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the law of attraction states that we create our own reality. other philosophies talk about "fate" and the inevitable; that there is a higher power that interferes with what happens to us...which one do u believe in?

2007-06-11 06:56:29 · 10 answers · asked by saxoool 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

I think this is a false alternative. Each of us has an affect on our environment. But the environment predates each individual. We can affect our external world, but the external world sets some parameters that we cannot totally overcome.

The term is external power, not higher power.

2007-06-11 07:03:10 · answer #1 · answered by Darrol P 4 · 1 0

The only destiny that cannot be changed is: WE WILL ALL GO BACK HOME TO GOD, AT OUR INDIVIDUAL TIMES. Any other destiny or lot or fate can be changed through the choices we make. God does not interfere with the choices we make (on account of free will) because the spiritual law of cause and effect (or Karma, together with Reincarnation) teaches us to make better choices eventually.

2007-06-11 15:16:42 · answer #2 · answered by RAFIU 4 · 0 0

I don't consider my belief in or relationship with Christ as an "interference" in my life. Of course we have the choice to do our best to succeed in life. I could quit work tomorrow and lay around all day long. I could lose my house, my vehicles, and other things if I chose to do so. As to fate I don't really hold to that theory. I believe that I have control over my decisions and choices in life and that Christ is a part of my life that is very important to me. I don't think as I said that my belief in him and anything that he may lead me toward is interference though.

2007-06-11 18:36:30 · answer #3 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 0 0

I don't believe in fate. I believe there are many things we influence with our words and behavior. There are many things also that are out of our control, but not because of fate or a higher power. Outside causes and conditions.

2007-06-11 14:09:11 · answer #4 · answered by aj's girl 4 · 0 0

There has to be a God the way things work out in life, good or bad. There is now way that our thoughts just make things happen. The Bible says:

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7)

Which means that when a person recognizes that there is a God and chooses to follow Him, He will know the truth.

2007-06-11 14:05:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How about both... We have free will, making choices and decisions that affect ours and other peoples lives everyday. Either for good or evil. God controls the big picture... fate and destiny. He already knows everything you and everyone else will ever do. His will is supreme, after all is said and done, because He created us for a purpose. According to the Bible, that purpose is to love Him and other people, which is "good" for everyone.

2007-06-11 14:07:04 · answer #6 · answered by Bill Mac 7 · 1 0

I think that God has created our world but he lets us choose which decisions we make in our lives(even though some people make VERY bad decisions).

2007-06-11 14:05:56 · answer #7 · answered by ♥Cloud Dancer♥ 3 · 1 0

I think that we contribute to our world but God created it:)

2007-06-11 13:58:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sorry.. i can`t tell you these is a secret.. hehehe...

2007-06-11 14:04:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

IMO, (of which I state "IMO" only bc' the vast # of "religions"), I would say that I KNOW PERSONALLY, not thru any dillusion, or mental illness, and nothing of that sort.....that not only is there a 'higher power' (thunder & lightning alone are ONE, just one proof of 'higherpower' or the manifestation of HIS power)////,,, Our SOURCE of the very soul we all have is in GOD, aka (so as to not confuse fact with islam)....Elohim, Jehovah, I AM, YHVH, The HOLY TRINITY).
I don't believe the wording: "INTERFERES" is proper. I know that according to what I believe firmly to be the untouched by hands of deceit, inerrant and active, living WORD OF GOD (the KJV Holy Bible)---that the Lord GOD, has more than provided for the measures towards the reconciliation of fallen, sinful mankind.....and HIMSELF, HOLY and perfect in all His attributes. He did so by coming to walk among us, in the person of Yeshua ( or better known as: JESUS). GOD, being JUST, and good in all ways, has the power and ability to be the Holy Trinity. This is not to be confused with multiple gods.....as HE is ONE, but has three identities or entities. It is difficult to explain, but it is truth. As it was in the beginning, the Bible states...."Let US make man in OUR image"....this is just one of many seemingly odd scriptures that deserve (as always with all scripture) a really deep look. God is saying here that HE is triune, that He has divided himself, so to speak, and by this scripture we see that before 'mankind' was, Jesus (YESHUA) & the Holy Spirit were present in creation.
GOD intervenes into our life indeed. Not interferes. In the Word, it is also written that ONLY THROUGH asking Yeshua into your heart that He may forgive your known sin, and turning in repentance AWAY from all that the LORD lays out in scripture as CONTRARY to the Will OF GOD, that this is the only way TO God.....and it is 100% real, 100% POSSIBLE, and 100% necessary, as there is NO other god, nor is there SALVATION apart from Yeshua (Jesus). It is written, likewise, that it is NOT the LORD's WILL that ANY should perish, but that ALL would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, for in HIM is our penalty paid (For the wages of SIN is DEATH). So, looking back through history, anyone can see that the Bible is written BY GOD, with the hands of men used only as vessels. YESHUA fulfilled EVERY prophesy with 100% accuracy, (as concerning HIS conception, birth, ministry, life, death, resurrection....and many more detailed prophecies thru out His life).....We also see that where the Word speaks prophetically about the "latter days, the End Times", that the world stage is set to bring about the climactic events that lead to Armeggedon. The bible is 100% accurate, and GOD is tried, trusted and true in all HIS ways.

People like to point out that there "seems" to be a fallacy between the two scriptures that say:
1) That we all must accept Yeshua as our ONLY redeemer, our personal messiah and .........
2) The Word when it speaks that " a man cannot come to GOD at all, without the Holy Spirit FIRST DRAWING HIM UNTO HIMSELF"

*It is important to see here that this IS NOT contradictory in ANY WAY. For if the LORD GOD proclaims that it grieves His heart when we refuse to accept the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, (whereby is our ONLY SALVATION), then HE MEANS IT when He says that He will make sure to draw all men (mankind) unto Himself. THE DAY WILL COME, and it is like this; one day, you will find yourself extremely interested, as an unquenchable thirst, to KNOW GoD, to KNOW the TRUTH in all things, as pertaining to WHY you were even born....and you will be presented with the opportunity to understand the Gospel, and from that point out, the ball is in your court, whether or not you wish to choose CHRIST and thus abide in eternity with the ONLY GOD, who is good, full of justice, mercy, and eternal LOVE which man cannot comprehend......OR.....CHOOSE death eternal, seperated always from any PART of GOD and HIS HOLY attributes.......this is a choice. God DOES NOT send people to HELL, we send ourselves there when we CHOOSE to reject such perfect salvation! God WILL draw all unto Himself, all will have been given the chance to heed the warnings of the Word of GOD before the DIES IRAE (day of wrath) comes upon all man, for the wicked, lawlessness that has abounded thru time apart from GOD. We grow hard of hearing, hard of heart, and altogether degenerate, when we do NOT have that personal relationship with Yeshua, and are thus indwelt by the Holy Spirit of GOD; Who, is given by GOD as a comforter, is ministry of bringing us to that saving knowledge of Christ, who gives us the RIGHT discernment between what IS and IS NOT of GOD, who gives us JOY as in contrast to happiness (which is here and gone with every change of circumstance), WHO reminds us always of what we have learned in our reading of the Word, which is ESSENTIAL to a daily walk with GOD, and as I have only listed a few important notes on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, I will note one more.......NO MAN CAN EVEN UNDErSTAND THE SCRIPTURES (as GOD would have us to know TRUTH), if he or she is not first born again, IOW....having received by FAITH that the GRACE of GOD ALONE, has made provision for our eternal salvation........so, as many NON-BELIEVERS have declared "Oh, Ive read the bible alright, cover to cover...and it doesnt make sense"........these clearly do not know that their eyes are blinded essentially, their understanding is darkened, bc' they attempt to take the wheel, they attempt to choose HOW GOD will operate, and this is altogether WRONG because the Lord has already CLEARLY laid it out in scripture HOW we are to come to HIM, and with out the Holy Spirit....we have NOTHING. Some may think they are getting a grasp of what the Bible is saying, but they indeed are NOT.....for the Holy Spirit ILLUMINATES the scriptures for each of us to suit our individual needs, and what HE wants to personally convey to each of us at whatever specific time it is in our life that we need the admonition. GOD IS GOOD, active, alive and WAITING for all who have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, OUR LIVING SACRIFICE, the ONLY path to GOD.

Our GOOD GOD indeed cares about all moments of our lives, we can call on Him in small and insignificant matters....as well as the more pressing, timely IMPPORTANT matters. We only need to use the measure of faith that HE has given to each and every one of us!
God Bless You,

2007-06-11 15:23:41 · answer #10 · answered by º§€V€Nº 6 · 1 0

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