it that way and yes Discovery Channel has a scientific explanation but God created science so yes maybe Discovery channel is right but only because God made it happen that way. They just are possible because God is high and mighty and he used his supernatural abilities to perform those plagues. Discovery Channel believes it but who are you gonna believe another human or Gods Holy Bible. The plagues are fact even scientists will admit that. He flooded it and destroyed it becausde the people were performing sinful acts. But he promised bnever to do it again. By the way they found the Arc. Thank you Discovery channel. And Jesus rose from the dead because it shows that he conquered death. And its possible because he is God. Hope this answers your questions God Bless.
p.s. feel free to ask more questions on this topic.
2007-06-11 14:26:05
answer #7
answered by pony 3
I don't know all, but I can answer some of these....
1) yes they populated the earth essentially. in Jewish tradition they had about 72 kids. different races got here from genetic variance. you're not a clone of your parents, and so your dna will be different, including in your skin's melanin content, the part that controls the darkness of your skin, naturally. so if one child is born darker than his brothers and he marries a wife who is darker as well, the darker strain is more prominant and so then you have a darker family. when this occurs over the course of several thousand years, then you have a race. some belief it went the opposite way though (dark to light). Noah's sons were named Ham (dark), Shem (middle-skin) and Japheth (fair), so that's basically why.
2) God die? I don't understand that question. He didn't die until 33 A.D., or atleast part of Him was crucified. God has no wife as He is neuter gender (having the characteristics of a man but having no genitals)
3) Mary and od did not marry, nor have intercourse. Mary was the virgin that Christ had to be born through. so God created half the dna, and He used half of Mary's dna to make Christ's body. Jesus' soul was eternal, His body was created in the womb like everyone else's.
4) God isn't limited to time like we are. He needs no creation point, as He was not created: He is the Creator.
5) how was it possible for a river to turn to blood, or any other ten plagues or miracles? God's power. He's not just some guy you know...
6) God destroyed the earth because it is His job to judge wickedness. when wickedness is around in a place for too long, He has to intervene. How do you rid the world of evil? you destroy those who do it. evil cannot be destroyed, just not adhered to. hey, God did offer them a way out. Noah preached for over a hundred years
7) proof of Noah's flood? well, sedimentary rock, where many fossils are found, is normally formed by water pressure: flooding. they found half of Noah's ark already
8) how is it possible that Jesus rose from the dead? God is not limited as we are. things like death don't stop Him. where as we go to Heaven or Hell and stay, God can go from Hell to Heaven and even back to earth. He's that powerful.
2007-06-11 14:18:21
answer #8
answered by Hey, Ray 6
sure i'm able to. i like the way you word your question, there is in basic terms one project although, and that's the thought or assumption that the Bible is something like your algebra e book. I unquestionably have studied the two algebra and the Bible, or perhaps metaphorically they are no longer equivelent, nor are you able to draw any similarities between the two. Now. on the subject of the Bible. The Bible became written over a span of 1500 years on 3 distinctive continents by making use of 40+ human beings. Oddly sufficient maximum of those human beings have by no potential met. The Bible became written by making use of shepherds and kings. The Bible accurately foretold the upward push and fall (Daniel 2, 7, 8). Of Babylond Medo Persia, Greece, and Rome, to no longer metion in intensity component approximately their leaders and the Divided western Roman Empire. The e book of Daniel became writte 500 years befor Jesus walked the earth. for sure there isn't any dispute approximately this, and in basic language it incredibly is written those prophecies will ensue. I unquestionably have studied this, if every person might prefer to crack open a history e book and a Bible i may well be better than prepared to deliver them an editorial I wrote. No The Bible isn't something like your algebra e book. God proves he's actual interior the Bible yet you will no longer open your eyes to be certain it.
2016-10-07 08:05:47
answer #9
answered by ? 4
i'll try
1, i guess they did populate the earth
2, no idea
3, this is one big one) god did not die he doesn't have a wife. Marry's is joseph wife. jesus was gods son.
4. god is not a human.... we don't know what he is.
next few... god can do anything.
5, proof is the bible
6, he flooded it because of to much sin in the world then he promised he wouldn't do it again.
lastly god can do anything and jesus said he would rise. (jesus doesn't lie)
2007-06-11 14:12:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous