Simply because of tradition - the history of the Catholic Church concerning the abuse of children is long and evil.
Any person who seeks to make apologies for such behaviour, particularly trying to pretend the pedophile priest phenomena is a "myth" is effectively supporting evil.
+++Child abuse-A long and evil tradition of the Vatican+++
Contrary to catholic apologists, pr agents, and spin doctors, the Vatican has a long, well documented and evil tradition of child sexual abuse. Here are some examples.
(381 CE) That christian leaders did profane and convert the great Constantinople's Temple of Aphrodite into the largest brothel in ancient history and Temple of Artemis into stables. That this major business enterprise along with other brothels operating from former Greek temples using former female priests and their children as sex slaves provided significant income to the early christian church.
(383 CE) Sex Jerome reinforces sexual repression by preaching that "a husband commits a sin if he enjoys sex with his wife too much".
595 CE: Pope Gregory dispatched a priest to Britain to purchase "attractive" Pagan boys to "work" as slaves on church estates.
(590-604) Gregory I introduces celibacy edict to prevent property from passing from church to possible wives, families or mistresses of clergy.
(904 - 911) Pope Sergius III did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children with his daughter Marozie which he then made his mistress. That one of these children fathered by Pope Sergius III and his own daughter became Pope John X, also known as Pope John XI and also known as Pope John XII.
(955 CE) That upon returning as Pope, Pope John XII, also known as John X, John XI, John XII and John XIV did take his mother to be his wife and father more illegitimate children.
(964 CE) That Pope Benedict V did continue the traditions established by Pope Sergius of not only the dynastic bloodlines of the Papacy but that such future Popes should come from incest between Father (Pope) and daughter. Furthermore, that Pope Benedict V did father several children from incest with his own children.
(973 CE) That Pope Benedict VI did openly commission, participate in and observe as regular entertainment the raping, sodomization and then dismemberment of both women and children within the church walls of St. Peters.
(1032 onwards) That Pope Benedict VIII also known Benedict IX did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children.
(1294 - 1303) That Pope Boniface VIII did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them.
(1316-1334) That Pope John XXII did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them.
(1334 CE) That Pope John XXII was charged by 37 clergy and witnesses of fornication, adultery, incest, sodomy, simony, theft and murder. Furthermore, that he was publicly called the devil incarnate. He has been called the most depraved criminal who ever sat on the papal throne.
(1334 - 1342 CE) That Pope Benedict XII did institute regular sodomy of children, especially young boys.
(1410 – 1415) That Pope John XXIII did follow the tradition of Popes for over four hundred years and did commit repeated incest upon all his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them.
(1458-64) That Pope Pius II did continue the centuries old Papal tradition of not only fathering illegitimate children but of committing repeated rape and incest upon all his own children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them.
(1471-84) That Sixtus IV did continue the centuries old Papal tradition of not only fathering illegitimate children but of committing repeated rape and incest upon all his own children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them.
(1492 – 1503 CE) That Pope Alexander VI did in the ancient Papal satanic tradition commit repeated rape, incest and occasional ritualistic murder upon his children, male and female and did father several illegitimate children by them.
(1503 – 1513) That Pope Julius II did sexually assault and sodomize Michelangelo as a child prior to his growth into a great artist and his commissions concerning the Vatican
(1523-34) That Pope Clement VII did continue the now Catholic clerical tradition of institutionalized homosexuality and sodomy of children, especially young boys.
(1534 - 1549) That Pope Paul III did follow the tradition of Popes for over seven hundred years and did commit repeated incest upon his children, male and female.
(1550-5) That Pope Julius II did continue the now Catholic clerical tradition of institutionalized homosexuality and sodomy of children, especially young boys.
+++The "anti-Gay" words of the Vatican aren't worth the paper they're written on+++
The anti-gay rhetoric of the Catholic Church is meaningless for three very important reasons:
1. It continues to fight against just compensation for victims of pedophile priests in the courts around the world. A sign, they refuse to admit the problem, or care about making things right.
2. The Catholic Church in many countries continues to harbour pedophile priests, in some cases refusing to hand them to police, in others refusing to defrock them.
3. The Catholic Church continues to spend more time and money "spinning" the story that the idea of pedophile priests is a myth than on actually compensating real victims.
+++What would Jesus Do?+++
Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and founded the Nazarenes.
Paul of Tarsus on the other hand was a life long lover of young men and hater of women.
Jesus was married, Paul was not. Jesus respected women as equal. Paul loved young men and hated women.
The Apostle Paul is explicit about his celibacy and love for young men(see 1 Cor. 7).
So long as people follow the twisted religion of Paul of Tarsus and not the true Jesus, then the evil history of Paul and pedophilia will always be present.
With Love in the Real Jesus, not the false images of Paul.
2007-06-12 21:06:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There are pedophiles in every social circle, not just the Catholic Church.
The question really should be, why highlight the pedophilia in the Catholic Church while largely ignoring pedophilia outside the Church?
Isn't it interesting how, when a pedophile from secular progressive society is caught, people will campaign not so much for imprisonment but for this person's rehabilitation. But, when a pedophile priest is caught, it seems these very same people can't vilify the Church fast enough.
2007-06-12 11:13:50
answer #2
answered by Daver 7
out of all religious pedophiles - 15% are from th Catholic demonination. i think you need to question on the other 85%.
as a whole it's sad - within the churches especially. the percentages show that it has nothing to do with being married or not. i'm a celebate by choice single woman - i'm not a pedophile.
2007-06-11 18:50:13
answer #3
answered by Marysia 7
There are far more pedophiles outside the church. Pedophilia is a human sickness, not restricted to any one group. Why not ask why there are any pedophiles at all, rather than falsely attributing it to one body of people?
2007-06-11 17:59:03
answer #4
answered by rich k 6