You are very observant and I applause you on that..You know not many individuals really take the time to search out for answers concerning some of the things that have occured in histroy especially when it concerns them as a person or as a group.
Now for the record I am a true believer of the whole Bible and am a follower of Christ and of his Almighty Father and Creator.
The Crusades were a dark time for Christedom because it truly showed the "leaders" of their true intentions at the time and also shows that even in the present nothing really has changed. And any who are truly observant today with news etc. can truly say that these church leaders are either involved in war and politics or are supporting it. Again no different from the "Christians" in mid-evil times. One thing that Jesus and the other apostles have always stressed was the fact that we as God's servants are to remain seperate from the world.
But in what way? Well lets examine what the Apostle John wrote concerning what our view of the world should be.
Now in this account recorded in 1 John 2:15-17
It says: "Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world, if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world-the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life-does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. Furthermore, the world is passing away and so its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever."
Why would he warns us to avoid being part of the world? Who controls the world?
Jesus had an experience that the majority of individuals know what happened.
Its recorded in Matthew 4:8-10 It reads:
" Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him (Jesus): "All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me." Then Jesus said to him: "Go away, Satan! For it is written, 'It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.' "
Does Satan truly control the worlds' affairs especially in view to the worlds Kings and Kingdoms?
Jesus once again confirms this when he states in John 12:31 saying: "Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out."
Now obviously the ruler of the world is not God because why would he be cast out as being the ruler?
1 John 5:19 it reads: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
So it is Satan the Devil the wicked one as it is mentioned many times in the scriptures who is the ruler of this world and soon to be cast out of it.
So when you see that this world affairs, which included the Kings and its Kingdoms are controlled by Satan, then you may see why the things are the way they are...
So of course those who claim that they are a 'brother' should not kill their brother let alone their neighbor if they truly profess that they are christian.
John 13:35 we read: "By this all will know that you are my (Jesus) disciples, if you have love among yourselves."
So the question remains, which organization in this world demonstrates this brotherly love in not just one part of the world but unitedly all around the world?
2007-06-11 06:25:47
answer #1
answered by Whistle 2
Yes & I purchased a book 'The Political Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)' by Robert Spencer.
And it reveals one of the myths of the Crusades PC Myth 1: The Crusades were an unprovoked attack by Europe against the Islamic world.
Wrong. The conquest of Jerusalem in 638 stood at the beginning of centuries of Muslim aggression, and the Christians in the Holy Land faced an excalating spiral of persecution. A few examples: Early in the eighth century, sixty Christian pilgrims from Amorium were crucified; around the same time, the Muslim governor of Caesarea seized a group of pilgrims from Iconium and had them all executed as spies-except for a small number who converted to Islam; and the Muslims demanded money from pilgrims, threatening to ransack the Church of the Resurrection if they didn't pay.
There is much more to this chapter. But basically you can find evidence also today that many of the older Mosques built near or over the early Chruches.
Myth 2: The Crusaders were an early example of the West's precatory imperialism.
Predatory imperialism? Hardly. Pope Urban 2, who called for the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont in 1095, was calling for a defensive action-one that was long overdue.
Just like 9/11, the antichrist & antisemetic struck first. And they do torture their victims & murder innocent.
The whole problem with the Crusades is that Islam jihadists were taking the land and martyring true Christians, etc. So, the Crusades was a way to protect fellow Christians. But then the enemy was difficult to discern & many mistakes happened. That is because terrorists are a tough bunch to fight against. Because it is hard to know the enemy, kind of like in Veitnam or Koria.
2007-06-11 06:25:00
answer #2
answered by t_a_m_i_l 6
People people people. Who are you to judge? The Pope is Christian. You might do some research into Protestant Reform. You'll find it just as bloody.
Dear Questioner: I wouldn't take anything on the History Channel as so much fact. They are scripted for sensationalism. Anyone can write a script and sell it to History Channel. They do not check the validity. These days I am disgusted with the lies coming out of both History Channel and National Geographic Channel. They have become visual versions of "tabloid news."
My friend did a History's Mysteries episode on Rob Roy. Wrote and directed. He writes horror films. He knows nothing about the history of Scotland. He did his research on the net.
You should never hate anyone. It's irrational hatred and fear that leads to things like mob mentality murdering during the Crusades. The pope did not call for the mass slaughter that came about. On BOTH sides.
There have been many popes throughout history who have done marvelous things. Just because you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they don't exist.
Perhaps it would be good to direct your efforts towards what is happening TODAY. Such as the genocide at Darfur.
Even if you raise awareness you are doing much!
2007-06-11 05:48:20
answer #3
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
I'm surprised by how quick many people are to blame just the Christians. It was the Muslims who had conquered the Near East and much of "Christian" Africa (and even parts of Europe) and there's no reason to believe they didn't have intentions to continue to do so. The real incentive to gain control of the Holy Lands didn't come until control of them passed from Egyptian Muslims (who tended to be less restrictive) to the Seljuk Turks, who destroyed monasteries there, killed some clergy, and captured some Christian pilgrims who were going to Jerusalem. This in now way excuses the excesses of the Crusades, but it does put them in proper perspective. The Crusades weren't mere acts of intolerance, but an attempt to stem what many saw as a real threat against Christianity and to re-open the road to Jerusalem for pilgrimages.
2007-06-11 05:56:00
answer #4
answered by Deof Movestofca 7
Radical muslims are not killing to get back at Christians for the crusades- they are on their own crusade. I did not have any part of the crusades, neither did you and honestly no Christian alive today had any part of the Crusades nor would many condone them.
Lets say- your great great grandfather was a serial killer, does that make you like, understand, or condone serial killers today? You obviously think what they are doing is wrong- no matter what your great great grandfather did when he was alive.
The same is true for Christians, they think what the muslims are doing now is wrong no matter what history says, it is still wrong. Labeling sin as wrong is not judging; it is more or less stating the obvious.
2007-06-11 05:38:54
answer #5
answered by Lizzi 3
The point is that the Crusades happened centuries ago, WERE ordered by the pope, and now, after a religious group has committed such foolishness, the Islamics are doing it NOW, after the lesson to be learned has already been provided. "If we do not learn form history, we are doomed to repeat it," and we see ample evidence of that today. The Crusades were a shamed instigated to increase the political influence of the Roman Catholic church at the time. What are the attacks being committed by the Muslims now if not the same thing?
2007-06-11 05:33:30
answer #6
answered by Steve 5
It's important not to mix Christians (as we think today) With Catholic Faith. I don't want to offend the Catholic religion, but most of those killings and trying force others into the religion was done by the catholic faith. I forget the names, but there were a few that didn't like the way the catholic church did things and that's where we get most of the Christian denominations. The catholic church does many things that you will not find anywhere in scripture. No Where in Scripture after Jesus' ministry did you see any violence in the name of God's Church. Jesus never forced believing in him on anyone and doesn't want his followers to force anyone. Jesus loved people into the kingdom, we are suppose to do the same thing, to show the love of Christ. Many catholics seem to place the pope on equal level with Jesus, people worship the pope and you can't that's sin. Also nowhere in scripture does it say to pray to mary or any other saint, it says to pray to Jesus. Thats it. So the history there is a checkered one. Up until a 100 years ago or so, they didn't even want the people attending church to read the bible, only the higher ups.I just say this again not to offend the Catholic church, but to point out that there are BIG differences with them and Born Again Churches that are not about ceremony, power, big buildings, but are about love, community and reaching out to those in needs. Find a preacher that is not afraid to say he's a sinner. Because everyone who walked the earth other than Jesus was a sinner, including all popes. Lastly they make so much about the catholic preachers that molest children. It doesn't say that to be a preacher/pastor that you must not marry. That was their invention, not the bible. When the bible talks about the leaders of church such as Elders and Deacons, it says they should be married. So find a church that's about teaching the bible rather than about ceremony and tradition.
2007-06-11 05:48:16
answer #7
answered by his.grace 3
Christians should not be blamed for the faults of the Roman Catholic Religion. They fit the description of a cult in that they follow their own teachings in place of the Bible, and pay heed to a Pope instead of the true Christ in Heaven. The Bible teaches that we are not supposed to call others Father except our Heavenly Father...yet the word Pope and what all the priests are called in the Catholic church is 'father'.
The Crusades were started by human beings making Christianity to fit their needs. An excuse to do what they want. It's not so different than what the Muslims are doing now.
If the Catholics had done things correctly, many many things would never have happened--including the creation of the Muslim Faith. Jesus taught us to love...the Catholics/Pope taught us to kill.
2007-06-11 05:43:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2⤋ are an wrong. The Christians who invaded during the crusades were trying to retake the land that had been taken by force by Muslim invaders. Both sides fought offensive wars for that land. It wasn't just Christians. Even if your premise was true, does it mean it is ok for Muslims to now kill those who don't share in their religion? I see the argument now.."Since the crusades happened almost a thousand years ago, we shouldn't judge the Muslims that behead people for having a different set of beliefs." I am not saying all Muslims do this, I am saying we should not excuse those that do.
2007-06-11 05:34:43
answer #9
answered by I wanna talk to Samson 3
History Channel depicts what they feel will bring in viewers. They would rather prefer the opinions/assumptions of Da Vinci. I take them with a grain of sand.
The difference with the Crusades from todays Islam is they are STILL killing innocent people for the sake of an ideology. THEY in turn are JUDGING others for their faith and shoving doctrine down other peoples throats. All we do is to >witness< as to the love and forgiveness of Jesus. The q'uran doesn't offer forgiveness or love or mercy of which the bible speaks from, regardless of our transgressions upon each other.
And WE get accused of doing what they're doing, and it's all a big's called the playgound bully who hits billy and runs to the teacher saying billy hit him. So...who's judging who?
2007-06-11 06:02:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous