Always be ready. Be aware of the people around you and those who are approaching you from any direction. If someone appears to be a threat, react accordingly and move away from them. If they continue to move toward you, especially if they have to change direction to do so, ask them what they want, then tell them to stop. If they don't stop, in a loud voice say, "Why are YOU attacking ME?" This calls attention to what is going on and you will have the witnesses you may need later. If that person gets within striking range, defend yourself in such a way as to win, then hold them until the police arrive.
2007-06-11 05:37:40
answer #1
answered by JV 5
First of all you don't wanna step too close to the guy if you are in a confrontation, that makes you an easier target to reach. So try to keep a distance from him from the start, make that a rule: "Never step too close to a guy who's pissed at you." Secondly, it is hard to block a sucker punch since it is usually thrown while your guard is down, so any reaction to it would usually be too late. Your best defense would be awareness and anticipation. If you think he's in a fighting mood, then keep your guard up and try to keep your eye on him all the time. If he starts swinging, duck, don't block. Getting out of the way is better than putting a limb in harms way. And most important of all, unless you plan to get your butt kicked into the ground, run as fast as you can away from him and don't look back. Why? because judging from your question, you don't sound like you have any fight experience and so the best thing for you to do is to avoid getting into a fight with someone who wants to fight. As the saying goes, "A hasty retreat means you live to fight another day"
2007-06-11 12:21:22
answer #2
answered by Shienaran 7
From the wording of your question, I would say that you are already in the fight. so there is probably no sudden punches unless of coarse someone else enters the fray.
Best thing to do is not be there when the strike "lands", everyone is most vulnerable just at the point of completing a strike. Then you can do as you please.
If there are multiple assailants then I would do as above and use them to block of other attacker and as weapons, per say, and throw them in my next attacker.
Personally I would destroy the offending limb so that I could not be attacked with it again, that normally ends all issues that person has with you.
It al comes down to the situation and what YOU are capable of doing without getting messed up.
2007-06-11 19:09:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
well this is going to depend on your skill level, distance, obstacles, etc. But I would recommend moving out of the way, or deflecting the punch. When someone fully executes a technique it will use up alot more of there energy than if you just stop it with a block. also if they miss, most of the time they will be off balance which will allow for a greater chance for an effective counter attack
2007-06-11 12:13:35
answer #4
answered by Kevin C 2
I'd keep my self out of punching range from the attacker, if someone is going to punch you they will give warning signs, e.g. they will tense up, start sizeing you up with their eyes, try to start closing the gap, and you will notice their fists starting to ball up at their sides, and they will usually place their feet into fighting stance, Most attackers will not put their fists up to their face in a guard-up position they will keep them ready at their side to try and surprise you, ... if in doubt, depending on your skill level, get away from them asap.. or strike first.. if they look like a threat I would do whatever it takes to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible and if that means throwing the first stike then so be it.. (but only if you are confident in your skill level) and remember it's hard to pick who may know what they are doing or not, so be aware you may still get your *** kicked.
2007-06-11 21:23:55
answer #5
answered by channille 3
the best way is a sweep block..
okay.. just think of your reaction when a basket ball comes flying at your head, what do you do..?
you put both hands up to deflect or slap it away, right!
same thing.. except with this block you don't slap away, you sweep into the attackers body, which leaves you on the inside so you can proceed to throw elbows, knees to the groin or execute a throw..
so if someone punches at you suddenly..
put your open hands up
let the punch slide along your arm to the outside of your body
now you are at his shoulder
you can
1. headbutt
2. pull him into a groin shot
3. with hands at the shoulder, rear back for a backwards elbow
4. step behind the legs and sweep, throwing him to the ground..
this is the best block i've found, practice it on both sides.. along with the options for counters.. you'll find the one you're most comfortable with..
i for one, like to sweep the punch, come in close for a knee to the groin, followed by two or three elbows than a sweep/trip push and flee.. it's one of my self defense drills.. works great at full speed..
hope that helps!
~*good luck*~
2007-06-11 16:49:49
answer #6
answered by nm_angel_eyes 4
well....mostly you just stay calm (easier said) and react in a way that feels best for the situation. Sometimes dodging is better. Sometimes getting under the punch for a throw is better. Sometimes other things are better.
There is no particular best way for every situation. It all depends on the circumstances and the skills and attributes of the 2 fighters (you and other guy).
2007-06-11 17:04:13
answer #7
answered by moon dragon 3
Best way to react is to try and move out of the way of the shot, if you are unable to move try getting your arms/fists up in a position that will blcok the person from getting the punch through to yoru face or head.
2007-06-15 11:25:18
answer #8
answered by Chris 6
Train.....Train.....train..... Then you will learn not to get into that situation. Sometimes you can't avoid the situation that would require awareness..... find someone who can teach you Chi..... then avoid confrontations for 5-10 years until you can expand and sense the attack before you 'see it'.
Heck just avoid the situation entirely and if there is confrontation don't get close. Remember confrontation takes 2.
2007-06-13 12:57:35
answer #9
answered by hulk50138 2
That would depend on the situation.
If they have a weapon/lots of friends to back him up and you are alone, the best way to react is to get the hell out of there.
If they don't have weapons or if you have an even number of friends to back you up, then it comes to how you want to handle things.
If your opponent already punched you, and you choose to retaliate, it comes down to what your training, muscle reflexe, and instinct dictates.
Some people like to stand and trade strikes, some rather take you down.
To be ready for either one I'd suggest learning striking, and grappling.
recommendations for striking: muay thai, kickboxing, kyokushen, shidokan karate, san shou.
recommendations for grappling: judo, jiu-jitsu (or bjj), sambo, wrestling.
good luck!
2007-06-11 13:30:25
answer #10
answered by Frank the tank 7